Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

92 人が評価
DU45 Low Commercial
2.698 MB
2018年4月10日 15時07分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

DU45 Low Commercial

Gregor Vukasinovic 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Dryas' Buildings
88 アイテム
This building appears to the end result of a rather sad story: Built around 1900, it was certainly a fine piece of real estate when it was new. It seems to have lost its upper floors, presumably during the second world war. Today it stands abandoned and is slowly rotting away, nothing but a shadow of it formerself, surrounded my more of its kind in one of the most impoverished neighbourhoods of a city that has only remained famous for all the wrong reasons.

This particular building might be abandoned in reality, others like it (and much worse looking ones) are not so it is still realistic to produce it as functioning building for CSL. Unfortunately, the building has measures that hit exactly on a sore spot where it is impossible to stretch or compress it to fit in the 8 meter grid without scaling it way out of proportion, either up or down. So it comes a driveway to a backyard instead, leaving a gap in your building rows - which after all does exist sometimes as well.

Tris: 766 (LOD:22)
Textures: 1024x1024 DISCN
Lot: 2x4
Level: 1
Place of origin: Duisburg, Germany

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Tags: commercial low Germany building warehouse NRW Duisburg rundown historic