Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

65 평점
*Advanced* The Gorge No Silver Linings Achievement Run
ak3120 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
This is an ADVANCED guide. This guide will not go over basic mechanics as it assumes the players already have an understanding of The Gorge before going into this.

You WILL need 3 players all collaborating and doing their respective roles. Time will not be on your side and mistakes will be extremely costly, most likely resulting in you having to restart the match entirely.

Why should I bother?
You will get the silver lining achievement. On top of all of this, you will also get several achievements for large quantities of cravings satisfied for the gnaw. You will also most likely get a few recipe unlocks for foods you have not used previously (unless you have fooled around cooking in other instances before). This will net you a lot of exp and therefore, chests!

Let's get started, you masochists.
즐겨찾기 해제
Playstyle and Roles
For this run, the 3 regular roles (Chef, Gatherer, Farmer) will be used and reccomended. However, all 3 roles will have a significantly higher amount of things to do/look after.

Because silver will not be useable for this run, you only will be able to progress down the intermediate/advanced food line with desserts. Every time you see a craving for a dessert, you should either be getting one Sapphire (for the gate), one red mark (for higher quality foods), or one favor (to acquire the fully charged key). Also due to the fact that silver is not permitted this run, any Sapphire acquired after the one used to open the gate is useless. Another important thing to keep track of is any resource you will need to gain more red marks (more on that later in the chef role). Since you cannot silver platter your desserts, you will not get red marks and favors in the same dish, only one or the other.

Below are the roles in order of difficulty:

(Difficulty: Hard)
How good the chef of the group is will determine whether or not you actually succeed in the run, so put your least braindead player in this role. You will need to be buying things in the early stages (daddy said you can max his credit card as long as you're a good boy/girl/spider), managing cooking, and coordinating what is needed and not needed with the other two slightly more braindead members of the group. Be sure to be somewhat familiar with good filler items so that the Gnaw does not get hungry, and starts to autistically chomp like a brain damaged patient (more on that later).

I highly reccomend you get comfortable with most filler food, and pay special attention to desserts. Refer to this[] for every recipe in the game.

(Difficulty: Intermediate/Hard)
The farmer has most of his/her regular roles (poop smearer, dirt massager) from a regular run this time around, only now you will kind of also be the acting sous-chef. You will be crafting filler foods to make sure the Gnaw does not get impatient while the regular Chef is out and about away from the main area. You will also have to make sure you are stocked up at all times with an abundance of flour (3 at all times), tomato (at least 3 at all times once you get gate), garlic (at least 1 at all times once you get gate), and filler/specific vegetables.

Be sure to be familiar with the seed types:
Blue - Wheat
Fluffy - Potato
Pointy - Onion
Round - Parsnip
Oblong - Carrot
Spiky - Tomato
Seed Pod - Garlic

(Difficulty: Intermediate/Easy)
On top of the gatherer's regular duties, you will have to also keep watch on a resource crucial to the run's success: Tree Sap. Without monitoring it occasionally, your group will be about as successful as a paraplegic on a jetski. You will have to bounce back between wood cutting, manure farming (also known as butt munching), and sometimes even refining items and getting the key + safe. If the Chef asks you to do something, get on it ASAP, then resume doing what you were doing before. If you don't do what daddy Chef says, he WILL discipline you. He brought the belt.

Recommended Characters


+ : Good early game, even if you get shafted by RNGesus with bread on your second round you can still recover quickly and accumulate most important items fairly early on.

+ : You should be able to get everything you need earlier than Wilson.

+ : More money than god

+/- : You will have to buy almost everything for your group in the early stages to maximize the amount of coins you save up from this character.

+/- : Except for seeds. Unfortunately you do not get a discount on seeds. On the bright side, you can delegate seed buying to the Farmer.

- : Due to the nature of this run, you will accumulate a lot of coins over the long run. Your usefulness falls off later on in the game when every coin is about as worthless as a Zimbabwean trillion dollar note.

- : You do not have any perks to help speed up cooking.


+ : Good perk throughout the whole game. Since you will be opening (and depending on your luck, possibly relying on) a cooking pot for the rest of the game. On top of this, you will want to have this for converting sap into syrup.

+/- : You won't have the same buying power as Wes, so you won't have access to the same openers/buying options early on, but then again, you can delegate to the Farmer/Gatherer for your daily grocery shopping needs while you cook.

- : You won't have the same amount of things as a Wes early on, so you will have to improvise with what you can make as filler/coin making foods.

- : You have to be near the Cookpot to utilize the perk, so having others do your cooking for you may actually be detrimental.

- : "i hav no monies i am poor pls send help" - this could be you.



+ : Very good gathering rate on both vegetables and spotted ferns.

- : A bit of a one trick pony. Better than Winona if your Chef has you mostly just farming, worse if he/she is a lazy sack of ♥♥♥♥ person that likes to multitask.


+ : If your Chef has you refining, buying, and doing more things that have that time consuming hand animation other than farming, Winona will be a better pick.

- : If your Chef only has you farming, you're better off with Webber.



+ : You chop wood really fast. Good thing to have since you will be needing a LOT of wood in this run (lots of fertilizer for the farmer, and wood for the Chef. You will see more meals snackrificed to that gaping hole in the sky than all your prior runs combined).

+ : Less time spent cutting wood also leaves more time for running errands for Rat Chef, again you're trying to avoid the wrath of an angry cooking Rato.

- : You run a lot slower than WX-78. A bit of a detriment when it comes to salt and sap tapping.


+ : You run fast. You are going to be running a lot. Probably useful.

+ : If you are running errands for Monsieur Gusteau, you can get there much faster. Hopefully, that means you won't get eaten. (Unless you're into that... not judging.)

+/- : Wood cutting will be slower. You will have to balance what you do but ultimately you can relocate faster and do more stuff.
Taking Proper Care of your Hoover Vac
This run will take time. A lot of it. If you stand any chance of completing it, you will need to keep an eye out for how your friendly neighborhood food gobbler is feeling. He only has 3 feelings, don't judge him.

Less Hungry
This is the stage your pet devourer of worlds will start with. Time will drain at a relatively slow pace and you can carry on doing whatever it is preparing for the next meal you will inevitably have to give to this sustenance slurper

at this point food hole is feeling a bit peckish. He will try to encourage you with a slightly faster time drain. If your hungery fly boy has reached this stage, you should bring him something relatively soon.

Now you've done it, you've let it get to this stage. Feed him something to satisfy his cravings or suffer having to run around the Gorge like your ass is on fire.

Be sure to feed him what he is CRAVING. Our not-so-black hole is a picky little guy. If you end up feeding him with a type of food he isn't craving, he will still remain in his current stage, without a reset going back to stage 1. Not only will he not reset his stage, he will also take off a flat amount of time for giving him the wrong thing. So unless you have literally nothing to feed him with but that last little morsel you dug up, don't even bother.
Chef Early/Mid/Late Stages
Just a reminder that if the Sky Vaccuum is upset and you are nowhere near enough to quench its hunger, ask your Farmer/Gatherer Compatriots to help out. Just don't forget to tell them the ingredients AND type of cooking utensil unless starting over is your favorite hobby.

Also, if you don't know already: If you have a large variation of any of the cooking utensils, be it a Large Grill, or Large Cookpot/Casserole Dish, they serve the same purpose a small one. If you have a recipe that only calls for 3 ingredients, just leave the 4th slot empty and it'll cook it all the same.

Early Stage (Start - 1st Sapphire for Gate)
Round 1
- Start by gathering 1 Fern from the gate, 2 of the closest stone near Billy's area, and 1 berry. Go back to base and buy a Cookpot. Make Stone Soup (1 Stone 1 Foliage 1 Berry) and Snackrifice it immediatley.

Round 2
- If the Gnaw wishes for veggies, then you're in luck. Ask your Wood gatherer to get you those potatoes (3x) and some Rot (for your Farmer). While he is fetching you your ingredients, buy a salt rack and set it up. Cook up some Potato Soup (3 Potato in Cookpot) and Snackrifice when he starts to get riled up.

- If the Sky Snatch demands bread, buy an Oven and shed a manly tear for the Salt Rack. You'll have to hold off for now. Throw a tantrum Help your farmer get 6 Wheat for 3 Flour to make Bread (3 Flour in the Oven). This process should take up almost all of Gnaw's patience so ascend the bread into the abyss immediately.

Round 3
Our almighty connoisseur in the heavens may wish for different things at this point. Does he want...

- Meat? No problem. Buy a trap from Billy, go rabbit hunting (or delegate it to those who have nothing better to do) for one Meat Scrap. Pick 2 Ferns and make Meatballs (1 Meat Scrap 2 Foliage in Cookpot).

- Fish? Easy! Buy a fishing rod from Billy, Catch one, pick two Ferns, (Seeing a pattern here?) and make Fish Stew (1 Salmon 2 Foliage in the Cookpot).

- Soup? GREAT! Feed that idiot space mouth Almighty being the same thing we opened with! Grab the second stone, another Foliage, and either a vegetable or a Berry for Stone Soup (1 Stone 1 Foliage 1 Berry/Vegetable) once again.

At this point you should also have reunited yourself with that Salt Rack if it was unjustly taken away from you with an early Bread Craving.

Round 4
DESSERT! Go ahead and gather 3 berries for a Fistful of Jam (3 Berries in Oven). This should give you a Sapphire. Go ahead and open the gate, and let your teammates know you are doing so. Depending on how you've been doing/What Chef you chose, do some of the following:

- If your Gatherer friendo hasn't opened up a Sap collecting safe yet, buy the 3x Buckets IMMEDIATELY! Be sure to install them. You will need that stuff to be collecting while you buffer feed Gnaw food later on, as it is the only way for you to progress further.

- Buy 1-2 Tomato Seeds (Spiky Seed) and 1 Garlic Seed (Podded Seed) for your Farmer. If you don't have room, then make sure to save some cash so he can get it himself later.

- Got extra room? Collect 12 Spotted Ferns to improve your terrible culinary cuisine with Spices later on. If you don't, kindly ask farmer brown/lumberjack larry to collect them and turn them into spice ASAP.

- Plenty of coin to spare (save 2-3 for seeds first)? Buy a Large Grill. You'll need it later on. trust me.

Middle Stage (Opened Gate - 1st Red Mark)
At this point in the game, you should have a steady supply of veggies/flour/wood coming in from your brothers in culinary arms. Be sure to have a Syrup Cookpot (can be found in safes or bought from the Gate Merm Merchant) early on in this stage. You/your rag tag team should be collecting sap and making it into Syrup (3 Tree Sap in Syrup Cookpot in Cookpot) at this point in the game. You will need it very much so to progress further. Keep feeding our hungry hungry hippo filler ingredients, using up whatever you can. Try to make your farmer's life a little bit easier and use as little flour as possible. Unless you have the coin for more, then go nuts. Once you have gotten your next Dessert Craving, make one of the following:

- Candy (3 Syrup in Cookpot) Not reccomended since you should be saving that syrup for future desserts. Go down this route if you're lacking better Utensils, Flour, or both.

- Pudding (2 Flour 1 Syrup in Oven) If you had to buy bread early or want to get the oven now, this would be a good choice. This is identical to the recipe below it, just in the grill. So if you already have a Large Grill, see below.

- Waffles (2 Flour 1 Syrup in Grill) Go this route if you have gotten a Large grill already.

At this point in the game, you should have at LEAST 2 different food making firetops (both with large cooking containers). If not, get them all. If you can, try to get all 3.

Late Stage (1st Red Mark - Gate Key)
Once you have your Red Mark you have entered Late Stage. This stage is similar to Middle Stage, with a few small differences...

Keep feeding our resident big boy filler foods that satisfy his craving, but look out for these 3 Cravings:

If you get either Meat or Cheese as a craving, make sure you have both an Oven AND Large Casserole dish. BOTH ARE A MUST AT THIS POINT IF NOT SOONER! with this, and hopefully the ingredients you have saved up, you should be able to make Pizza (1 Meat Scrap 1 Flour 1 Goat Milk 1 Toma Root in the Oven). Snackrifice this to the Gnaw and you should receive 2 Red Marks. This step can be done after you feed him 1 dessert, just make sure to have 1 Milk saved up from the 3 you start with before this.

If you get Dessert as a craving, you have 4 options:

- Caramel Cube ( [2 Goat's Milk 1 Syrup] OR [2 Syrup 1 Goat's Milk] in the Cookpot) Good if you have excess of one or the other (usually Syrup).

- Scone (1 Berry 2 Flour 1 Goat's Milk in the Grill) If you are low/out of Syrup and have an abundance of flour, this will do the trick nicely.

- Trifle (1 Berry 2 Flour 1 Goat's Milk in the Oven) Same as a Scone, but if you ain't packing the Large Grill's heat yet.

- Cheesecake (2 Goat's Milk 1 Flour 1 Berry in the Oven) if somehow your Farmer just barely raked in a few bits of flour for the harvest, or you just had 2 Goat's milk lying around and really wanted to show off, this is the last alternative. Dessert.

Cook one of the 4 above and continue throwing in filler anywhere and everywhere else. Remember to time manage. Eventually once you have cooked the 4 above 3 times you can pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself with the title of master chief because you just completed one of the hardest achievements in the event. Congrats!

Farmer Early/Mid/Late Stages
If you have locked in Rolf as your hero, you have a few choices based upon what Cooking Mama picks:

Early Stage (Start - 1st Sapphire for Gate)
Round 1
- If food preparator man chooses Wes:
grab a hoe and get to tossing dirt. Put down 16 holes and grab 5 coins, buy 4 blue seeds (wheat) and 1 mixed bag. Plant as soon as possible with priority going to Chef Boyardee.

- If he chooses Wilson:
pet the ground with your metal stick 12 times, buy 3 seeds for some wheaties (blue) and 1 mixed bag for your sky guy's daily dose of greens. Again, listen to Gordon Ramsay first, the crops second.

- If he chooses something else:
Put down your tools and go on strike. The workers need to unite. Too long have we suffered under the reign of the Bourgoise. Glory to the Proletarait. Glory to the revolution.

Round 2
- If Pillsbury Gnaw Boy requests his vegetals, be sure to get the rot from your deforestation expert.

- If bread is demanded, definitley get rot from your outdoor harvester, start acquiring brown pudding from the floor. Fertilize 6 wheats for your 5 star restaurant (read: Wendy's) chef. Unless he isn't busy, you should also probably refine them.

Round 3
Chef should have his hands full this round. He may ask you to go hunting wabbits with a woven basket casket, or he may have you pick grass (Foliage near gate) from the floor if he especially hates you. Either way, if he requests none of the above be sure to continue finishing the growth of any crops. Only use fertilizer on a chef-needs-this-right-now basis.

Round 4
Dessert round. Fast Food Crusader should get access to the gate at this point. Depending on the situation, he may or may not have brought back Tomato and Garlic seeds. If he has not, you will have to get them yourself.

He may also ask you to gather spotted shrubs, kindly tell him to go ♥♥♥♥ himself oblige his request and refine them at your nearest convenience (make sure they don't go rotten or else you will have a very upset spaghett man on your dung covered hands).

Make sure either you or the deforestation device is checking the salt rack. Be sure to refine it and get a key ASAP. You might get lucky and acquire some free goodies without paying coin for them. Plus, the salt may be needed later to decrease the level of decay on the dish chef makes.

Middle Stage (Opened Gate - 1st Red Mark)
If all is well and you make it this far, you should have lots of flour and tomatoes/garlic on standby. If neither are any close to rotting and you have vegetables growing as well, be sure to harvest meat/fish. Do not kill it as to preserve its freshness. Rather, store it in the safe so that chef doesn't have to run back and forth and can focus simply on cooking. Continue checking your balance of ingredients and be ready to cook a dish on the go if Chef is diddling himself in the bush and your pet black hole gets the tummy rumblies. If you're not too good a chef yourself, ask the cook monkey what you need to make.

At this stage Wood Man should be consistently bringing the both of you sap. If you have the Sap Cookpot, and the regular cookpot is not in use, make sure to make Syrup (3 Tree Sap in Syrup Cookpot in Cookpot). If you have the spare coin, buy/ask Wes to buy a spare Cookpot for the sole purpose of making more Syrup. Chef will hate you less and maybe because of that he'll finally let you in on his crabby patty formula.

Late Stage (1st Red Mark - Gate Key)
If things are going swimmingly you should have a stockpile of everything. Keep tabs on Salt, Meat, and Fish. Also have a steady supply of Flour, Garlic, and Tomato and 1-2 filler veggies. As always be ready for Chef good for nothing to ask you to cook something. Keep at it and in no time your kitchen aid should finally get around to making the desserts that gift you with 3 rainbow poop nuggets. Then you can go home and celebrate with free lootcrates.
Gatherer Early/Mid/Late Stages
Early Stage (Start - 1st Sapphire for Gate)
Round 1
- Regardless of who you pick, start by going for the axe, and get to chopping a 20 stack of wood for Chef back at home.

Round 2
- If you hear a sigh of relief coming from the proximity of the cooking utensils, then chances are Gnaw isn't too picky and wants chef to get him some veggies. If this is the case, he will need you to bring him potatos near Pig King's snack shacks. Don't forget to bring the rotting plants for the filthy peasant that is tending to the crops as well. Once done, continue your deforestation efforts. Ideally you want a couple of 20 stacks for Chef, and 4-5 buckets of poop

- If RNGesus decided to take a ♥♥♥♥ on your team, you will get a bread round. Finish that initial 20 stack, grab just the rot from the potato farm, and get to chopping at least for 2 buckets of poop (bring 1 ASAP), and another 20 stack of wood later on.

Round 3
Somewhere around this point, Chef should acquire a salt rack. If not, begin questioning his meiserly methods and demand that he set one down for the good of the team. Continue gathering wood for fireplace burning and poop acquiring purposes. If Cameron the Cook or Rancher Rick ask you to do anything, try to get their request done first, as it usually means the wood and fecal wood can wait.

Round 4
Dessert round! At around this point the first salt chunk should have risen from the murky depths of Billy the goat's crab shack pond. If you're lucky, either Chef or Farmer Brown will be refining stuff at this point. If they get it, have them take it halfway to the pig king and plop it in the base. Take it the rest of the way to the pig king, make sure to clear your inventory, and purchase that key. Set off to open a chest. This time, you unironically want the sap kit safe to be the first one you get. If you're lucky, grab the sap buckets and syrup making cookpot back. You may as well leave the silver platters there. Not like you'll actually use those.

Starting from this point on, balance fulfilling the requests of the other two bozos alongside checking the gate area for collected sap to bring back. Make sure your group is stocked on buckets of poop, wood, and that the sap flows well. Also occasionally refining salt at this point for a lucky large container to cook in.

Middle Stage (Opened Gate - 1st Red Mark)
Starting from this point on, balance fulfilling the requests of the other two bozos alongside checking the gate area for collected sap to bring back. Make sure your group is stocked on buckets of poop, wood, and that the sap flows well. Also occasionally try to refine salt at this point for a lucky large container to cook in.

Again, keep on checking/ask the group to make sure everyone is stocked and happy. If time allows, help the Farmer hunt for Fish/Meat as well since they will usually be busy with their plants.

Late Stage (1st Red Mark - Gate Key)
Late stage will look very similar to middle stage, except now everyone should be so filthy rich that you can probably straight up buy any meat you want for coin. You'll still have to fish and do the other stuff you're suppossed to, but also try to bring back the 4th and 5th salt to base because at this point Chef's ingredients may or may not be the freshest.
If you use this guide as a baseline, and your chef understands how to crack a few eggs, this achievement should actually be extremely doable. Let us know down below if we helped, if you'd like to see anything specific, or if you want more info on a topic. Otherwise be sure to like, favorite, subscribe, and buy our merch as well. Special thanks goes out to the Steam Browser for freezing three times during the making of this guide. Thankfully, I played Getting Over it with Bennett Foddy so I was ok.
댓글 19
Wendystraite 2018년 7월 3일 오후 4시 42분 
well written guide, good job mate :penny:
Gbit  [작성자] 2018년 6월 29일 오후 12시 15분 
The stinky snarling sphincter in the sky is not to be trifled with.
very sketch 2018년 6월 29일 오전 9시 03분 
i'm impressed how you managed to find a different name for the abyss throughout the entirety of this guide.
Puzzle 2018년 6월 28일 오후 6시 17분 
Criminal 2018년 6월 27일 오전 7시 30분 
Nice guide. You really worked hard on it :csgoct:
黑子5965 2018년 6월 27일 오전 5시 25분 
israfil 2018년 6월 27일 오전 12시 26분 
It increases the bar by like 1-5%, forgot how much.
ak3120  [작성자] 2018년 6월 25일 오전 8시 10분 
I'm not certain myself. As far as I know, the only purpose salt serves is to freshen up a meal that has gone stale/spoiled by increasing the freshness by a certain amount per pinch of salt you apply.
IBSmilin 2018년 6월 25일 오전 6시 52분 
One quesiton, does using salt on meals slow down the Gnaw's hunger? I swear i've read somewhere that the devs said it slows it's craving stages down but i can't find it. Thanks
ihavenochanceanymore 2018년 6월 24일 오후 2시 57분 
Ищу себе личного дауна, который будет слушать и повиноватся.
Люблю доминировать над своим сексуальным партнёром.