Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

112 人が評価
Scarborough Centre Station
6.108 MB
2018年8月4日 12時07分
2020年3月30日 15時11分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Scarborough Centre Station

JSF-1 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Toronto Collection
176 アイテム
Scarborough Centre Station is a metro station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. The station opened in 1985 on the Scarborough RT (now Line 3). The station has connections to a large bus terminal for both local and intercity buses. It also connects to the Scarborough Town Centre shopping mall and the Scarborough Civic Centre. The station is set to be closed and demolished sometime in the coming decade, being replaced by an extension of Line 2.

> Removed M.O.M dependency

Cost to Build: $30,000
Upkeep: $240
Size: 16x4
7 件のコメント
Lordwarblade 2月13日 20時30分 
I can place this fine and it looks fine, but for me it won't work as an end station, just a through-station. Still very nice and useful though.
98ColdDew 2020年8月26日 7時41分 
@JSF-1 Hi, can you replace the roof, which looks burnt? Thank you!
user666 2020年5月15日 12時02分 
Yes, I've got the Fine Road Anarchy mod and other similar mods long before subscribing this one. Hence there's something else behind this persistent problem.
JSF-1  [作成者] 2020年5月13日 15時23分 
@user666 Do you have the "Road Anarchy" mod? It will work as long as you have that.
user666 2020年5月13日 14時27分 
Subscribed because the building is a bit similar to the Kalasatama metro station in Helsinki, it's elevated and located inside a shopping center. However, I tried to place the station in vain. The building demands a road, but once it's next to one, it keeps claiming the space is occupied. Strange. No way to figure out what's wrong. Any tips to use the asset successfully?
XXXTensionCord 2018年11月8日 15時23分 
Could you make the line 4 lrt's by any chance?
Aminushki 2018年8月6日 13時55分 
If only this had the bus terminal type roads like ur main street station