Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

199 arvostelua
Hamilton City Hall
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3.256 MB
20.3.2018 klo 17.41
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Hamilton City Hall

2 kokoelmassa, tekijä JSF-1
Toronto Collection
175 luomusta
JSF-1's City Halls
40 luomusta
The City Hall for the city of Hamilton Ontario, Canada. The 8 story building opened in 1960 and was designed by Stanley Roscoe.

Cost to Build: $50,000
Upkeep: $800
Size: 10x8
Level 3 Monument
5 kommenttia
jetsetspice 22.3.2018 klo 10.59 
Thank you very much for the great asset!
Spearin 22.3.2018 klo 6.05 
THANKS! I live in Hamilton and made a Cities: Skylines terrain based on the real life heightmap so this asset certainly has a home!

I was going to make an annoying request on other asset comments for some Hamilton landmarks, but figured I wouldn't bother because it seemed like only a matter of time. Want to tackle the Hunter Street GO Station next? It's a gorgeous building and a very unique station. Would be amazing to have a functional elevated rail, with the bus station underneath. Or just the assets to plop :)
garfield007 21.3.2018 klo 17.19 
love the building :) is there any chance for improved roof tetures ? I tried to cover the roof with plopable asphalt and looks really cool :)
FelineNibbler 21.3.2018 klo 12.44 
Absolutely beautiful. Much thanks from Hamilton :)
albertofuji 21.3.2018 klo 6.06 
Great asset! Thank you for sharing