ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Luomukset (31)
Ark Advance Supply Drops
Tekijä: SPEZZ
Tired of the cheap, waste of time droips try NEW AND IMPROVED Ark Advance Supply Drops! Drop Runs will be worth the time to get them. Include Remapped Reg Drops Cave Drops and new Sea/Ocean Drops...
Tekijä: dubCUT
Bridges CONTENT Three Wooden Bridge Structures with Railings Two Stone Bridge Structures with Railings Two Metal Bridge Structures with Railings FEATURES All can be resized and rotated anytime in the Game via their radial menu Choose between Minor/Major Ad...
Bulk Crafters
Tekijä: YMD
Craft everything in bulk and speed. Has Jerky crafting, Dry cooking, smart storage, Auto feeding Babies, Bed stacking, Auto Torches and other special great features! ★ Compatible with Scorched Earth. Bulk Trough auto feeds baby wyverns with milk. Stores mi...
Castles, Keeps, and Forts (Legacy) For new version go to Castles Keeps and Forts Remastered. This version still works
Tekijä: ExileAcid
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is the original "Legacy" Version of Castles Keeps and Forts, The entire mod has now been remade and remastered from the ground up for a much better experience Future CKF content w...
Tekijä: [FR] Staiff
various decorative item from Castle & dongeon you will find: Statues (armored & stone) Dungeon items (Iron maiden, electric chair, etc. ...) the sword in the stone (excalibur) King Arthur's round table, throne & knights armchair. Very useful with medieval ...
Classic Flyers
Tekijä: Ertosi
Brings back the classic flyers we've all known and love! This mod gives vanilla flyer species back all of their pre-nerf'd stats. Yes, that means they can level speed again. Mod Id: 895711211 restores winged dinos to pre-nerf glory a beacon of hope for tho...
Dino Storage [Outdated]
Tekijä: Lethal
MOD ID: 1341173952 This Mod is Clean and Stackable. This Mod Has Moved Here! This Mod Will Remain In The Workshop! This mod used to be a shell used for recover...
eco's Garden Decor
Tekijä: eco
MOD ID: 880871931 Craft fountains, topiary, indoor/outdoor lighting, fences, and planters for your garden! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of m...
eco's RP Decor
Tekijä: eco
MOD ID: 741203089 Craft decorative furniture and tons of other items for your RP (Role Play) servers! 100% Stackable Mod All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it will return the exact amount of material...
eco's Shoppe Decor
Tekijä: eco
MOD ID: 902548451 Create wonderful decorations for the interior and exterior of your RP shoppes! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of materials u...
eco's Terrariums
Tekijä: eco
MOD ID: 880887081 Craft animated Terrariums, Aquariums, and Habitats to decorate your amazing base! 100% Stackable Mod All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it will return the exact amount of materials ...
eco Trees
Tekijä: eco
MOD ID: 670764308 Craft and plant trees, rocks, bushes, and more to create your own garden paradise! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of materia...
Egg N Poop Collector / Incubator
Tekijä: YMD
Collector auto collects eggs, fertilized eggs, and poop from ground / behind walls within a large radius across your base. ★ Incubator will incubate faster and keep all nearby fert eggs healthy. ★ Silo will send collected poop into friendly compost bins in...
Fisters All Fog Remover
Tekijä: Mistrfister
Do you hate dense fog? Do you hate that you cannot remove said dense fog? Do you wish your fog remover worked on maps like Ragnarok? WELL WISH NO MORE! This will remove all fog on your map as long as it is activated! This will work serverwide, as long as s...
Tekijä: Ivam
Creative version of this mod is now an open project. Feel free to collaborate. Add a new set of Metal with Glass structures The structures have the same durability than the metal ones, but with less cost of meta...
Echo's Stacking Storage v2.2.3
Tekijä: Echo
Ever have one of those moments where you place a storage box only to find that it's slightly turned and not flush with the wall, throwing off your meticulously designed space? Does that make you swear at your monitor? Me too. Hence this mod. This mod will ...
Kibble Table
Tekijä: DizZzy
A Unique Table Used To Exchange Metal Ore For Kibble & Taming Items Like Bug Repellant And Deathworm Horns! Fully Stackable Inspired By Clipz's Kibble Vending Machine! Credit For Help: Mezzo & eNc | ExileAcid Biggest Credit to Leutian Kane for the rebuild....
Many New Items
Tekijä: milokamilo
MANY NEW ITEMS - WITH DINO-ARMORS NEW GUNS AND STRUCTURES (With stackable, sticky dung-balls to throw;}) New items for classic servers + 'medieval' and '16th century' tech expansion-sets for primitives! (MOD id=511168000) ; The path for advanced summoning ...
Tekijä: dubCUT
Medieval Props
Tekijä: Alley_Killa
Medieval Props is designed to bring over 100 different props for your medieval/primtiive themed servers. This brings 110 different items from storage cubpoards, to beds, to docks pieces, and boats. This includes everything from my Medieval Structures mod (...
Medieval Structures
Tekijä: Alley_Killa
This mod adds over 200 items from the medieval era. A full set of plaster, stone, and woods tiers. As well as items to place around that add visual appeal. New storage items, a set of new weapons, and lamps. These pieces are designed to fit into multiple g...
Medieval Structures 2
Tekijä: Alley_Killa
No Longer Maintained This mod adds over 100 structure pieces from the medieval era. A full set of adobe, aged plaster, plaster, stone, and woods tiers. This mod brings all the sturcture pieces from my Medieval Structures mod without all the extra items. Du...
Progressive Tranqs with Auto Narcotics
Tekijä: Temil2006
Adds a couple of new items to help with progressive taming without being overly powerful. CURRENT FEATURES / NEW ITEMS : -- Adds Yellow Tranq Arrow : This is equal to x15 reqular tranq arrows, and costs similar amounts of material to craft them. so it will...
Reusable Plus
Tekijä: 123
Reusable Plus is a modification for ARK Survival Evolved that adds a version of many existing items that can be used over and over again. Reusable items include: * Reusable Bola * Reusable Flare Gun * Reusable Grappling Hook * Reusable Parachute * Reusable...
Structures Plus (S+)
Tekijä: orionsun
Building Features: - Stackable foundations - Ceilings snap flush with foundations - Crop plots snap to foundations & ceilings - Sloped walls can snap to the bottom of walls & ceilings - Foundations can snap to ceilings if there is ground support (ie other ...
Super Spyglass (Open Source)
Tekijä: orionsun
Source Code (No license, use as wanted, with or without attribution) Features - Shows all relevant stats of dinos - Shows how all of the dino's points(wild & tamed) have been spent - Increased range - Variable zoom using mousewheel - No overlay when zoomed...
Taming Sedative
Tekijä: Jaz
I have been made aware that this mod may possibly not work on Valguero, although another report to me says it does. As such use at you're own risk for this map. Unfortunately I will not be updating this mod any further due to no more interest in this game ...
Wyvern Nests Plus (Discontinued)
Tekijä: darklore
This mod: - Adds optional wyvern, griffin, and rock drake nest spawners to ANY map. - Adds an optional wyvern spawner to spawn in regular fire, lightning, poison, ice, and Alpha Wyverns - Adds an optional griffin spawner. - Adds an optional Phoenix spawner...
OLD Item Tweaks | 10K Stacks | Half Weights | Pocket Items
Tekijä: ChiBlaaa
All resources and consumables quantities are 10,000! Please Leave Any donations to my good buddy ChiBlaaa Most Credits To : ChiBlaaa For Allowing me to Continue his work Great Friend and Great modder he will be my backup when I ca...
Cross Aberration
Tekijä: Biggumzzz Cross Aberration adds Aberrant Creatures, craft-able Aberration Resources and unlocks the Aberration Engrams on any ARK. Cross Aberration also adds Wild...
Scorched Earth Tabula Rasa
Tekijä: YMD
Adds Scorched Earth content (Dinos, Items and Fear SE Dinos) for all and any maps. Does not require the dlc purchase. Works on any map, Modded or Official. Works together with any dino mods or core changing mods. Players who did not purchase the dlc can al...