39 ratings
Robin Video Walkthrough & 100% Achievement Guide.
By anrkyuk
Robin 100% Achievement guide and complete video walkthrough.
Robin has a total of 6 achievements, 1 of which can not be missed and 5 which are missable all of which can be earned in a minimum of 3 playthroughs, each taking only a few minutes to complete.
First playthrough.
Decisions, Decisions.
You made a difficult choice during the weekend.
This achievement cannot be missed, on day two of your first playthrough a friend calls to ask you out to the cinema and regardless of your reply this achievement will pop.
You took care of your precious friend every day.
This achievement is missable, to earn it you must feed your pet robin on each of the three seperate days and it will pop the third time you feed him/her/it.
You focused your weekend on your responsibilities.
This achievement is missable, to earn it you must do some work on each of the three separate days and it will not pop until your end game summary.

Second playthrough.
Just Another Sunday.
Spent all weekend in social media..
This achievement is missable, to earn it you must spend time on social media on each of the three separate days and it will pop on the last day as soon as you browse social media for the 3rd time.
Slumber Party.
You focused your weekend on your own happiness..
This achievement is missable, to earn it you must end each day being happy (having a smiley face avatar on the bottom left of the screen). Browsing social media, going to the cinema, reading, taking a shower, making something to eat and feeding your pet bird are things that make you happy and you should not do any work on any of the three separate days.

As long as you spend each day on social media and do not do any work this achievement is in the bag. Don't worry about clearing up clothes or doing the dishes, while not doing these chores makes you start each day in a bad mood, it is your mood at the end of the day that counts for this achievement.

Third playthrough.
You led a weekend with both work and fun..
This achievement is missable and to earn it you must end each day happy and also do work on at least 2 of the 3 separate days.

Complete Video Walkthrough Playlist Link.
For anyone with problems viewing the embedded videos in this guide (such as those in China having to use a VPN to watch videos on YouTube) here's a link to the playlist...
Other 100% Achievement Guides.
I hope you found this guide of help, all comments, suggestions and criticism (constructive) is gratefully received.

An A to Z list of my Steam achievement guides and walkthroughs can be found @
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*Spielfee* 9 Feb, 2019 @ 2:25pm 
Thank you for this guide! :GoldLike:
anrkyuk  [author] 3 Sep, 2018 @ 4:08am 
Thanks for the thanks JeramZ, hope the guide helped :)
JeramZ 2 Sep, 2018 @ 7:46pm 
Hey, Thanks for this guide
anrkyuk  [author] 2 May, 2018 @ 12:52pm 
I have a spare Steam key for...


* = The number three

If you use the key please be so kind as to post saying so, so that others do not waste their time, thank you and enjoy :)