Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: War for Cybertron

39 valoraciones
Characters and Weapons: Single Player
Por Nepechri
This basic guide is my personal opinion on the weapons and characters of Transformers: War fo Cybertron single player. This is meant to help people choose the right characters and weapons in single player.
Decepticon Campaign: Characters
This is a page that has a few recomendations, If you do not like these or it is not your playing style, ignore them and post comments if you have any issues or problems. If you need more info on the weapons I am describing, go to the Weapons page on this guide. Thank you for reading.

Megatron- one of the best characters in my opinion. His fusion cannon is very powerful and one the best weapons in the game. However, it always stays with him, leaving only one slot open for another weapon(I almost always give him a scatter blaster or an EMP shotgun). He is very powerful, and can easily be used to beat any of his featured levels. However, if chosen, you must find ammo boxes frequently- his fusion cannon only has 20 shots.

Starscream- Awesome character. He comes equiped with two weapons off the bat- a null ray and a scatter blaster. These make for a very deadly combonation in the game. In my opinion, he already has two of the best weapons. Must have for any new player playing level two in the Decepticon Campaign. However, I wish he was it the last level of the Decepticon Campaign( why on earth is Breakdown playable in 3 levels and Starscream is only playable in one?)

Soundwave- Soundwave is playable in three levels of the story and is the Decepticon that most appears besides Megatron. He comes equipped with a Neutron Assualt Rifle(NAR) and a Energon Repair Ray(ERR). If you choose him, ditch the Energon Repair Ray- it is useless in single player. I just wish you could use his cassetacons( Rumble, Frenzy, and Lazerbeak). That would be awesome!

Breakdown- Fine character. Weaponwise, he comes with a scatter blaster, one of the best weapons in the game. I always keep the scatter blaster, but if it is not your style you can change it. I usally add an automatic weapon such as neutron assault rifle or a photon burst rifle to even it out.Very playable in all three levels he come in, with a great personality. He is the fastest of the three characters in the last three levels he comes in.

Brawl- Awesome character. He is only playable in one level the first. He appears in the third, but that is about it. I wish he appeared more often than he does. He comes with a NAR and has a tank gun in his alt-mode, a powerful weapon. However, it has only 10 shots of ammo and can only fire one shot before reloading. I always equip him with and EMP shotgun to go along with the NAR. This combo is one of the best in game.
Thundercracker- favorite playable Decepticon(characterwise). He only appears once, in the second level. Since his class is scientist, he comes with a NAR and a ERR. I ditch the ERR as soon as a new weapon appears, and replace that weapon with a null ray about 2/5 of the way through the level. He is not as easy to play with as is Starscream, but is still a decent one.

Skywarp- Least favorite of the three seekers. He has a decent weapon, the scatter blaster, but he is not quite as fun to play with in the level. He is essentialy the same as Starscream if you keep the scatter blaster and you pick up he null ray, so if you play as him, you should pick a different weapon because of this-unless you are fine with having the same weapons.

Barricade- One of my least favorite Deceptions. Great for trigger-happy palyers who are learning to play the on the first level, since his NAR and his Assault Rifle on his alt-mode provide lots of ammo. One of the easiet to use on the first level. Recomended for new players who can't keep their finger off the trigger.

So, for new players, I would recomend this list for the levels
1. Megatron(or Barricade for trigger-happy people)
5.Any will work
Autobot Campaign: Characters
Optimus Prime- herioc leader of the Autobots. He is a decent character. He has a very powerful Ion Blaster, a machine gun with fairly decent firepower but that cannot be replaced. For new players, I would recomend him- any weapon goes well with Optimus. He is good in any level he comes in.
Bumblebee- this scout is a young but important character in the campaign. He is playable in three of the five episodes. He is fast, and he comes with an energon battle pistol. This weapon is decent- great at close range and at sniping, too. Any weapon goes well with him except the shotguns( see weapons page) in my opinion but otherwise is great for beginers.
Ironhide-- My favorite character in any Transfromers continuity( look at the title picture- that is him in the G1 1980's cartoon) but I do not want to be biased when I am suggesting using him, even though I almost play as him every time. He comes with a scatter blaster, on of the best weapons in the game. Even un-biased I think he is better than Warpath because his vehicle mode rocket has more ammo than Warpath's tank gun,and it has more shots before you have to reload it. He is very playable in the levels he comes.
Warpath- brash, young and trigger-happy tank. Fun to play as for beginers, but his tank gun's reloading speed and ammo is worse than Optimus and Ironhide's rockets. He comes with a NAR, which easily goes with any other weapon. I would not recomend him over him over the other two in the third level, but he is still a fine character.

Ratchet- the valiant Autobot medic. Playable in the first level of the Autobot Campaign. Comes with NAR and ERR. Ditch the ERR ASAP because it is futile in single player to have. A scatter blaster or a energon battle pistol is what I would recomend to go with the NAR. A great character to start with as a beginer.

Jetfire- the Arielbot Scientist. He comes in the 4th level with Air Raid and Silverbolt. He comes with a NAR and a ERR. Like all ERRs, ditch it fast. Take another weapon quickly- take the first Scrapmaker you see(see weapons page). You can leave or replace the NAR as you please.

Air Raid- Arielbot. Comes with a scatter blaster. This weapon is fine- it can be used with almost any other weapon. I would recomend for new players that they get a Scrapmaker, a Null Ray, or a photon burst rifle to go with, though anything else is really fine in the course of the game. I usally choose him because of his cloaking ability when I play. Due to cloaking, for Advanced players I would recomend him.

Silverbolt- leader of the Arielbots. He comes with a photon burst rifle, a sniper rifle with automatic bursts a very good weapon to start with. I usally keep this a give a scrapmaker to him, evening power with sights. For new players, I would recomend him over the other two for this.

Sideswipe- One of Optimus Prime's troops. He is supposed to come with a NAR in level 2, but due to the storyline, their weapons are taken and so they have to pick up weapons. Due to this, you can choose any you would like to use. It is up to you.

So, here are the characters I would suggest using to the new player:
1. Optimus
2. Any will work( I personaly like Sideswipe for this level)
3. Ironhide
4. Silverbolt
5.Optimus Prime
Neutron Assault Rifle- most used weapon in the game at the begining of each level. It has decent ammo capacity and has a lot of shots before it has to reload. Each shot does not have a lot of power, but it is automatic and can take enemies down in a few shots(on easy-on hard it is a lot more difficult). Good for people who want to take down enemies quikly without having to snipe them. Pictured below.
Scatter Blaster- fully automatic shotgun. It is the 2nd most common weapon. It has decent ammo for a shotgun, and awesome firepower at close range. It can do much damage to enemies when you are close enough. I would recomend it to people who like decent damage at close range but that still has good amount of ammo.
Energon Battle Pistol- a very good early game weapon. On the easiest level, it could be considered one of the best weapons. Plenty of ammo for it's rate of fire, a good rate of fire, it can take reguar enemies down in one or two hits in easy mode. It can make great headshots, which take down the enemy in one shot. Overall fanastic weapon.
EMP Shotgun- very powerful short range shotgun. While it does have low ammo and have only two shots before you have to reload, it is very powerful and is almost sure to kill an enemy at close range in one shot(on easy-on medium/hard, it takes about two). Very good for experienced players, but a bad choice for trigger happy players.
Null Ray- Very powerful sniper rifle. While it does have low ammo, it can be a very useful weapon for taking out enemies at a far distance. It is useless to use without a scope- without it, it is almost impossible to hit with. With an experienced player and a good spot on the battlefield, it can become the best weapon in the game. Shot through scope shown below.
Photon Burst Rifle- Closest between a short range combat rifle and a long range sniper rifle you can get. It can be deadly at close range while still being able to pick off enemies before they can hit you. It has plenty of ammo and also comes with a three round burst. One of the best weapons in the game. It usally comes in around mid-game.
Plasma Cannon- Cannon that fires charges of energy. It can fire shots of 25(number of ammo that is consumed on each shot), 50 and 100. The longer you wait, the more powerful it is. However, it is the slowest weapon in the game, so only skilled players can use it well.Pictured below.
Magma Frag Launcher- Sticky grenade launcher. Launches grenades which you can explode with the Right Mouse Button. It is very hard to aim with, though, and has bad accuracy. It works well in single player, but is not the best choice for a weapon overall.
X12 Scrapmaker- Full Auto late game Mini-Gun. Very powerful, just takes a bit of time to load up to its maximum fire rate. Very useable weapon if you are a spray and pray kind of player. However, it even works with those who don't do that style. Once you get the hang of it, it totally 'scraps' your enemies!(Ba-dum-ching!)
Thermo Rocket Launcher- A rocket launcher. Not my favorite, but it has a cool feature: it locks on to moving vehicles, making them easier to hit, but while I do not personaly prefer them, but it is a decent weapon nonetheless.
Fusion Cannon- Very powerful cannon only held by Megatron in single player. VERY powerful. It only has 20 shots, though, before you have to replenish your ammo, so it is a good idea to use it well. In the hands of a seasoned player, it can be unstoppable.
Ion Blaster- Weapon weilded by Optimus Prime. It is an Automatic machine gun with good ammo. It is essentialy the same as the X12 Scrapmaker except that itis available before it and does not take time to get up to full speed. Can be very useful and is great for even beginners.
8 comentarios
Wildwolf22 26 JUN 2016 a las 8:04 a. m. 
i see
Sattellight 12 NOV 2015 a las 4:45 a. m. 
I kinda find the Energon Repair Ray usable, however. Since all characters equipped with it have can spawn a Sentry, the Repair Ray can be used to prolong the Sentry's life. Even if it doesn't absorb hits it gradually loses health, which the Energon Repair Ray complements as long as it has enough ammo for the job. It can damage enemies too but not as effective as others. The Repair Ray requires a short distance to hit targets, but you can just rush in with your melee anyway. But yeah, it was your opinion to ditch it. For the why-Breakdown-when-it-could've-been-someone-else thing, probably because after War for Cybertron is Rise of the Dark Spark, Fall of Cybertron, Transformers: Prime, then Transformers:Robots in Disguise, story wise. I'm just pissed why Hasbro put the War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron and Rise of the Dark Spark stories aligned with TF: Prime and RID when it should be the G1 continuity as the character designs are based on the G1 continuity itself.
Nepechri  [autor] 31 OCT 2015 a las 1:38 p. m. 
Yeah I inserted my opinion in there a couple of times. It makes sense gameplay wise but not really the ideal situation. Go Ironhide!
Sattellight 30 OCT 2015 a las 9:48 p. m. 
A good guide overall.

"Why on earth is Breakdown is playable in 3 levels and Starscream is only playable in one?"

Probably because to "even" things out. As you notice, a mission contains 3 characters who are all land-based or air-based. Having a mission with one land-based and 2 air-based and vice versa will give the air-based character/s an advantage over the land-based ones, as you may notice on Escalation where some players try to get the air-based characters first before other players do, as the Vehicle Mode gives them a height advantage and has 2 weapon types at their disposal.

Yeah, I agree why Breakdown was there. It could've been someone else, but I can't think of who to replace as we can't put Brawl there as he appears later on.

But as I said, good guide.
Apollygon 3 SEP 2015 a las 6:52 a. m. 
well i want to know' how to get zeta prime
Nepechri  [autor] 3 JUN 2014 a las 6:40 p. m. 
maybe another day
Snailpilled Michael 30 MAY 2014 a las 4:58 a. m. 
Very good guide although i think you should include their powers aswell
seeseee 7 MAY 2014 a las 10:04 p. m. 
thanks bro