Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

970 人が評価
400 West Market
4.008 MB
2018年5月29日 9時05分
2018年5月29日 9時23分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

400 West Market

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400 West Market (originally the Capital Holding Center, later Providian Center, then Aegon Center) is the tallest building in Louisville and the state of Kentucky.


Game basics:

*Ploppable RICO - Found under Offices
*Without RICO: Found under Level 2 Unique Buildings.
*6x6 lot.
*Cost: $50,000
*Maintenance: $5,000 per month

Model stats:

*Main model: 8,268 tris with 512x2048 textures.
*LOD model: 228 tris with 256x256 textures.


*Screenshots were taken with a variety of visual mods including ambient occlusion.


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65 件のコメント
xneutronhxcmusicx 2023年11月6日 16時52分 
I loved looking at this building while watching Thunder Over Louisville asa kid!!! nostalgic building!!! Thanks!!
kareemellis 2023年4月12日 18時26分 
Great work I you would make more Louisville Buildings like PNC Plaza Waterfornt Towers Humana Tower And G@ US E Building.
DragonFire 2022年6月19日 22時49分 
Hey I made a video about your Mod I hope this is ok
ghostywolfe 2022年5月1日 10時46分 
Love this! Just did a remodeling job there. What a beautiful building. Great work. I wish I had the big blue building in Lexington now.
benryan2003 2022年1月19日 19時17分 
thanks from louisville! i love my city and your creation! nice work!
RubyRobbins 2021年12月30日 13時23分 
I love this building. It's beautiful. Thank you so much <3
Kronic 4K 2021年12月27日 13時35分 
I appreciate this mod alot man. My dad was one of the guys the built dome on the mercer building
LoganLee 2021年12月24日 7時21分 
Thanks for representing Louisville! I so wish there was a Churchill Downs horse racing track. It's beautiful!! Or even a Maker's Mark whisky distillery. :)
Lily 2021年9月22日 1時25分 
What's the name of that metabolist tower? Nice asset btw!
firestar838 2021年8月29日 23時40分 
Oh hell yeah. That's in Louisville. Need to do the Galt house or Widdows Walk Icecream next