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How to Lower the Volume or Add a Radio Effect to Somebody Else's Voice Pack
Por nintendoeats
A guide for those times when you like a voice pack but wish it had a radio effect on it.
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Nos Favoritos
There are some very nice voice packs out there which, for whatever reason, do not have a radio effect applied. Some people like that, but personally I find such packs unusable. To my mind a cosmetic item which is aesthetically distinct from the main game is extremely jarring. This guide describes how to add a radio effect to packs that you otherwise like. If you just want to lower the volume of the pack, follow the same steps but ONLY apply the normalization instead of the whole radio effect.

At the end I describe a short version you can do if you don't care about giving the package a seperate name.

You will need:

XCOM 2 mod tools (pages 2 & 3 are installation instructions)[downloads.2kgames.com]
The XCOM mod manager

If you are only using the mod tools for this specific task you can delete most of the "content" folder with no issues after installation, bringing the whole thing down to a few gigabytes.

You will also need a radio chain in Audacity as described in my guide on stripping TV clips. The section you need has it's own heading, the rest is not relevant to this process.

This works with both Vanilla and WotC, but packages modified in WotC may not load in Vanilla.
Disclaimer on Authorship of Packs
I in no way endorse or condone distributing packs made using this guide. It feels a bit odd to say considering that most voice packs already use copyrighted material, but reposting a pack made by somebody else without their permission is a nasty thing to do. So would be reusing their clips in a new pack. The whole area is very murky, so I am bypassing the whole thing with this: if you don't have the author's permission to distribute any part of the content, just don't. The methods described here are intended for personal use only.
Note For People Familiar With UDK
Most of this guide is redundant if you already know how to use the mod tools. I expect that the only new thing you need to know is that you can export the WAVs in a mod by right clicking them and selecting "Batch Export To File". If you knew that then you are good to go, I don't have any fancy tricks to add.
Accessing The Mod
1. Open the mod manager
2. Find the voice pack
3. Right click and "open in explorer"
4. Open the Content folder
5. Copy ModName.upk
6. Navigate to the folder where the mod tools are installed
7. Navigate to XComGame/Content/XCOM_2/Packages
8. Paste ModName.upk into this folder
9. Rename ModName.upk to something else (probably ModNameRadioEffect.upk)
10. Open the mod tools (this leads to a program called ModBuddy)
11. Click "New Mod..."
12. Choose "Voice Pack"
13. Give the mod a name that makes sense and has "Radio Effect" in it somewhere
14. On the next screen, choose a title, probably the same as step 13. Description is irrelevant
15. Click Finish
16. Click Tools -> XCOM Editor. This opens the real mod tools. If this doesn't work then you probably still need to install the UDK.

17. Find the content browser tab
18. In the packages menu, filter by typing in part of the name of the mod package
19. Click on it
20. If there is no set of options at the top of the content browser, click two arrows pointing downwards to pull it up
21. Under "Object Type" Select "Archetype". This will pull up some number of files of type XComCharacterVO
22. There will be a file called "VoicePackArchitecture" or something to that effect. This is named by the author and therefore will vary. Write down this name, you will need it later. If in doubt, write down the names of all XComCharacterVO files
Extracting The Audio
23. Under "Object Type", find Sound Wave Data and click it. This will filter to just sound files.
24. Click on one of the files
25. CTRL + A to select all of them
26. Right click any file and "Bulk Export to Folder"
27. Select the location you want and click OK. The files will be copied into that folder.
Processing The Audio
28. In Audacity, go to File -> Chains -> Apply Chain
29. Select your radio chain
30. Apply To Files
31. Navigate to the folder from step 27
32. CTRL + A to select all
33. Click OK
34. Wait for a while. Even if it appears to have frozen, Audacity is probably still processing the files
35. When Audacity returns control to you, close it
36. In the file explorer, navigate to the folder from step 27
37. Open the new "cleaned" folder. It should contain a radioized copy of every audio clip
38. Listen to a few clips to confirm that you like your effect. If you don't, modify the chain and repeat.
Re-Importing The Audio
39. Open UDK
40. If you previously closed it, navigate back to the mod package
41. Drag-and-drop all of the files from step 37 into the file list
42. Click "OK To All"
43. Double click on one of the SoundNodeWaves to listen and confirm that it now has a radio effect
44. CTRL + S to save
45. Close UDK
Exporting The Mod
46. In the file explorer, navigate back to the folder from step 8
47. Copy the package again
48. Paste it somewhere easy to access such as your desktop
49. In ModBuddy, delete the 4 files in the content folder
50. Right click the content folder and Add -> Existing Item
51. Navigate to and add the file from step 47. It has now been copied into the ModBuddy project and can be safely deleted
52. Open Config -> XComContent.ini
53. Remove the third line
54. Fill in the second line as follows:
  • Language = the correct language for the pack, all lower case
  • Gender = eGender_Male / eGender_Female as appropriate
  • TemplateName = Some unique template name of your choosing (probably SuchAndSuchVoicePackRadioEffect)
  • ArchetypeName = TheNameYouGaveTheModPackage.TheNameFromStep22
55. Open Localization -> XCOMGame.int
56. Delete lines 5 and 6
57. Line 3 should read: [TheTemplateNameFromStep54 X2BodyPartTemplate]
58. Line 4 should read: DisplayName= "The Name You Want The Voice To Have In-Game"
59. Right click the file just under "Solution 'WhateverYouCalledThis' (1 project)
60. Select Properties
61. Give the Mod a unique name. This will be its name in the mod manager.
62. Go to Build -> Build Solution

The mod will now be available! If you are using the normal launcher it will appear at the bottom without a steam icon. If you are using the mod manager it will appear in the list like any other.
The Short Version
If you don't mind entirely replacing the existing pack with your modified one (meaning it will have the same name as and replace the existing mod) you can skip the ModBuddy stuff.

  1. Use the UDK to open the mod package directly from the XCOM2 folder
  2. Bulk export the WAVs to a folder
  3. Apply your filter
  4. Drag-and-drop the cleaned files into the package in UDK
  5. Click "OK To All"
  6. CTRL + S to save
  7. All done!
Thank You!
I hope this guide has proved useful. If anything is unclear or doesn't work for you, please don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments. Thank you for reading!
2 comentários
nintendoeats  [autor] 15 ago. 2021 às 10:52 
@garbage man: I don't know of a way to do it without the modding tools.
Garbage Man 15 ago. 2021 às 10:25 
Is there a way to do this on macOS? There are no modding tools on mac AFAIK :(