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How to fly WAC
Por Mark
A guide to learning how to fly WAC
A guide by Mark
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Setting up controls
Here are the controls I recommend using for flying.
Hold Q -> (in the top right) press Options and click aircraft.
we will go over what the controls are in a moment
What do they do?
Start = Starts the engine
Hover = Makes your aicraft stay upright
Exit = Exit your heli
FreeView = Lets you look around
Camera = Switch between camara modes (note: This is not Third and First person. to switch in betwwen does just click Ctrl)
Fire = Fire your gun
NextWeapon = Switch your weapon you're shooting (if any)
Engine volumn = How loud the heli is (to you)
Sensitivity = How sensitive the heli is
Arcade Mode = Unrealistic flying but fun! (recommended you have this on)
Before taking off
Not all helis have the same HUD but it's good to know what they are and what they do.
This is the hud for the little bird.
in the buttom left you see SPD which is your speed.
in the buttom right you see ALT which is your alltitud.
the vertical line in the middle is basically the plain fleld.
if you see the the very buttom you see the gun I have selected.
How do you fly?
To start the engine, as we've said before, you press R.
To go up you press W and S to go down
A to turn left and D to turn right

Your mouse dictates a lot about the helicopter
if you drag your mouse down your nose pitches down and vise versa
if you drag your mouse to the left your helicopter rolls to the left and vise versa

I know what I'm doing. now what?
You do not want to get in the habit of hovering for everything. Many people what they do is gover for takeof, flying and landing. You do not want to do this, you want to try to limit howmuch you hover and try to only fly with your mouse and keys.

Here's a video:
Here are some handy tips

The wheels in helis like blackhawks are not part of the helicopter so you have room to slam to the ground and not take damage. if you slam too hard the helicopter itself might do come in contact with the ground and take damage.

Maintenance statoins rearm your heli and repair it but it cannot repair your helicopter as if it were brand new. also, some helicopters might do the rearming sound forever. in that case you might wanna delete the heli or crash it somehwere.

if you're paradopping people, it's good you go in a straight line without too much tilt so when people get out they don't hit the propeller and kill everyone.

the littlebird has guns in the side of the helicopter. so if you have a target in your crosshair it will not hit it. what you want to do is aim a little to the left or right to hit.

the missles do not have splash damage so reserve them for helis or cars. use the minigun for infantry.
Flying an attack heli
Let's say you have a friend you are flying with and have a viper which has 2 seats. 1 pilot and 1 gunner.

if you're a gunner, you can press P which is your camara key so you can go to the gunner camara. here you can aim at stuff and lock onto target with your missles.

if you're a pilot you mostly want to stay in hover so your gunner can aim better and hit targets. you can also see the gunner camara by pressing P.

if you have any questions or want to contact me just friend me in steam.

Also, This was a guide made by Mark: Pilot lead in the Trojan server
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