Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

420 평점
DLC Idea: The Evil Dwight
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A DLC idea I had for a new killer, Entity Dwight. I think this killer would be a great addition to the game and will offer more variety to the player and is very well balanced. Please rate 5 stars if you think its good.
즐겨찾기 해제
Dwight Fairfeild was a nervous leader, but one day when camping the hatch hiding from the killer in a locker, the entity spoke to dwight and made him evil. He then became an evil killer boi who wanted to stop others from getting into HIS closets.
Entity Dwight has a cool new ability that is very useful for finding survivors. Dwight has the ability to hide into a closet where his terror radius is decreased to 0 and all survivors auras are revealed to him within a 8 meter range. He can then bust out of the locker and spook and stop survivors.

Weapon: Closet Door (long range, short lunge)
Terror Radius: 24 m (moderately decreased)
Move Speed: 115% (normal)
Alt Move speed: 125% (for a few seconds after jumping out of a locker)
Voice Actor: Dwight
Dwight is a fair and balanced killer with some good fair and balanced perks that can bring a lot of fun for the killers and will spook the survivors

Locker Protector: You don't want intruders inside your lockers. Survivors who have recently entered or left a locker in the past 3/4/5 seconds have their auras revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds within a 12/24/36 meter range. This can only occur once every 45/30/15 seconds.
"You cannot hide from me." ~ Dwight

Locker Searcher: You don't want intruders inside your lockers. You search lockers 30%/50%/70% faster. When you find a survivor in a locker, you gain a 12%/15%/18% Speed Bonus for 4/5/6 seconds.
"You better not be in MY lockers." ~ Dwight

Locker Sealer: You don't want intruders inside your lockers. After searching a locker, you lock that locker for 30/45/60 seconds and survivors cant hide inside, if they try they will make a loud noise, revealing their location to you. This effect can only apply to 2/4/6 lockers at a time.
"No one hides in MY lockers." ~ Dwight

These perks make dwight a very powerful killer as he is able to find people very well with his unique 3 perks. Each perk provides a brand new experance and equiping all 3 will be like equiping 10 perks, that is how powerful it is.
His ability to hide in lockers is very useful, and can become stronger with the use of addons.

Oiled Doors (Common): You get inside lockers slightly faster. Stacks.

Better Windows (Common): You can see auras of survivors 2 extra meters away. Stacks.

Hatch Camping Strat (Uncommon): When within 8 meters of range of the hatch, you get inside lockers moderately faster and get out of them moderately faster. If not in 8 meters of range of the hatch, you get in and out of lockers slightly slower.

Camera (Uncommon): You place a camera outside the locker door. You can see auras of survivors 4 extra meters away.

Suprise Effect (Rare): When within 8 meters of range of a survivor, you get out of lockers considerably faster. You get inside lockers moderately slower when within 8 meters of range of a survivor.

Drug Locker (Rare): When inside a locker, when you get out you gain a 4% speed bonus for 5 seconds. You get out of lockers slightly faster.

Spooked (Very Rare): Sometimes when in a locker and near a survivor a distant heart beat will play to get them into a locker. If you jump out a locker while this is playing you do so considerably faster.

Sense (Very Rare): You know what is around your locker. You can see the auras of survivors an extra 6 meters away. The aura of survivors remains visable for an additional 1.5 seconds after getting out a locker.

Rage Mode (Ultra Rare): Grants the ability to rage jump out of a locker. Rage jumping out a locker will break both doors, rendering the locker useless. During rage mode, you jump out of the locker TREMENDOUSLY faster and gain a 5% speed bonus for 7 seconds. The cooldown of missed attacks is also slightly reduced. The time it takes to get inside a locker is moderately increased.

Jumpscare Effect (Ultra Rare): When jumping out a locker, for 7 seconds, any damage done will put the survivor into the dying state. You get out of lockers slightly faster. You get inside lockers moderatly slower.
Dwight moris his survivor by repeatedly slamming the locker door on their face until they die.

If near a locker the dwight will slam the locker doors at the survivors face. When ever the locker is opened again the dead body falls out and causes the survivor to scream.
NEW Survivor: Joey
Joey was Dwights best friend. But Joey abandoned dwight inthe forest for being a mega p*ssy. Now Joey must survive against the Evil Dwight.
Joey's Perks
Joey is a good hider, just like his old friend dwight.

Locker Ninja: You hide in locker 20%/30%/40% faster. Noises made by the locker doors and you when inside a locker are reduced by 30%/60%/90%. Tier III Only: Your aura cant be read by the killer when in a locker.

Locker Sprint: When in a locker and you sprint out when the killer is within 12/16/16 meters of range will grant you a 15%/15%/15% speed bonus for 3/5/7 seconds

Locker Care: When inside a locker, you can heal if you have a medkit or selfcare. In lockers you heal 50%/40%/30% slower. You recover from status effects 10%/20%/30% faster in lockers. If you leave the locker, any progress on the heal will be reset.

These perks can make Joey a deadly machine if hiding in a locker. Able to quickly heal without being seen and not making noise. These perks are very useful and can be used in almost any situation.

New Item: Lock
a new item will be in this DLC, a lock which can be used to lock certain thngs. Here are things you can do:
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock the hatch to troll your teammates
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can place the lock on a hook so it takes the killer more time to hook a survivor.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock your nose so you can sufficate and die.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can eat it to recover from the injured state
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
  • You can lock a locker so it takes the killer more time to open.
It has 5 charges. Locking a locker uses 1 charge. Locking a hatch uses 3 charges. Eating it uses all charges.
Thank you for reading this guide. I think it would be a very cool idea and a nice DLC that this game really needs.

Please rate 5 stars so the develepers can see this and add it into the game.
I pupdated this guide on 8/31/18.
I buffed Evil Dwights addons and both Dwights and Joeys perks. This should make them a bit more usable and less underpowered.

On 9/4/18 i pupdated this guide again. I buffed Dwights perks and Locker Care. Now they are better.

heckin why did i update this in december 2020, 3 years later? I DUNT KNOWW

Thank you for making this guide 5 star and a very popular.

Smash like and favorYEET this guide.
댓글 101
eswrfa 2024년 9월 27일 오후 5시 02분 
his addon can destroy lockers, rendering his power and perks useless
Fantazilite 2024년 8월 7일 오전 4시 30분 
is nice
REVENGECHICKEN:3c 2024년 4월 7일 오전 2시 24분 
is nice
worldsbiggestnoob 2023년 3월 7일 오후 4시 34분 
how the dread became well the dread
Jasper 2022년 6월 4일 오전 9시 32분 
not even a thank you from the dbd team wowww
blob  [작성자] 2022년 6월 3일 오후 8시 13분 
it isnt funny, its disrespectful and im going to sue them for not giving me the credit i deserve!!!
-\/G- TurtlePug 2022년 6월 3일 오후 7시 20분 
I still find it funny that they are STILL stealing ideas from this guide
blob  [작성자] 2021년 7월 13일 오후 6시 16분 
#1 highest rated meme "guide" killer idea.
ive achieved gaming
DaddyMouse 2021년 7월 13일 오후 6시 15분 
After over 3 years, I am for some reason still subscribed to this thread, and I get notified for every new comment. I am not changing that, Evil Dwight is that part of DBD history that has to stay in our hearts and memories.
blob  [작성자] 2021년 7월 13일 오전 10시 10분 
ah yes, evil dwight
2018 shitpost i put too much work in