Killing Floor

Killing Floor

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KFIRCBot (Killing Floor IRC Bot)
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KFIRCBot (Killing Floor IRC Bot)

Killing Floor mutator/server actor that reports current game status to an IRC channel and much more.
KFIRCBot was originally created by Fox on 11 January 2010 and can be found here[].
I take credits only for stuff listed below.

GitHub mirror:

Thanks for positive ratings!

--[ News ]--
-bot rejoin and lowered time to 10s
-wave length naming
-wave difficulty detection
-IRC command parsing (now accepting capital/lowercase)
-chat handling (now parsing also 'TeamSay')
-bot appearance on kick list

-ability to send messages through bot to active game (shown as specified custom character)
-ability to join channel protected with password
-ability to hide players IPs (shown during player connects to the server)
-nick to message showing when player exits the server
-elapsed time to !status command
-prefixes for chat messages >> and death messages *
-permission handling (bot will respond now to certain users, with flag +o/+v/ALL)
-option to enable/disable logging of gameplay to irc channel
-option to record gameplay (stored in Demos folder in format YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_MapName.demo4)
-detection of zed kill (bot will post to channel who killed boss on last wave, prefixed by ~!~)
-!help command
-nick in use handling (will add -[0-1000] to current bot nick)
-bDebug which can help to diagnose problems on connection stage

-command !scores to !status
-ability to parse !status from in-game chat (disabled)
-a bit the look of messages showing from bot (etc. waves, chat)

--[ Checksum ]--
This is checksum for current release (v107) if doesn't match the file you have is unreliable!

ucc.exe Editor.CheckSumPackageCommandlet KFIRCBot.u
KFIRCBot.u checksum: 1e9ce6ce3c54d1b504eca8c1844992f3

--[ Installation ]--
Place the KFIRCBot.u into System folder.
In you server config (def. KillingFloor.ini):
under the [Engine.GameEngine] add line: ServerActors=KFIRCBot.KFIRC
at the end add:

ircServer= (ex.:
ircPort= (ex.: 6667)
ircNick= (ex.: KFIRCBot)
ircChannel= (ex.: #yourchannel)
ircPassword= (password to channel, if any)
botChar= (ex.: DAR, check your *.upl files for names)
hideIP= (0 - show client IP on join; 1 - don't)
color1= (ex.: 04) (message types)
color2= (ex.: 12) (messages)
color3= (ex.: 09) (chat prefixes)
aO= (1 - allow to execute !commands by OP(s)/+o flag; 0 - don't)
aV= (1 - allow to execute !commands by VOICE(s)/+v flag; 0 - don't)
aAll= (1 - allow all users to execute !commands; 0 - don't)
fLog= (1 - log active gameplay events to channel on join; 0 - don't + not recommended)
bDebug= (1 - show messages in server console during connecting to irc server; 0 - don't)
rDemo= (1 - records demos; 0 - don't)

You can find example configuration here[].

Properly installed mutator should show in the server console something like this:
[+] Starting KFIRCBot version: 107
[+] SnZ -
[+] Fox -
Resolved (

Keep in mind that if you won't configure bot, it will use default settings listed in Main class[].

--[ Optional ]--
In you server config (def. KillingFloor.ini):
under the [Engine.DemoRecDriver] change following values:


This should fix recording demos in low framerate, same changes can be done for playback on the client.

--[ Usage ]--
KFIRCBot is a fully automated mutator but you can also use following commands on channel:

!status - force show current game status
!s <message> - send message through bot to active game
!log <1/0> - ON/OFF logging active gameplay events to channel.
!help - will show all of the above commands, just in case if you forget

Even if fLog will be defined as 0 you can still get output from any commands posted above. Only !s <message> won't care about fLog parameter (will send message to players and forcibly enable logging), because you want to get answers right?

For example, if you used fLog=0 bot will join channel and won't log current gameplay as long as you don't tell him to do this: !log 1. It can be usefull if you don't want too much spam, but if you want to use it without that, just specify fLog=1 in config.

Psst! I'm not really a coder but i do things :-)
35 opmerkingen
SnZ*  [auteur] 16 jun 2016 om 16:07 
@cwgking sorry i don't have time and don't plan to update this plugin anymore.
cwgking 4 jun 2016 om 21:16 
Also I have noticed the bot sometimes stops showing me status waves have you seen this before?
cwgking 3 jun 2016 om 8:35 
Could this bot parse admin commands into the game because if it can that would be awesome. I believe it should be possible sadly my coding ability isn't up enough to modify what you have.
SnZ*  [auteur] 12 jul 2013 om 2:37 
support for NickServ login?
No time in this life

Looks like I won't be able to use this mod until it's whitelisted. ......
1) it doesn't brake whitelist status (checked manually, via ingmae play, +udp query is server whitelisted) <end of story>
2) submitted to whitelist, but i don't see point, see 1)

Scoot (fragmer) 12 jul 2013 om 0:02 
Looks like I won't be able to use this mod until it's whitelisted. Non-whitelisted mods block perk progression and achievements on servers. Also it causes...


Have you considered applying to have this mod whitelisted? You can apply here:
Scoot (fragmer) 11 jul 2013 om 23:48 
Is it possible to add support for NickServ login? FreeNode's policy requires all bots to log in with NickServ these days.

Alternatively, if there was a way to define one or more raw IRC messages for the bot to send, I could do "PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY PasswordGoesHere"
SnZ*  [auteur] 13 jun 2013 om 15:22 
:P :tank: I temporally stops doing anything with this - need a brake :gordon:
alienM 13 jun 2013 om 12:17 
Awesome work this bot! I found one server with this bot, server is awesome also! xD
[RC]Volcom 24 mei 2013 om 19:38 
So am I :S. I have tried hosting servers on my computer, my other box. I tried using a different irc server. I checked all my firewall settings. Nothing.
SnZ*  [auteur] 24 mei 2013 om 15:50 
I'm out of ideas really :/