Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

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Type: Add-on
Game Mode: Story
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27 mar 2018, ore 20:39
28 ago 2018, ore 21:43
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This mod creates shapeshifting spells for the polymorph school, allowing you to change into different creature forms, each with its own skills and stats.

Current Version:




This mod is not just a shapeshifting suppliment, I will be working on changing the entire game world to include shapeshifting, in many ways. These are a few of my future goals:

  • Adding enemies/changing enemies in combats to include shapeshifters.

  • Include non-combat shapeshifting forms, which can only be found or awarded through quests!



  • Each form still uses your armor and weapon statistics, so gear is important.

  • Forms level with your character. As you grow, your forms also grow stronger, learning new abilities and gaining stronger bonuses. All forms grow at levels 4, 7, 9, 12, and 16.

  • Shapeshifting does not support bow usage.They are usable, however, most skills have a melee weapon requirement. Wands are not ideal for melee focused shapeshifting, but are fully functional for the caster types.

  • All forms scale based off of your equipped weapon and its associated attribute. For example, if you're a two-handed melee weapon type, you'll want to invest points in strength. Or, if you'd prefer a staff, put your points into intelligence.

  • Dual-wielding does not behave with the shapeshifting forms for auto-attacking and flurry. However, the base damage of the off-hand weapon applies to skill attacks, which makes dual-wielding remain viable.

  • Each form has an action point cost of 1 with a duration of 8 turns, and a cooldown of 12 turns.

  • There are 15 unique forms, each listed below.

  • You retain your racial skills, BUT NOT YOUR RACIAL FEATS, when transforming.

  • While shapeshifting you are silenced and may only use weapon skills or skills granted by your form.

  • All forms grant passive statistical increases/decreases, depending on which form. Magical-based forms have higher magic armor, and vise versa for physical-based forms, as well as other statistical differences.

NOTE: Each form grants a -30 penalty to all major skills that aren't weapon skills, polymorph, summoning, or passive skills (retribution, leadership, etc..). This is to limit forms having the ability to cast outside of their chosen skillset. For forms that rely on magic, they have been granted proportional percentage increases to ensure effectiveness.


Starter Forms
Polymorph 1 - Level 1
  • Bear: The bear form grants exceptional increases to armor and vitality, as well as tanky skills.

  • Water Elemental: The water elemental is a water-based magical form, with increased magical armor and an arsenal of crowd control abilities.

  • Wolf: The wolf form grants exceptional increases to damage and speed.

Novice Forms
Polymorph 2 - Level 4

  • Beetle: The beetle form is a fire-based magical form, which also grants increased magic armor.

  • Condor: The condor form is a physical-based form, with significant bonuses to speed and evasion.

  • Crocodile: The crocodile form is an earth/physical-based form, with increased physical armor and damage.

  • Frog: The frog form is an air-based magical form, with increased magical armor and lightning skills.

  • Tiger: The tiger form has increased sneaking, speed, and dodge chance. Much like a rogue, the tiger will act as an ambusher.

Adept Forms
Polymorph 3/4 - Level 9
  • Demon: The demon is a necromacy/fire-based magical form, with high damage and debilitation magic.

  • Spider: The spider form is a poison-based magical form, with high mobility and damage, and the ability to ensnare enemies easily.

  • Tree: The tree form is a water-based magical form, with great healing capability and low damage output.

  • Troll: The troll form is a physical-based form, with a large vitality and armor increase. It also has troll blood, allowing it to heal over time.

Master Forms
Polymorph 5 - Level 16
  • Astral Deer: The astral deer is a master sourcerer with powerful abilities, which acts as an air-based caster.

  • Dragon: The dragon form acts as a hybrid caster/physical-based form, with significant increases to armor, vitality, and damage.

  • Voidworm: The voidworm is a massive, stationary form, which significant increases to armor, vitality, and resistances.



There are several shapeshifting NPCs that have been adjusted to now use transformation in combat!

Act 1:
  • Decomposing Swashbuckler (Undead Ambush - Swamps outside of Fort Joy)
  • Elodi (Elvish Refugee - Fort Joy)
  • Matis (Seeker - Seeker's Encampment)
  • Noosey (Griff's Gang - Fort Joy)


The shapeshifter is a preset that has been equipped with everything one would need to begin their adventure as a true shapeshifting champion.


Werewolves are human-based nautral shapeshifters, with the ability to transform into the mighty Werewolf form.

Werewolf Form
  • This form does not auto-attack. Instead, it relies on its dangerous Swipe ability.
  • Werewolf Transformation can not be cleansed by any skill, including Cleanse Form.
  • Werewolf Transformation grants enourmous boosts to damage, empowering strikes for a brief time.


There is a skill trader by the name Marlyn, located within Fort Joy, under a tent just across the main gate to the second half of the fort. She can also be found in the major trading centers of both Reaper's Coast and Arx. She sells the shapechange skills, all appropriate for level.

NOTE: She has limited dialogue, which I plan to update in the future.
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (2)
3 nov 2018, ore 14:39
IN EVIDENZA: Bug Reports
4 ago 2018, ore 9:25
IN EVIDENZA: Balance Discussion/Suggestions
140 commenti
JDSS 8 gen 2020, ore 11:01 
I'm trying to make a mod for my self and some friends. (First time modding) And I'm inspired by your mod. I'm wondering how you can use the new spells while muted.
Feenex  [autore] 7 set 2018, ore 22:06 
Hey All,

The definitive edition of the mod is now live!
Feenex  [autore] 31 ago 2018, ore 7:33 
According to an announcement from Larian, we should expect to see the DE Engine in about "one week." If that's the case, I hope to have the mod converted and ready for you guys by next weekend.
Feenex  [autore] 31 ago 2018, ore 7:23 
@ZikenyTheWolf Yep! The new engine has not released yet, but once it does I'll have everything converted over.
Zikeny The Dragon 31 ago 2018, ore 2:23 
any news on if this is going to be put on DE?
Feenex  [autore] 28 ago 2018, ore 21:44 
@Ddan724 Yep! Give me a bit and I'll get around to it. Also, I'm currently working on a hotfix for the werewolf issue. I'll have it released a bit later tonight.
Ddan724 28 ago 2018, ore 21:23 
@Feenex, mind posting the picture for the location of maryln in driftwood?
Feenex  [autore] 27 ago 2018, ore 21:40 
Hey All, the patch notes for 2.0 are completed. I did not dive into extensive detail about every balance change (it would be way too much), however, I highlighted the overall significant adjustments to the mod.
Additionally, this patch came with a few much needed bug fixes, including the Werewolf bug w/ the spirit quests - The Werewolf is now fully functional!
Ddan724 27 ago 2018, ore 0:18 
@Feenex don't worry about it, love the hard work you put in.
Ddan724 27 ago 2018, ore 0:17 
@Surrealialis thanks!