Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

98 ratings
How 2 be l33t Echo
Do you want to be the hardest anchor there is?
Do you want to be called a camping ♥♥♥?
Do you want to be so toxic that you make 3 people rage quit in one round?

If you answered yes, Echo just might be for you
The Drones (Yokai)
First of all, if you're too lazy to read all of this yourself, here's a nice little video that covers most of the stuff in the guide.

As of the Operation Para Bellum update, Echo now has 2 Yokai drones that can spot enemies. They are thrown by Echo and can move between the floor and celling. When on the floor the drone can move, but can only see a little up. When on the the celling, the drone can see everything below it, becomes camouflaged, and can use its ultrasonic blasts.

The drone's active camo will make it hard to see on the celling

Each drone holds 2 ultrasonic blasts, or "drunk rays". When used, the recipient's viewing and hearing will be impaired, making them very easy targets for either you or your teammates.

What it looks like when hit by the ray. Moving causes increased effects

The rays can also cancel most attacker's actions, such as planting the defuser or Montagne deploying his shield. Because of these, the drones can be used as entry denial tools. Not many attackers are going to be willing to push after being hit by the blast because they cannot see much of anything.

Montange is not able to deploy his sheild, and dies

Although they are strong tools, I advise that you do not constantly use the drones, as you might get flanked or be Fuze’d. Using this drone with Echo’s weapons will allow for easy kills if done right.
Weapon choices and loadouts
Echo has 2 primary and 2 secondary weapon choices.

All weapons Echo has

For primaries, Echo has the Supernova shotgun and the MP5SD Submachine gun. The Supernova is the longest-range shotgun with 7 bullets. It’s damage and range allow for 1 shot head shots, most of the time, but takes nearly a second in-between the shots.

The Supernova is best in small area situations

The MP5SD is a medium-high ranged SMG with relatively low damage. Between the 2, I would recommend the Supernova in most cases.

The MP5 is best used for longer ranged actions, like spawn peaking

For secondaries, Echo has the P229 handgun and the Bearing 9 machine pistol. The Bearing 9 is a medium-long ranged weapon with a high fire rate, similar to Mira’s vector, and should always be used over the P229 handgun.

The Bearing 9 fills the longer range gap when using the Supernova

Echo’s gadget should be chosen based on which play style you will be using.
Echo has 3 main play styles: Anchor, Follower, and Aggressive (also known as toxic).


When anchored, you should use the deployable shield as your gadget. Armor some walls and find a nice place to relax and set your shield. Use your drones to watch the objective and rooms adjacent to it. If you see someone, mark them or use voice chat to call out their positions to your teammates. If the time is right, you can disorient them and have your teammates or yourself kill them. You can also delay pushes using the blast.

While anchoring, I use the Yokai drone to slow down and dissorient the attackers, allowing me to clutch the 1v5. Some profanity is used in this video, viewer discretion is advised


The follower play style has a similar start to the anchor but, instead of using your drone for the objective you scout the map out and follow your roamers to assist them by calling out and disorienting enemies. This play style is personally my favorite because it allows for more teamwork and can be combined with the anchor strat near the end of the round.

I follow the recruit, call out his position to my team mate, and disorient him allowing Lession to get an easy kill.


In aggressive game-play you roam around the map using your Yokai to spot and kill enemies. You should use razor wire to slow enemies from the objective and use the MP5SD for longer range, since you will be pushing the attackers. Although this strategy can be effective, it is quite risky as you will, in most cases, be out in the open when using your drone. If you want an extra challenge, to be toxic, you can drunk ray yourself with the Yokai and spawn peak the attacking team.

The MP5 makes for a great spawn peaking gun
Basic Backstory
Lastly, let's just breifly go over Echo's backstory.

Basically, he grew up making flying robots and the police department asked him to join them. Later he joined their special unit.

The only reason I am mentioning this is that Echo and Dokkaebi worked together. Because of that, Echo is immune to Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb. Echo's phone can not be hacked by Dokkaebi when he dies and if the cameras are hacked from another defender's phone, they will not see the echo drone.
In summary:

  • Use your drones to scout and defend objective
  • Call out enemy positions
  • Drunk ray enemies to delay pushes and stop defuser plants
  • Equip MP5 and spawn kill to be toxic

Because remember... Why do it yourself when robots do it better?

This was my first guide, so if you liked it please rate up and favorite. If there is something I can do to make it better, just leave a comment and I will get to it. Thank you!
∆N7IC4RN15T 24 Jun, 2018 @ 7:53am 
ALEEF02  [author] 23 Jun, 2018 @ 9:17pm 
@Shmuel I wouldn't worry about it bro, it's probably just a glitch bro.
The Flock Of Meece Proceeds 23 Jun, 2018 @ 3:59pm 
The Flock Of Meece Proceeds 23 Jun, 2018 @ 3:59pm 
The Flock Of Meece Proceeds 23 Jun, 2018 @ 3:59pm 
Joe 23 Jun, 2018 @ 5:50am 
aced with echo, whole enemy team left.
called toxic by team, got tk'd then kicked...
ALEEF02  [author] 22 Jun, 2018 @ 8:01pm 
@P1x3l_4T3d Thank you for the feedback!
Hamilton 22 Jun, 2018 @ 4:20pm 
I disagree with the weapon choich i think the mp5sd is better as the supernova is unreliable and misses most of its pellets. I would recoment the bearing 9 over the p229 in most cases but i tent to favour the p229 for its short range accuracy and damage making it a great close range panic firing weapon. I also dis agree with taking a deloyable sheild since it gives away your location and blocks your yokai drones. The playstyles are good stats and i do recommend them and now since the update you can follow and anchor at the same time.
★nd★ 22 Jun, 2018 @ 12:40pm 
Winow 22 Jun, 2018 @ 10:58am 