Ben and Ed - Blood Party

Ben and Ed - Blood Party

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Fun/Helpful Commands And Glitches
Hi, this is a little guide containing a bunch of what I think are fun or useful guides or commands. This can range from map building to multiplayer. Try not to abuse these too much, as you know, it'll be my fault.
Note: To open the command window, press the ` key on your keyboard. It should be above TAB and to the left of 1. Most commands don't work in multiplayer, which is probably for the best...
Commands - Funny
There aren't too many particularly funny commands that I know of really.

1. The Size Command

One of the more silly pointless commands, 'change size 2' or any other number will, as you guessed, change your character's size. The default size is 1, and you will reset if you respawn. This is pretty buggy as well, it was never actually part of the game. Anything above 3 is pretty much too big to see through the default player camera. Going ragdoll can cause some odd, and funny results.

2. The Speed Command

This is pretty cool in my opinion. Type 'slomo 0.5' or any other number to change the game speed. Again, 1 is default, and anything between 0 and 1 is slow motion whereas above 1 you can reach some crazy and sometimes hilarious speeds.
Commands - Useful
There should be more commands here than for funny commands.

1. Resolution

Gotta be the most helpful for me, changing the resolution can really increase framerate. For example, with the highest framerate (2560x1440) I can't get above 5fps, whereas with a very low resolution (500x300) I can get up to 40fps. To change your resolution, type 'setres' or 'r.setres' then the resolution you want. At very low resolutions, you won't be able to see the life count or time limit, and the display for when anyone is out or reaches the goal, and even steam notifications, will be pretty massive, possibly even blocking your screen. If you set this too low, or one value very different to the other, you can mess up the screen, but you can still type a different resolution if you mess up. If you set this ridiculously high then the game might crash. This command thankfully works in multiplayer.

2. The Speed Command (Again)

This is here again for it's use with the editor. This can be veeeery helpful whilst making maps. I think I would recommend always using slow motion for building things, as the cursor isn't slowed down, but the camera movement speed is, meaning you can get great accuracy. Plus the animations look cool.

3. Map Changing

I say this is useful, but well, only kinda. There are a few secret maps in the map list, (sorry, don't know them by heart, you can have a look for yourself) but I think the coolest use is for in servers. If you are hosting, you can pretty much create custom lobbies by typing 'servertravel' then choosing a map, which will change the lobby background and music to that of that map. This will only work for GM maps. Note: The zombies won't be there, so sorry, no dancing, and I think if you join after someone has changed it you will load the default lobby. If you try this when in a game, I think it just puts all other players onto the loading screen forever.

Trying this on the tutorial won't work...

4. Map Changing (Editor)

The most useful way to use this command is probably for the editor. Ever finished a map and wished you'd built in a different base map? Well, I've found a way to change the base map of any level at any stage. You must save and reload the map once to do this. Get into the editor and type 'servertravel' or just 'travel' and then pick the E0 (editor) map you want to choose. If you pick a GM map it will just load that map in playing mode but with your custom map plonked in the middle of it.

This may seem pretty cool for a while, but unfortunately you can't save it like this. That would be awesome. For any maps I make now, I start with Box Fun to get the 600 height. From there I can make anything and then when I'm done I can put it into a much lower map like Acid Arena and confuse people as to how I seemingly built so high above it.

5. Building Past The Barrier

Ever crammed the whole map building area and ran out of space? Well say goodbye to the barrier problem because I happen to know how to build for miles. I would say infinite, which is technically true, but I think if anything is placed too far out (and this has to be pretty far) then you won't spawn anymore. There are three ways of building past the barrier.
A: Type 'ghost' into commands and you'll be able to move the camera anywhere at all, but most maps don't let you take objects too far out, so this isn't the best way to do it.
B: You can literally remove the barrier by typing 'destroy target' but it's very hard to directly hit the barrier grid. I haven't done much testing with this method, but as far as I can tell it's only a little more effective than using ghost.
C: This is the best way I know of, but possibly the most difficult to explain. There's also different ways of doing this. Each time you fill the map, use ghost to move out of the barrier, then type 'setworldorigin'. This moves the barrier to your current location, letting you now build there. You can keep repeating this as many times as you need, but keep in mind that the base map will be loaded around the barrier area, meaning when you reload the base map will be spawned over the last place you set the barrier, possibly making your level go into walls. With this I worked out how to move the whole map altogether. Just simply ghost out anywhere you want (or use debug camera to quicker (toggledebugcamera) for example, out of the map, then set world origin and when you next reload everything you've built will be placed right out of the map. In my experience, going too far will stop you from spawning as I mentioned. This method is how I made a 'space' background or no background at all in some of my maps, by going that far out. Don't try this until you have finished the map, or you could lose it and not be able to build more onto it. Using these tips, you can build huge maps with 600 height.

6. Debug Camera

I know I just mentioned this, but often for screenshots I use 'toggledebugcamera' to get a free camera.

7. FPS Display

Kinda can be helpful sometimes I guess, just type 'stat fps' to get your fps pop up at the corner of the screen.

8. Restart

'Restartlevel' will simply restart the level as you probably guessed, I find this helpful for if I want the satisfaction of zero deaths.

9. Destroy

'Destroy Target' will remove the object you are looking at, and you can use the debug camera to aim easily. This works in the editor too, so you can use this for more accuracy. It deletes it like normal, so I assume they used the destroy script for actually deleting things in the editor
Glitches - Funny
There will probably be a lot here, sorry heh

1. I'll let the video explain this one...
2. In fact you know what I can't explain many of these and some have been patched but just watch this I guess -
3. Customization Spectator

Occasionally you'll be able to throw stuff at your player in the customization screen.
Glitches - Useful
Unfortunately there aren't so many of these.

1. Head Throwing At The Last Second

Not sure if this is a glitch, but if you throw your head right at the right moment before landing a fatal fall, you'll survive as the head. Sometimes your body won't explode either.

2. On most editor maps, if you go into the corner of the barrier and scroll up or down, you can get out.

Eh sorry I don't know about many as of now I'll add some more when I come to them but most that I would have thought of are in Commands - Useful.
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using chat = 0 iq 2 OCT 2021 a las 3:02 
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Bumburush 10 MAR 2021 a las 5:30 
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