Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

210 人が評価
Freightliner Food Truck Dessert
Assets: Vehicle
3.230 MB
2018年5月24日 17時14分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Freightliner Food Truck Dessert

ninjanoobslayer 作成の 3 件のコレクション
Vehicles by ninjanoobslayer
861 アイテム
Industrial/Commercial Vehicles by ninjanoobslayer
114 アイテム
Park Maintenance Vehicle and Parklife Assets by ninjanoobslayer
43 アイテム
Sugar, Sugar, and More Sugar

Aunt Jane loved children. Unfortunately, she was infertile and she could not have any of her own. While she did adopt over ten children over the course of her life, she wanted to provide joy to everyone in her town.

Jane started Sugar Rush as an ice cream truck. Over time, she found that the children often wanted other desserts to go along with the ice cream. She expanded to selling ice cream sandwiches on fresh baked cookies, then onto cupcakes with ice cream fillings, and then onto ice cream on top of brownies. Whatever she sold, the children loved. Today, Aunt Jane is coming to Skylines to bring more joy to your cities' youth.

Want to make your own? Original files here[]. You have my permission to release!


Related Vehicles


Model Information

1051 Tris
Textures 1024 x 1024

The statistics are the same as the default lorry. Use Advanced Vehicle Options Mod to change it to fit your needs.


Added AC to False Lucidity's Step Van. Used with Permission, Retextured lights and minor change in overall textures.

6 件のコメント
HailedPlayer733 2022年11月15日 2時12分 
bro what kind of ice cream truck is that!?
hillfanthomlike10 2021年2月27日 9時11分 
thank you
Skye Chambers 2019年4月18日 6時28分 
What a sweet story (Pun not intended) and that's a cool truck
ninjanoobslayer  [作成者] 2018年5月25日 7時18分 
Thanks Mr Miyagi!

@Debit I thought about it, but I think it's better to just have them all over the city.
Tex 2018年5月25日 6時01分 
you know, if you made bus vershions of these you could set up routs that thay would take.
MrMiyagi 2018年5月24日 18時16分 
My God, why didn't someone think of this before??? An ice cream truck!!! Insta-sub