Me after getting the R1 achievement
aubrey 14 Dec, 2020 @ 3:37am 
this entire thread be like:
Jigmac  [author] 17 Sep, 2019 @ 12:53pm 
soo he sends his friends to harass me? lovely chap isn't he?
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 17 Sep, 2019 @ 12:48pm 
Why you deleting my opinion on calling your artwork trash? it is. So oversensitive. I see Steve was right. Goddamn.
Jigmac  [author] 2 Feb, 2019 @ 7:17am 
"group is a joke"

"has a link to a steam profile"
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 2 Feb, 2019 @ 7:16am 
Everyone Who Hate's Hero's Shadey was created by Hero's Shadey and her best friend, Rain as a meme. They invited me there because they enjoyed my friend ship. The group is a joke. If you check the members you'll see Hero's Shadey comments there in a joking manner frequently and is a head admin of the fucking group.
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 2 Feb, 2019 @ 7:14am 
I thought that request was already fufilled when you resorted to getting one of your friends to randomly add me (didnt think i wouldn't notice that one huh?) and when asked why he added me, he made up some weird random bullshit and quickly removed me (presumably to get a screenshot of my hours by your request)

If that wasnt your friend too bad. Why are my hours important to you? its 780 or something, nearing 800.

My point towards that comment was if you spend all that time gaming, especially in dead by daylight, you should atleaast have some understand how the game works and not cry for one side to have all the advantage and the other to just be mindless entertainment. Apparently not!
Jigmac  [author] 2 Feb, 2019 @ 7:11am 
if you will actually show your hours, then make your profile public instead of private and let me see that for myself. (and im gonna say this since you love to be a good piece of shit : Images won't count as evidence)

(and speaking of evidence, the images and threads you posted don't say that i FULLY WANT for survivors to be underpowered and killers to be overpowered, but ofc too much cum in the ears...)

Also lets talk abit about the groups you joined

You joined a group that sole purpose is to harass and witchhunt 1 steam user, mind explaining that one?

(ofc the group im talking about is "Everyone who hates Hero Shadey")
Jigmac  [author] 2 Feb, 2019 @ 7:11am 
While looking at the comment, i stumbled upon a request you yet have to show :
How many hours you have in DBD?

In those comments you kept on calling me that im insecure about my skill and "Stevey The Ex-Eevee 9 Dec, 2018 @ 12:22pm
1,210 hours in DBD and still feels the need to cry for 100% killer buffs and survivor nerfs because he's so bad at the game. How do you even get in that position in life? I mean, you must spend your whole day gaming considering your hours in warframe and DbD and you didnt learn anything? goddamn."

And im wondering the fuck does warframe have to do with DBD.

(inb4 obligatory "You just don't have a life" comment)
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 2 Feb, 2019 @ 7:04am 
So where is the evidence that i said killers HAVE to follow imaginary rules and what the imaginary rules are?
Jigmac  [author] 2 Feb, 2019 @ 7:01am 
hmm u didn't delete them, wich it amazes me