Cities: Skylines
Оценок: 54
Jurassic Park gate park (Park version)
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Assets: Park
Размер файла
2.691 MB
3 июн. 2018 г. в 15:28
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)

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Jurassic Park gate park (Park version)

Jurassic Park gate park ( Park Version )by SvenBerli

but 2 mods for working fire prop

This is a rebuild of the gate from the movie Jurassic Park.

size 2x1 cells
tris 602
LOD 166

In the package is a fire prop. Thank you Ronyx69 for your files and your help. I changed a little bit the Torki Torch from him.

I couldnt set the fire prop in the asset editor , so you should place it by yourself with MoveIt mod it should work fine.

Комментариев: 2
SvenBerlin  [создатель] 1 дек. 2018 г. в 7:54 
As park for decoration. Place it and use moveIt mod to place it you want
wayne 30 ноя. 2018 г. в 21:39 
how do you use this thing