Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

40 évaluations
Cinepolis + oxxo logo
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13 juin 2018 à 6h01
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Cinepolis + oxxo logo

Cinepolis + oxxo logo by SvenBerlin

para mis amigos de Mexico tengo dos logos.

cinepolis tris 1714 LOD 2

oxxo tris 190 LOD 2
3 commentaires
Delorien 23 juin 2018 à 22h56 
.:MANU:. 13 juin 2018 à 17h27 
thanks, i appreciated the effort and that you had the time to make them.
garibaycamarena 13 juin 2018 à 13h44 
Thank You! Thank You! both signs look great, I'll be adding them to mi cities as soon as I get home. :)