1,558 평점
Get Some Grub Guide: The original
captainnibbles 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
THE original, complete get some grub achievement guide found all over the net. Created by CAPTAINNIBBLES in 2007.
즐겨찾기 해제
The Orange Box: Get Some Grub Walkthrough by captainnibbles
Version: 1.2 | Last Updated: 2013-3-23 Halflife 2: Episode 2 "Get some grub" Achievement Guide

"Legal Bit"
This guide may now be posted, copied, saved, edited, printed, analyzed, and mocked
by anyone, anywhere for any reason. Thank you.

Version History:
(V 0.9) Began and finished first version, Nov 20, 2007: Missing one grub, in
chapter 1

(V 1.0) Found the last grub (with help, thanks PaleOgre), completed guide,
minor editing

(V 1.1) Minor spacing edits, added a few "check points"

(V 1.2) After 5 years, a few minor tweaks and then uploading to Steam's new guides section.

This guide is rather simple, I had a lot of trouble finding all the grubs, and
it appears you do too. There is an achievement named "Get some Grub", worth
20g (on Xbox), where the goal is to "squish" all the antlion grubs in the game (Half
Life 2: Episode 2)

This guide is meant to be read sequentially. It would be just about impossible
for you to "look up" that one (or 10) you missed the first time around. Sorry
if it's painful and slow, but I aim to be as specific as possible. Check them
off, and skip the details if you don't need them.

Before You Start (TIPS):
1: The first and best hint I can give anyone trying this achievement is:


You can do this from the options menu. The reason you are going to want it on
is that when grubs make a noise (*antlion grub sounds*, *antlion grub excited*
etc.), it shows up on your screen, which can help significantly in letting you
know they are around. Cant miss it. If you are only listening for the noise,
or looking for light, you might miss some. Why not have the help?

2: I highly suggest you play the game once through, skipping this achievement
the first time. You will then have a better sense of where you are going and
what's coming up.
Skip it all together the first time through! You must squish all the grubs in
a single play through! And since you are going to skip it your first time, you
might as well not waste your time trying killing grubs for more than health on
your first run.

3: It keeps track of the number you've killed in the "achievements" menu,
which you can check by pressing start(for Xbox, Shift-Tab if playing on Steam).
Check this often, and try to anticipate places where you may not be able to go backwards.

4: Save often, and use multiple slots. You'd hate it if you went down a pit
and saved only to realize you missed a grub and cannot go back.

4: Try to use the Gravity Gun and Crowbar as much as possible. The Gravity
Gun's charged bolt kills them. Also, you may wish to conserve ammo for the
pistol when fighting antlions, as some grubs pretty much must be shot with the
pistol, but do not be overly concerned. Make sure you at least have some ammo
at all times, that's all.

5: It may not be immediately apparent, but the yellow pellets the grubs drop
are health. They are worth different amounts based on size.

6: If you don't know what an antlion grub is, you fail hard.

Explanation of Style:

- I will attempt to mark "easily missed/not directly in your path" grubs
with an "**" preceding the particular grub's number.

- Areas where you cannot go back across will be marked with a full:

- The numbers are individual per grub, but arbitrary within groups. I
think it's better to do it this way rather than numbering the groups.

- Comments will begin and end with "^^"

Grub Locations
Chapter One:
There are 91 grubs in Chapter 1 (242 in Chapter 2), start by playing through
until you reach the point where you get the pistol. You will drop into one
short hole, watch an antlion scurry down the hill, and then drop into a long
hole with a few levels of breaking boards (has a body hanging from girder
above the hole, and mine carts fall in). It's at the bottom of this hole where
your hunting begins!

#1-5: At the bottom of the aforementioned pit. Right after you fight another
black head crab, above the water. Three to the left, one to the right, one
behind you

#6-8: These three are in the tunnel leading away from the water, up to the
first webbing

#9-11: The grub on the webbing, and the two immediately behind it in the

#12-14: Three in the room after the webbing tunnel. Two on the left, one high
in front of you

#15-17: Midway through the tunnel out of that room, a close group of three on
the left

#18-19: A little further up this tunnel there are two on the right

#20-23: One on the webbing in this tunnel, three right behind it

----------------------------(Short ledge drop)--------------------------------

#24-26: After you fight the first acid antlion, these three are in the bottom
right corner of the wall that is a dead end, 20 feet to the right of where you dropped into
the room

^^ To the left of the room where you fought the acid antlion, before the
tracks turn left there is a chain link fence, where you can see about five
grubs. You can kill these now (with the explosive barrels), but you will be
going to that that area, so I suggest you wait, so you don't screw up the
order. ^^

#27: On the wall directly across from the wall you get the shotgun from



** #28: INSIDE the blue cabinet directly below #27. Doesn't seem to make noise
unless you open the cabinet (by pressing X, or your "use")


#29: Under the boards shaped like an "X" covering the hole below #27

#30: At the bottom of the pit under #29

#31-32: In the tunnel after #30, by the .357 and as you exit the tunnel

^^ The next area contains several, so be careful.
After fighting 2 antlions, head into the large room.
Now you have come to the room mentioned in the previous comment
Don't be thrown off if the antlions you fought have accidentally squished some
grubs, just make sure you know which ones, and count them ^^

#33-34: Start by heading to the right of the room. These two are on the floor,
right above the water, where you first get on the ramp that goes up to the

#35: On the webbing on the ramp

#36-41: Are all on the wall and floor immediately after the webbing "within
reach" of a crowbar

#42-49: Are all along the wall above the last group. I suggest you drop into
the water and use that pistol ammo you have been carefully saving. If you
don't have any, I suppose you could use the gravity gun to throw rocks. Good
luck with that.

#50-54: After jumping from the ramp in the last room to a platform
Pt. 2
^^ You can crouch jump the ledge to go back into the previous room if you
missed any ^^

#55-56: On the floor to the left in the room after #50-54

#57-58: In the next room with all the water, these two are on the bank to the

#59-60: Are above and inside the under water tunnel on the right

#61-62: Immediately outside the underwater tunnel

#63-64: To the left of #61-62, on the ground

#65-66: Behind the boat to the right, passed the barnacle tongue

#67: On the left wall across from the last two

#68-69: On the floor in the middle of the barnacle room

#70: On the wall to the right of the last two

#71-72: Immediately after the last barnacle, on the floor in the tunnel

#73-76: Are on the wall to the left before the water in room with another acid

#77: On the floor across the water in this room

#78-79: Down the tunnel, on the floor on the right

#80: 10 more feet down the tunnel…

#81: 10 more feet down the tunnel again

** #82: Not that hard to miss, but after #81 there is a short tunnel that
turns sharply left

#83-85: On the far side of the column to the left

#86-87: On the floor in the tunnel exiting the column room

#87-90: On, and behind the webbing in this tunnel

#91: 5 feet further down, on the floor

LEVEL ENDS: You should have all 91 for the first level when you get to the
screen, and the title "This Vortal Coil" appears
Chapter 2:

#92-93: In the narrow tunnel before you drop down to the area with Alyx, the
vortigaunt, and the two resistance fighters (Note: these two can be shot
before the level title/load, but I consider them part of chapter 2 as that's
where they physically reside)

--------------------------(Where Alyx is being healed)------------------------

#94-96: After the antlion battle, follow the vortigaunt into the tunnel. These
three are on the floor near the beginning of the tunnel

#97-98: Further down the tunnel on the floor

#99-102: Further down the tunnel there is a webbing on the left wall. There is
one outside and three inside this webbing

#103-105: Just past the last group on the floor, before the webbing that
blocks your way

#106-108: On the floor in front of the webbing mentioned above

-----------------------(Short drop after #106-108)----------------------------

#109: On the floor to the right after you jump down

#110-111: On the wall to the left of where the vortigaunt fought the antlions

#112: On the floor along the left path

** #113-114: These two are very easy to miss. They are on the ceiling in this
room. Look above the pit in the middle of the room as you cross along the left

#115-116: On the back wall of this room

#117-118: At the beginning of the tunnel exiting the last room

#119-120: Further along this tunnel, there is a webbing cache on the right
wall. These two are inside

#121-122: At the end of this tunnel, on the floor as you enter the next large

#123-126: These four are on the wall across from where you entered the room

#127: On the floor as you follow the U shaped path

#128: On the left after you get off the U path

#129-130: Up the path exiting this room, on the floor

#131-132: Further up this tunnel, at the peak on the floor

#133-134: In a web cache on the left a little more up this tunnel

#135-137: On the floor as the tunnel starts to head down hill

#138-139: Further down this tunnel on the right wall

#140-141: On the right wall below the web cache in the ceiling in this tunnel

** #142: Inside of the web cache in the ceiling at the top

-------------------------(Drop into zombie room)------------------------------

^^ Another area in which you can see many grubs, but I do not recommend
killing them now. You will access these other areas later. Kill them in order,
it's just easier. ^^

#143-145: On the floor to the left of where you drop in

#146-148: Passed the boarded gate, to the right where the grubs are nailed to
the wall (which obviously do not count)

^^Behind the roll-up gate there are six grubs. For simplicities sake, do not
kill them yet^^

-------------------------------(Weighted Elevator)----------------------------

** #149-151: These three are hidden on the right wall of the elevator shaft
near the bottom

#152-153: In "front" of the weighted elevator on the floor at the bottom

#154-156: "Behind" the weighted elevator, also at the bottom

#157-159: In the fenced area to the right

#160: In front of the "up" elevator, as you enter the room

#161-162: Behind the "up" elevator in front of the control area entrance

#163: Under the "up" elevator

** #164-165: Along the elevator shaft, near the bottom third. I suggest you
shoot these down before you use the elevator

#166: On the right wall at the top of the elevator

#167-171: In two small groups on the floor of this room before the generator

---------------------(Through roll-up generator door)-------------------------

#172: This grub is on the mine carts that tumble off the cliff to the left.
Don't worry about trying to kill it beforehand; it counts when it hits bottom.
^^Again, it seems possible that this grub is not killed automatically, so double check^^

** #173-176: Where the mine cart falls, you can see four grubs on the right
wall across the gap. Pistol these grubs now, as it's easier than when you are
in the giant room below later

#177-183: These seven will all be squished by the second mine cart, as it
rolls down

#184: This grub does not get squished, and is to the right of the mine cart at
the bottom of the slope

#185: Likewise, this one does not get squished either, and is just a few feet
up from #184

--------------(Narrow shaft under huge swinging crucible thingy)--------------

^^ You are going to drop into a mine cart, and go for a little ride, passing
many grubs. Don't worry, you can go all the back to where the cart started
from. When you hit the water at the end of the ride, you should have killed
187 grubs ^^

#186-187: Squished by mine cart ride
^^Apparently the mine cart may or may not always squish these, it is a physics thing. Go check them^^

#188-190: On the left wall just above the water

#191: About midway up this shaft, there is another grub on the left wall

#192-193: Again, near the top of the shaft on the left wall

#194: To the right at the very top of the ladder

#195-197: On the right wall above the pit

#198-200: On the ceiling at the entrance to the left tunnel at the bottom of
the slope
^^ Do not go down this tunnel yet. Get all the grubs on the slope first ^^

#201-203: A few feet up the tunnel from the last group, on the ground

#204-206: Again, a bit up the tunnel on the ground on the left

#207-209: Right above the last group, on the ceiling

^^ Another large room, with many difficult grubs. Careful not to miss any ^^

#210-212: On the ground to the left at the bottom of the tunnel

#213-214: Directly to the right of the last group, on a wall in a crevice

#215-216: On the ground in front of the cliff

** #217-221: These five are along the lower hole in the large wall across the
chasm. Pistol them carefully

** #222-226: These five are similarly along the hole much higher in the same
wall. Make sure to get them all

^^There is the antlion/zombie fight, while waiting for the elevator, then in
the area after that you see the antlion guard for the first time. To the left
is a short drop ^^

----------------------------(Short drop in floor)-----------------------------

#227-228: At the end of the hall, above the "4"

** #229-230: On the ceiling above the previous group

#231-232: On the right wall, near the end of the path on the left

#233-236: Behind the second grate to the right, on the floor

-----------------------(Hop across broken elevator's shaft)-------------------

#237: Right before the hole in the left tube

Pt. 3
#238-239: On the far side of the same hole

-----------------------------(Hole in vent tube)------------------------------

#240: Along the wall of the hole

#241-242: at the bottom of the hole

#243-246: Around the webbing that covers the bottom of the hole, before you
drop into the water

#247-248: Just above the water on a stalagmite

#249-250: On the wall directly in front of you as you exit the underwater tube

#251-254: On the right wall, behind the barnacle tongues

#255-256: On the ground as you exit the water from this room

#257: At the beginning of the first yellow tunnel, on the floor

#258: A little further in this tunnel, in the center of the enormous blood
smear. Apparently these things are more vicious than I had thought

#259: Further along this tunnel, near the exit on the right wall

---------------------------(Exiting first yellow tunnel)----------------------

#260-263: One at the entrance, and three inside the second yellow tunnel, in
the center of the circular tunnel you just dropped into

----------------(Cave where gaurdian charges into stalagtite)-----------------

#264-268: After running past the guardian for the first time, these are at the
beginning and a little inside the first yellow tunnel you come to

-------------------------(Short drop in yellow tunnel)------------------------

#269-270: At the bottom of the drop, and at the end of the tunnel before the

** #271-272: Around the outside of the webbing, after exiting the tunnel

#273-275: At the entrance, and just inside the next tunnel

#276-278: Further down this tunnel, before another short drop

--------------------------(Short drop in yellow tunnel)-----------------------

#279-284: Immediately after the short drop

** #285-286: Again, around the outside of the webbing that blocks the end of
the tunnel

#287-289: Around the outside of the tunnel, across the way to the right

#290-292: Just inside of this tunnel, before another short drop

#293: Inside this tunnel, before the webbing at the end

#294-295: Once more, around the outside of the webbing at the end of this

#296-297: Around the entrance to the next escape tunnel, after running past
the guardian in the room that has an "O" shaped rock-bridge

#298-300: Just inside of this dead end tunnel

-------------------(Short drop left of the last yellow tunnel)----------------

#301-303: After the short drop, quickly head right into another yellow tunnel.
There are three grubs around the outside of the entrance

#304-306: Just inside of this tunnel

#307-309: On the floor, at the end of the tunnel before the webbing

#310-311: Of course, there are two around the outside of the webbing at the

-------------(Hole in floor, Guardian chases you and breaks wall)-------------

^^ Another decent sized room, with most of the remaining grubs located here ^^

#312: Immediately right of the entrance to the room there is webbing on the

#313-315: In the corner near #312 on the ground

#316: Just below the second webbing on the right wall

#317-319: Along the floor, near the gear

#320-322: Behind elevator, on the ground

#323-324: Around the webbing on the ceiling, near the entrance

** #325: At the top of the web cache near the entrance

#326-327: Around the webbing on the ceiling, near the blocked off tunnel

** #328: At the top of the web cache near the blocked off tunnel

#329: Near the generator in the blocked off tunnel

#330-332: On the other side of the blocked off tunnel, when the vortigaunt
opens the door

#333!: After Alyx gets healed, and you both ride the elevator up, its on the
other side of the right wall, through some boards at the end of the tunnel

Congrats! If you've been following along, you should have them all. Enjoy your
achievement. If you didn't get it, er… sorry? Try again.

Plans for future versions:
- Answer questions, reword/reformat guide? Ill take suggestions, as this
is my first real FAQ: You can contact me at

Total Achievements Achieved:
So far, (THOUSANDS) of players have used this guide to successfully get this achievement.
If you want to add your achievement to the total, send me a message and I'll
add it in. I have saved every "thank you" email I've ever recieved and am truly humbled
by the responses. At first I kind of felt like a ♥♥♥♥, I had never personally written a
"TY" to any of the guides I'd ever used and yet to this day (3-23-13, 5 years after writing
this guide originally) I still recieve amazing emails frequently from people all over the world.
Thank you thank you thank you for making this silly guide totally worth making.

Cameron Swartzell, original author

"Pyroman31" of the (xbox360achievements.org) boards for a few basic checkpoint

PaleOgre, my hero, for finding the "one that got away", allowing me to finish
this guide

댓글 384
Intodadeep 2025년 2월 27일 오전 9시 08분 
MrBrotato 2025년 2월 21일 오후 11시 24분 
I got 332/333!!! lol fortunately after some time I figured out which I missed and was able to go back and repeat the last few dozen and get it.
soo mean 2025년 2월 13일 오후 8시 55분 
Hi, would you mind transferring this guide to the Half-Life 2 guides? Thanks
Markoska 2025년 2월 3일 오후 10시 43분 
Really helpful guide. Thanks for making this!
CassidySux 2025년 1월 16일 오전 1시 37분 
Helped me get the ribbon for HL2, tyvm
Unmans 2024년 12월 24일 오전 8시 16분 
extremely helpful guide
Opopopuu 2024년 12월 22일 오후 3시 37분 
Wll, that was a challange...:alyx:
DarkMoe 2024년 12월 14일 오전 7시 14분 
got it ! Very clean guide. #28 is probably the only one impossible to find without the guide
bulletcluster 2024년 12월 8일 오전 3시 48분 
Thank you, 3rd run was with your help as I missed the one at the closet in my tries.

:asterisk: 333 + 333 = 666 :comic: :papyrus:
hnjsh 2024년 11월 28일 오전 7시 04분 
I successfully accomplished it, thank you so much :headcrab: