Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ocen: 69
Miracle Mile (Color Correction)
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25 marca 2018 o 15:33
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Miracle Mile (Color Correction)

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Strictoaster
Przedmioty: 448
Read me! No, seriously.

In order to get this look and feel in your map make sure you:

1- Subscribe to all the dependencies.

Then scroll to the last 3 screenshots...
2- Change the settings of Ultimate Eyecandy as seen on the screenshots above.
3- Change the settings of Relight to match the screenshots above as well.

It's possible that different map themes will look different so if you want this exact same look make sure you also subscribe to Cedar Valley (4K)
Komentarzy: 6
Strictoaster  [autor] 27 stycznia 2019 o 11:57 
@99999gamer 2 possible things: you either didn't get the rest of the mods and settings (look at the last 3-4 screenshots in the slideshow) or your monitor is not properly calibrated.
FRGWorks 2 stycznia 2019 o 16:47 
I don't know why but on my computer, the colours of this LUT look very exaggerated - I don't know how to discribe it but it's a kind of cartoon feel. It's not bad for use as a special effect.
Strictoaster  [autor] 27 czerwca 2018 o 20:35 
@See you at the party Richter! unfortunately Ultimate EyeCandy doesn't remember the settings after reloading. You'll need to create a preset and manually load it every time.
See you at the Party Richter! 26 czerwca 2018 o 15:41 
I was able to get it going but need to manually readjust the eyecandy ambient settings when I reload each time... why won't the settings stay as they are?
CrazyGraham 14 kwietnia 2018 o 7:06 
Hi Strict. Would you consider uploading the map for this build as it looks great thanks .
Fynboen 28 marca 2018 o 13:34 
I'am not at all getting those pictures :(