Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Killing Floor 2 Storyline
Oleh BurgerCrusader™
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The Storyline
Let us be honest, Who plays killing floor 2 for the story line?

But for the sake of this guide, I'll give some general knowledge on the storyline as accurate as possible.

I will offer tips and advice for new players in the guide. If anyone else wishes to ask me anything feel free to drop a comment! I'll reach back to you asap.

At first, I thought of trolling people into looking at this guide with no content at all. LMAO
The Start of everything
On the last day of August, everything changed in the bustling city of London.

A group of several thousand protesters were reported assembling outside the offices of a wealthy Biotech corporation called Horzine. The riot police were called in because the general consensus was that these protesters were the violent sort and needed a lesson in civil obedience. All of this was based on eyewitness testimony that the office entrance had been smashed to pieces. It was agreed that this was a poor way to treat the property of a renowned government defense contractor and the boys suited up, put their visors down and moved in. With a few armed Special Branch lads hidden in amongst them, because they didn’t want to miss the fun.

Ther- I'm going to cut the story short.

Horzine is responsible for the outbreak in London due to a containment breach in the company.Somehow they manage to break out and cause chaos and mayhem, Bodies were being eaten, Limbs and bits were flying everywhere.Husks blowing cars up and scrake cutting people into half. The police and army were not trained for this chaotic and crude "rioters". There was no end to this nightmare due to the fact that their cloning machine is powered on and running until either someone shuts it off or permanently shut it down.

On the last day of August, London turned into a Killing Floor.

Months later,

Paris soon after became the Second Killing Floor.

Watch the video on how it all began if you're bored of reading!

The Madman and his delusional thoughts

Nice video you just watched right? Back to the story:

This guy has a weird family background and might be nuts!

Kevin Clamely, the Patriarch's original identity, was the CEO and founder of Horzine Biotech, the company responsible for the outbreak in London. He was hired by the government to create the perfect soldier. Something that wouldn't experience pain or fear, and wouldn't question or reason. London was to be used as a staging ground.A test of Horzine's accomplishments.

Kevin thought of the clones as his "children" and "family" because they were the only companions he had left.

This guy is a Madman.

He thought it was a good idea to clone another Patriarch, little did he know that it backfired.
One of the clone killed the original Dr.Calmely, decides to clone more zeds and wants to dominate the world. This as- i mean ♥♥♥♥♥ nearly doomed us all.
The Daughter of Kevin Clamley

Rachel Clamely (also known as Ms. Clamely)

She is the daughter of Kevin Clamely and the older sister to her deceased younger brother. Unlike the rest of her family, she is actual on the good side and hopes to stop her father's evil plans.

18 days after the Horzine incident at West London, Rachel was to meet with her father in a London train station.

Unfortunately, Kevin(Crazy father) was setting up explosives for any authorities coming to stop him. She then hides in a secret room located somewhere in the underground. When the soldiers(Players) arrive, she ask for their assistance in helping her destroy her father's underground lab. Through out the story, she guides and watches the players proceed through the underground lab until the end where its revealed that the Patriarch was also a mass produced clone all along. While the player(s) go to the train going towards Paris, Rachel stays behind.

Unfortunately that was the end of killing floor 1, but a great start to Killing floor 2!


The Matriarch is a boss in Killing Floor 2. She is the mutated form of Rachel Clamely, the daughter of Kevin Clamely, and was added in the Yuletide Horror update. Apparently she went insane during the events that was happening in Killing Floor 2.

The Trader
The Trader is a mysterious woman of undisclosed name and origin who can be found in various fortified locations, selling guns, ammunition and other equipment to the players in exchange for money obtained from killing specimens. She sends audio messages to the players notifying them of the current status of the shop, when its opening, closing, and if it will be open again.
She was one of the iconic characters for the earlier game. This was the event of transit where you can find her in the very first section of the map. Appearantly she might have been killed in the blast when we were destroying the lab. As dev were commenting that the trader was no longer alive.

She will be missed
The Family gathering
Kevin decides to introduce his family members to the world. Little did we know that they ain't as friendly as we thought they were.

The Siren is a clone of Clamely's wife, who had long wanted to be a singer but lacked in talent. Their eyes were gouged out so that they could not see (thus, know when to scream), and they were all restrained with straitjackets. Kevin Clamely had a Siren kill his wife when she attempted to divorce him.


Created by Project Stalker in Horzine Research Bunker 6 deep in the Wyre forest, Players can find the remnants of the lab that led to the rise of this specimen; a semblance of Kevin Clamley's daughter, Rachel. Failed Stalker experiments lay on the table phasing in and out of camouflage. A glimpse of the lab's descent into madness can be found on the lab walls and floors: phrases such as "Hide and go Eat" and "You are the prettiest when I can't see you."

The Husk was part of a cybernetic enhancing experiment, in which the specimens underwent multiple procedures to create a soldier that could incorporate technology and utilize advanced bioprogamming. The Husk was fitted with a steel brace that supported the backcase for its fireball launcher, and given yellow cybernetic eyes that allowed it to computer-lock on to foes. After several attempts to train the specimens with the weapon, and failing, the scientists of Horzine simply removed the right arm and set the cannon on a nerve controlled platform.

Although they were generally considered a success, they were labeled as too dull to function properly as soldiers because of their simplistic programming, often times shooting each other when there were no other targets. When the London Breakout was initiated, hundreds of Husks were "re-booted", and walked out with their unfinished directives, which was lock on to the first living thing it found, and destroy it. It was the Husks that led the carnage in the break out, blasting the police cars and bystanders out of the way as the horde of specimens flooded out of the labs.

The Bloat is one of the more disturbing specimens created by Horzine, mainly because not all Bloats were clones. Horzine experimented with drugs to maintain a soldiers physical body, designed to combat against fatigue, muscle loss, even old age. Advertising them as weight loss supplements, Horzine recruited hundreds of obese men, and experimented on them.

The drugs were a complete failure. The test subjects grew even more obese, and their immune systems were genetically enhanced into an overdrive, making all of the subjects body fluids a toxic acid. But because the overall body chemistry and structure of the Bloats remained the same (i.e. human) their bodies violently rejected the toxin, making them vomit whenever the acid reached a critical level. Furthermore, significant damage to their bodies resulted in a violent rupturing of the cells in the Bloat, causing it to explode in a spray of acid.

Clamley, watching the experiments with interest, ordered the projects continue. This makes the Bloat one of the few specimens not specifically designed as a super soldier, and the only specimen not made by cloning.

The Crawler
The Crawler was an experiment in fusing species. In this case, a human and an arachnid. Much like the Clot, it is one of the few who valiantly defend the Patriarch during the final wave, and also makes mention in the midst of its garbled dialogue that "We love our father".

The original story behind the Scrake is that it was designed to be the perfect field medic, able to take hideous amounts of pain while working on their patients in the field. While it was considered success because the Scrake could take an absolutely astounding amount of damage, it was considered a horrible failure at the same time. He could only learn by having wounds inflicted on himself and he became quite interested in pain.

When Horzine started its second wave of human cloning and genetic engineering programs, the intention was to create a fully grown male that would respond to imperatives and could recognize Horzine staff as its masters. Orders were to be given to these subjects through a neural implant which released controlled doses of serotonin upon successful completion of a mandate. The subjects quickly showed signs of aberrant behaviour, however, including aggressive self mutilation. The first batch of clones was spawned from the DNA of Horzine CEO Kevin Clamely's deceased son. The failure of these specimens put a brief hold on the project while new avenues were pursued.

The original story behind the Gorefast is that they were the end result of a project similar to that of the Scrake, but toned down to an extent, designed to create extremely strong and fast soldiers. While the project was a success, the soldiers became insane, consumed with constant rage and an obsession with pain.

The story behind the Fleshpound is that they were developed by Horzine, to make super-soldiers. Fleshpounds were routinely injected with muscle growth stimulants and adrenaline cocktails to help build a titanic body, however it had the side effect of making them incredibly violent and quick to anger. After a few accidents, each Fleshpound was harnessed with a device to monitor their adrenaline levels, as well as to inject them with depressants and other chemicals in order to keep them calm. However, the device also served as a life preserver, as it would flood the Fleshpound's system with adrenaline and stimulants whenever it was in pain.

They were considered a failure, and the entire population of them was consigned to the lowest levels of Horzine's laboratory. When it came time to destroy them, the drugs used instead triggered their devices into action, allowing them to break free from their bonds and kill the laboratory's staff. However, they were never able to free themselves from the 'mace' restraints used to hold their giant fists at bay, which ironically makes them even better at pounding flesh. Their name stems from the few words that they knew.

[Click on the photos to view their bio in fullscreen]

[Click on the photos to view their bio in fullscreen]

[Click on the photos to view their bio in fullscreen]

[Click on the photos to view their bio in fullscreen]

[Click on the photos to view their bio in fullscreen]

[Click on the photos to view their bio in fullscreen]
The Demonstrations of Zeds
A demonstration of the zeds in the killing floor universe:

The second part of the zeds:
The Methods on killing each of them
I'll be teaching a few simple tricks on how to annihilate each and one of them.

The bunch of idiots: Slightly different but overall they behave the same way as any clots.
There is the Alpha clot,Cyst,Slasher, and the clot. I'll be going through each of them briefly.

The only one you really have to keep a close eye on is the Rioter. The Rioter can deal decent damage,Buff nearby allies and doesn't die easily like the rest of their kind.

Clot is pretty simple enough to kill, deadly to complacent players.
People seem to forgot that in the first wave, a knife is enough to deal with this pesky brats. You can save dosh in the first wave if you follow the method below.

Pressing V with a knife will deal enough damage and decapitate this clots. Aiming the head of course!

Ignore it and there is a chance where he'll grab you when you're being swarmed, right there and then you better pray you dispose of him quick or face the dirt.

My experience with the stalker can be rather annoying.

She might block critical shots plus appearing in your face when least expected, she could deal huge chunk of damage and hard to hit while she's attacking as well.

Your safest way to deal with them is to keep a lookout on the white shades,Hearing her whispers or have a commando by your side.She has the same health as the clot and a head-shot should put her in place. At the end of the day, you do not want her near you at all.

Lethal and fast, there's a reason why he is known as the Gorefast.

This zed is known to block head-shots if he receives damage on the head. Your best bet is using a shotgun to deal with him or having more firepower which would put in down on the dirt with one shot to the head. He has this swinging combo which you can interrupt with Bash(V).

Ignoring him or delaying to put him down, He becomes enraged , Runs towards you and start swinging his long-butt knife at you till you're dead. Put him down fast.

Gorefiend:This monster is dangerous, I'm not joking. He has a decent amount of health compared to the bloat and husk. You named it governor:Health,Damage,Speed and a combo that could even wipe out a team in a small area.

My tactics in killing him is using a shotgun.If not consistent head-shot to the face and always maintain your distances from him. If he gets to close, quickly bash him out of the way and shot him down before he becomes a huge problem.

Just like the gore-fast but even deadlier.

Siren: Staying true to her name, She is one ugly SOB and can scream like a B. To low level demos and berserker, her screams can disabled Demos projectile and prevent berserker from going balls-deep into the mob without suffering tons of damage. Her bite takes off 1/3 of the players health although it takes awhile for her to finish the bite animation.

A sharpshooter can just dispose her in a shot or any other bullet perks can shoot her down. Fire bug takes slightly longer but it should get the job done. In short, she needs to be dead before she gets to close to anyone. Within seconds she can cause mayhem and wipe out the team.

The Husk:
I would say he is a high level threat based on my experience. He deals a lot of damage upfront, shoots fireball from afar every few seconds and has a suicide ability as well. Stay clear of his suicide ability at all cost.

He dies pretty easily due to that fuel pack on his back. Just stand in his Point of view and he will start to wind-up and shoots at you. At that moment his fuel pack is exposed giving you at least 1.5 to 2 seconds to shoot it and kill him. Depending on your weapons you use, It may take more than one shot to cause an explosion. This will require tactics and timing.

Bloaters:This Fatties have the same concept as the siren. Useless when it's far, devastating when he is up close! The bloats has the largest health bar compared to the rest of the small zeds.

Good news:He is slow and big. Making him a easy target to decapitate.
Bad news: At times when he die, he leaves "mines" around the place. Huge damage from his vomit when he is near you.He doesn't die easy as well.

Any bullet perks can put him in place. Firebug does the job quickly in killing him in my opinion. Demo will just waste the ammo, therefore just shoot off his head with a pistol.

Annoying and fast, fairly small also.Therefore he can be an annoyance towards the berserker or any other bullet perk because of how quick it is. It deals good amount of damage when it reaches you.

To make things worse, There is a special breed that is white in-color. Shooting it in the body will cause a puff of poison smoke that will damage the players near it overtime.

How to counter against the white one's: Shoot it in the head. That's the only way.

Firebug is the best perk against this creatures. Like me spraying pesticides on cockroaches for fun.

Please pay attention to this for those noobs who do not know. This THING is one of the strongest or is the strongest in the whole zed roster.

Reason being:
Once you enraged this maniac, He will not stop until he is dead. He has high resistances to explosive weapons and huge health to be put down. His attacks deals crazy ton of damage to players. Bullets or blunt damage is the best against him.

The only weakspot i know for him is the head.
Countering the monster: Sharpshooter,Demo,Support,Gunslinger,Swat or Berzerker.

Sharpshooter can freeze,using either the rail gun,m14,m99 or rifles to dispose of him. Safest and easier ways to kill it off.

Demo players requires experience players to pull this off due to precise timing. RPG up-close and aim for the head to deal blunt damage. It takes 1-3 shot depending on the perk skill tree.

Support players can use the sawn-off or doomstick, using the same concept of the demo. Up-close and aim for the head too.It all comes down to timing, takes around 4-6 bullets when done right.

Gunslinger will have to use the dual s&w 500 to land those headshots consistently as the rack em up multiplies.The grenade can stun but hard to execute because there's a timer fuse on the grenades which is hard to "nail" it down. [Recommend: Only experience players]

Swat tactic is using the concussion grenade to stun and using the kriss,p90 to aim for the head.It has to be done quick because the stun won't last long though.Just the same tactic as the gunslinger.

Berzerker can use the chain-saw looking weapon that shoots saw's. Two of those is enough to decapitate it. Fairly easy to use when timed right.

In short:Don't rage until your team is ready to take it out OR you are certain you can kill it on your own.

Shooting them in the chest will expose their core, shoot the core to shut them off. This will take at least two shots.

The Fleshpound & Quarter Pound

The Fleshpound

To be honest, I find him less threatening compared to the Scrake. You will find out why as you read on.

He has the largest health,highest damage and deadly when raged. In fact, he covers his weak spots when he is raging that is around his chest and to make things worse.He runs towards you and deal tons of damage.

So why in heaven's name did i rate him as the second place in the zed roster?

Although Fleshpound has resistance to bullet perks, they will spawn out at wave 7 or so, maybe earlier depending. This means that you should have your tier 4 weapons by then, and aiming for the head.

M99 or Railgun can dispatch a flesh pound in 2-3 shots to the head, Support can alt fire using the sawn off or doom stick to create distance and still damage it to the head. Gunslinger has the ability to slow down zeds when he shoots zeds in the head, combined with rack them up, the Fleshpound stands no chance.

You may argue that when he spawns he is already raging, making him even harder to kill. However when you have a berserker in the team,He can parry his attacks easily because it is easy to read a Fleshpound attacks, a demolition or a sharpshooter and even a support could dispose him quickly if combined together.

You can't say the same for the scrake because he rages and comes at you Instantaneously. It is not easy to parry a scrake's attack because he has many attack varients as well. Plus he has a explosive resistance which means it takes longer to kill the scrake , demolition will get hurt if he tries to come close with a scrake that is raging and if he misses, the player is open to attacks.

Back to the topic:
Ways to counter this bad boy: Support,Demolition,Sharpshooter,Berserker and Gunslinger.

I'm only going to recommend the Demolition,Sharpshooter and Berserker tactics to dispose the Fleshpound. The rest requires at least some knowledge of the zeds and gameplay. Apply this when you have to engage it alone or in a group depending on the situation.

Support- Use the sawn off on the Fleshpound like how you used it on scrake.
You will have to jump and press the alt-fire, making sure your shots count and aiming the head of course.

Doing this brings you back to safe distance between you and the Fleshpound, Now repeat the same steps earlier as he rages and comes for you.

Most likely he will miss his attacks due to the knock-back but don't stop or relax.He will continue to rage until he either hits someone or is killed. 6-8 shots will kill the Fleshpound for sure. Hard to achieve and you will need space plus time provided you have any.

Demolition-Easy as pie, Keep your focus on the Fleshpound and keep firing your RPG at it until he dies. It takes just 1-3 shots. Seriously it's that easy. I can't say the same for the scrake.

Berserker- Use the sledgehammer alt-fire, Parry and use alt-fire whenever possible. 3-4 hits and this Fleshpound is toast. Easy right??

Sharpshooter- Freeze the Fleshpound first, and quickly use the Railgun/M99 and Head shot it quickly. It takes around 2 shots to the head on HOE. This tactic is a little hard to pull because it depends mainly on your teammates. If you are covered, teammates don't rage it and you remain calm. You should be able to pull this off.

Quarter Pounder:
The children of the Fleshpound. Don't be fooled by the size of it. It deals quite a load of damage which you won't except at all. Just the same as the Fleshpound, but easier to dispose of him quickly with bullets this time.

Example: One shot of the rail gun can kill it, One-two shots of the RPG can blow him up, A commando can even put him in place provided his shots are towards his ugly face. You know what i'm saying! Just remember the only thing below:


The Matriarch pilots a giant mech suit with 2 destroy-able parts, the face guard, and the cannon on her left arm. Upon destruction of the face guard, she will take more damage from that area. If the cannon is destroyed, she will gain a grappling attack similar to the Patriarch's with her oversize left hand, will move faster, and begin using the claws on her right arm to damage you. Throughout the fight, the only ZEDs that will attack the player are the E.D.A.R. variants.Watch out for those!

Thank you for reading through the guide :>

This guide is just to briefly let players who are new to understand what's going on in the killing floor universe.

This are simple tips on how you should dispose and counter each zeds in certain ways.

Thank you for taking the time reading this guide as i had fun making this!

I am up for any game in killing floor 2! Invite me peeps~

I'll be updating this guide whenever something new appears.

To be honest, I missed the old killing floor 1 though.

55 Komentar
Stripe 13 Jun 2021 @ 5:49am 
@Slicer What about gorefiends?
Undefined 13 Des 2020 @ 11:06am 
Actually read through this all. Good job. 👍
BurgerCrusader™  [pembuat] 8 Agu 2020 @ 7:11pm 
Thanks for the feedback guys
Slicer [AUT] 5 Agu 2020 @ 3:15pm 
I still play KF1 too
One reason are the retarded EDAR`s i just hate them and ruin the fun for me. And I miss the apocalyptic more slow paste feeling in KF1. And if you get killed they just destroy and eat you.
The guide about the Story was really good I enjoyed it : )
ForTheEmperor! 12 Jul 2020 @ 8:47am 
Wow, that video was actually pretty good! Cool guide btw, thanks for making it
BurgerCrusader™  [pembuat] 20 Feb 2020 @ 9:34am 
they didn't really mention when exactly , but the game was released in may 2009
Phycorax 20 Feb 2020 @ 8:45am 
which august btw?
BurgerCrusader™  [pembuat] 20 Feb 2020 @ 7:58am 
Phycorax 20 Feb 2020 @ 7:39am 
Holy Crap dude. I thought at first that this would be some shit posy but you actually put some effort into it.
BurgerCrusader™  [pembuat] 15 Feb 2020 @ 6:51am 
updated! thanks you !:Dosh: