Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

27 次評價
Nuzlocke for Dragon's Dogma
由 Echigah 發表
The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of self-imposed rules used while playing a Pokémon main series (or hack) game to make the game more difficult as well as more meaningful to the player. Many challengers feel that the rules also serve the purpose of encouraging the use of Pokémon the player would not normally choose, and promoting closer bonds with the player's Pokémon. The rules are not an in-game function, but are self-imposed on the part of the player, and thus subject to variation.

This is a try to make a Nuzlocke Challenge for Dragons Dogma.
Recommended for those who reached the highest level and want to feel like the first time again while playing the main story.
This set of rules were made to make us use low level equipments (most part of the stats come from here), take care of our pawns and play Dragons Dogma as a long journey.
Nuzlocke for Dragon's Dogma (ENGLISH)

Difficulty and level:
  • It is allowed to play on any difficulty and with the Arisen at any level.
  • If the Arisen is below level 50 in NORMAL mode or 100 in HARD mode, pawns higher than Arisen level can be hired; otherwise, it is not allowed to hire pawns that exceed the Arisen level.

  • Your team will follow you throughout the story. At any time of the game, once a pawn is chosen to follow you, it is permanently linked to the party and can never be replaced by another.
  • Once the 4 members of the team are defined, no pawn can be hired.
  • If a pawn dies and goes to the rift this pawn will be lost permanently and its place in the team will be permanently disabled. This means that it can not be replaced by a new pawn and the team will be permanently one member less.
  • A pawn can be returned to the rift but a new one can not be hired in its replacement.
  • The main pawn is the only one that could remain the group after dying. The pawn will reappear when interacting with a riftstone, but all the equipment and objects that the pawn has with him must be discarded. After discarding all equipment of the pawn, the game must be saved.

Hiring pawns:
  • You can hire any pawn, whether it is generated by game (offline mode) or by a player, whether friend or not (online).
  • If the Arisen is below level 50 in NORMAL mode or 100 in HARD mode, pawns higher than Arisen level can be hired; otherwise, it is not allowed to hire pawns that exceed the Arisen level.
  • If you hire a pawn, it is permanently linked to your team. No other pawn can replace it.
  • The pawn's hire can happen at any time of the game that is possible. It is not mandatory to hire the 2 pawns immediately. If, for example, you want to hire a pawn from a player that costs RC and you still do not have enough or you want to wait for Arisen to reach an adequate level to rent a high-level pawn, you can postpone the election until it is convenient for you.
  • When hiring a pawn, immediately after its selection you must remove any equipment that the pawn has already carried. You can only use the objects that are obtained in the game. Then the game must be saved.

Death and Revive:
  • During combat it is allowed to revive the pawns as many times as necessary.
  • Pawn hired: If a hired pawn is returned to the rift (because he died) it will be permanently lost and can not be replaced by the hire of another pawn, leaving the group permanently with one less member. After his death, the game should be saved immediately.
  • Main pawn: If your main pawn dies, it can be revived in a riftstone, but when it reappears, all the equipment and items that the pawn has with him must be discarded. Then the game should be saved immediately.
  • Arisen: If the Arisen dies and is not revived by a weakstone, only the RETRY option is allowed (It is not allowed to load the game to the last control point). When you return to the game you must immediately discard all equipment and objects that the Arisen carry with him/her and then you must save the game.
  • NPC: It is allowed to revive NPCs and Arisen with weakstones.

Saved and Load game:
  • It is not allowed to make manual saves unless it is in the following cases:
  • If a hired pawn dies, the game must be saved immediately.
  • If your main pawn dies, the game must be saved after discarding the objects that the main pawn carries with him.
  • If the Arisen dies, you can only use the RETRY option. When returning to the game, you must discard all the objects that the Arisen carries and the game must be saved.
  • When leaving the game you must select the option to leave without saving.
  • It is allowed to enter the rift via riftstone at any time to force the game to perform a checkpoint save.

  • You can only wear clothes, rings, weapons and items that get in chests, via loot or as reward for a quest.
  • It is not allowed to buy items from any merchant, except weapons and equipment (non-consumables items) that can be purchased at Cassadris.
  • The main pawn can not use any equipment that receives as a reward from another Arisen. If the main pawn back to help another Arisen carrying a new equipment, you must select the option to store it in the chest and so the pawn will continue to use his/her original equipment.
  • When hiring a pawn, immediately after his election, you must remove any equipment that the pawn already carries. Then the game must be saved. The pawn can only use the objects that are obtained in the game.

  • Money has no use. Except Cassardis, you are not allowed to buy any kind of object at the merchants.
  • You can only get objects by loot, chests or as rewards of quests.
  • It is possible to upgrade your weapons with the resources and money you already have, although these resources are stored in the chest.

There is no chest:
  • Only those objects that carry the Arisen or the pawns can be used.
  • You can sell objects or store them in the chest, but it is not allowed to retrieve them from the chest.
  • Once an object is saved, this object is permanently lost.
  • The resources of the chest can only be used to improve the equipment.
  • It is not allowed to use the objects of the chest to make combinations.

  • It is not allowed to teleport to any portcristal. You can only teleport to Cassdris and Gran Soren.
  • Any ferrystone that can be found on the road can be used, but it is not allowed to buy them
  • It is permissible to collect and place a portcristal for, for example, to be used as a beacon at night, but it is not allowed to teleport to them with the ferrystones.

Bitterblack Isle:
  • It is not recommended to travel to BBI in this mode.
  • Purified items can not be used because they are stored in the chest
  • It is allowed to use the secret augments obtained by purification.
  • It is not allowed to improve any equipment with Barroch above dragonforged (silver and gold are not allowed).
  • It is allowed to use the BBI ferrystone to return with Olra to the dock.
Nuzlocke para Dragon's Dogma (ESPAÑOL)
Dificultad y nivel:
  • Está permitido jugar en cualquier dificultad y con el Arisen en cualquier nivel.
  • Si el Arisen está por debajo del nivel 50 en modo NORMAL o 100 en HARD, se podrá rentar peones que superen el nivel del Arisen; en caso contrario, no estará permitido rentar peones que superen el nivel del Arisen.

  • Tu grupo te acompañará durante toda la historia. En cualquier momento del juego, una vez que se elige a un peón para acompañarte, este queda vinculado al grupo permanentemente y nunca podrá ser reemplazado por otro.
  • Una vez que se definen los 4 miembros del grupo no se podrá rentar ningún peón.
  • Si un peón muere y va al rift se perderá a este peón permanentemente y su lugar en el grupo quedará deshabilitado permanentemente. Esto significa que, no podrá ser reemplazado por un nuevo peón y el grupo quedará permanentemente con un integrante menos.
  • Se puede devolver a un Peón al rift pero no se podrá rentar uno nuevo en su reemplazo.
  • El peón principal es el único que pude permanecer en el grupo luego de morir. El peón reaparecerá al interactuar con un riftstone, pero se deberá descartar todos los equipamientos y objetos que el peón lleve consigo. Luego de descartar todos los equipamientos del peón, se deberá guardar la partida.

Rentar peones:
  • Se puede rentar cualquier peón, sea este generado por juego (modo offline) o por un jugador sea amigo o no (online).
  • Si el Arisen está por debajo del nivel 50 en modo NORMAL o 100 en HARD, se podrá rentar peones que superen el nivel del Arisen; en caso contrario, no estará permitido rentar peones que superen el nivel del Arisen.
  • Si se renta a un peón, este queda vinculado a tu equipo permanentemente. Ningún otro peón podrá reemplazarlo.
  • La renta del peón puede suceder en cualquier momento del juego que sea posible. No es obligatorio rentar los 2 peones inmediatamente. Si, por ejemplo, se desea rentar un peón de algún jugador que cueste RC y aun no se cuenta con la cantidad suficiente o se desea esperar que el Arisen alcance un nivel adecuado para pdoer rentar un peón de alto nivel, se puede postergar la elección hasta que sea conveniente para el jugador.
  • Al rentar un peón, inmediatamente luego de su selección se le debe quitar cualquier equipamiento que ya lleve consigo. Solo podrá utilizar los objetos que se consigan en el juego. Luego se debe guardar el juego.

Muerte y Revivir:
  • Durante el combate está permitido revivir los peones todas veces que sea necesario.
  • Peón rentado: Si un perón rentado es devuelto al rift (por qué murió) este se perderá permanentemente y no podrá ser reemplazado mediante la renta de otro peón, quedando el grupo permanentemente con un integrante menos. Luego de su muerte se deberá guardar el juego inmediatamente.
  • Peón principal: Si tu peón principal muere, este puede ser revivido en un riftstone, pero al reaparecer, se deberá descartar todos los equipamientos e ítems que el peón lleve consigo. Luego se deberá guardar el juego inmediatamente.
  • Arisen: Si el Arisen muere y no se revive por un weakstone, sólo estará permitida la opción REINTENTAR (No está permitido cargar el juego al último punto de control). Al regresar al juego se deberá descartar inmediatamente todos sus equipamientos y objetos que el Arisen lleve consigo y luego se deberá guardar el juego.
  • NPC: Está permitido revivir NPCs y al Arisen con los weakstones.

Guardado y Carga del juego:
  • No está permitido hacer guardados manuales a menos que sea en los siguientes casos:
  • Si un peón rentado muere se debe guardar el juego inmediatamente.
  • Si tu peón principal muere, se deberá guardar el juego luego de descartar los objetos que lleve consigo.
  • Si el Arisen muere solo podrá usar la opción de REINTENTAR. Al regresar al juego, se deberá descartar todos los objetos que el Arisen lleve consigo y se deberá guardar el juego.
  • Al salir del juego se deberá seleccionar la opción salir sin guardar.
  • Se está permitido ingresar al rift vía riftstone en cualquier momento para forzar que el juego realice un guardado de punto de control.

  • Solo se podrá equipar y usar equipamientos, armas e ítems que se encuentren en cofres, vía loot o como recompensa por una quest.
  • No está permitido comprar ítems a ningún mercader, excepto las armas y equipamientos (no consumibles) que se puedan comprar en Cassadris.
  • El peón principal no puede utilizar ningún equipo que reciba como recompensa de otro Arisen. Si regresa de ayudar a otro Arisen portando un nuevo equipamiento, se deberá seleccionar la opción para que estos se guarden en el cofre y así el peón seguirá usando su equipamiento original.
  • Al rentar un peón, inmediatamente luego de su elección, se le deberá quitar cualquier equipamiento que ya lleve consigo. Luego se debe guardar el juego. Solo podrá utilizar los objetos que se consigan en el juego.

  • La moneda no tiene valor. Excepto en Cassardis, no se permite comprar ninguna clase de objeto en los mercaderes.
  • Solo se podrá conseguir objetos por loot , cofres o como recompensas de quests.
  • Si está permitido mejorar tus armas con los recursos y monedas que ya tengas, a pesar que estos recursos estén guardados en el cofre.

No hay cofre:
  • Solo se podrá usar aquellos objetos que carguen consigo el Arisen o los peones.
  • Se podrá vender objetos o guardarlos en el cofre, pero no está permitido retirarlos.
  • Una vez que un objeto es guardado, este objeto se pierde permanentemente.
  • Únicamente se podrá usar los recursos del cofre para mejorar equipamiento.
  • No está permitido usar los objetos del cofre para realizar combinaciones.

  • No se podrá transportar a ningún portcristal. Solo se podrá transportar a Cassdris y a Gran Soren.
  • Se podrá usar cualquier ferrystone que se encuentre en el camino, pero no esta permitido comprarlos
  • Está permitido coleccionar y colocar portcristal para, por ejemplo, ser usados a modo de faro en la noche, pero no se está permitido viajar a ellos con los ferrystones.

Bitterblack Isle:
  • No se recomienda viajar a BBI en este modo.
  • Los ítems purificados, al ingresar directamente al cofre, no podrán ser utilizados.
  • Está permitido el uso de las habilidades oscuras conseguidas por purificación.
  • No está permitido mejorar ningún equipamiento con Barroch por encima de dragonforged (plata y oro no están permitidos).
  • Está permitido usar los ferrystone de BBI para regresar con Olra al muelle.
8 則留言
Fernando 2018 年 3 月 19 日 下午 6:47 
I've tested playing this recently, will be recording it soon. If a pawn dies, i won't hire it again. I swap them every few levels though. Not hiring any pawns beyond my level. Not wearing any armor, just weapons. Found it's easier that way, equip my pawn with the best and let him tank. Also, found that there are some seriously twinked pawns at low level, found a level 5 mage with a goldforged hellfire cape, pretty cool. Not using the stash, i buy my weapons back in cassardis when i die. Pretty fun, anything can kill you, a wolf, a goblin, even a well aimed bandit arrow, so i think the naked approach works pretty fine.
Fernando 2018 年 3 月 13 日 下午 9:32 
We would have to make a spreadsheet with the people actively on the league, and remove whoever willingly drops to play the game without the handicap. This would also require to manage a list with all the pawns in our games, maybe purge our favorite pawns lists and fill it with league pawns for easier recruitment.
Fernando 2018 年 3 月 13 日 下午 9:30 
What if we are restricted to call pawns from a restricted "Nuzlocke Challenge league" list, that way we can only hire pawns that are being restricted by the same rules we are applying to. This would also mean we could safely remove the level restriciton for pawn hiring while still keeping the challenge handicap.
Echigah  [作者] 2018 年 3 月 13 日 下午 5:40 
Another factor is the problem that is generated if the owner of the pawn changes his vocation. If for example you already had a healer in your team and you return the ranger of your team to the rift, what happens if he/him comes back from the rift as a healer? what should be done?
Also, this group of rules are not mandatory, they form more as a framework (trying to be consistent) so that everyone can take the part that is useful for their game and change what you need to adapt it to your tastes.
On the other hand, these rules are more thought for an NG + and not for a first playtrougth.
If it is being played for the first time, only some of these rules (such as avoiding using the portcristal) would be recommended. :)

Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate them. See you!
Echigah  [作者] 2018 年 3 月 13 日 下午 5:40 
Hello Fredericks! :steamhappy:
Yes, you're right! I would also prefer to be able to return the pawns to the rift and retrieve them so that they can increase their level with us.
The problem I found, is that one of the important ideas behind this is that you should only use equipment that is obtained during this playtrougth (for reasons of stats and to recover the feeling of reward for the exploration and for finishing the quests). So; the question is, if a pawn is returned to the rift all the equipment you gave him goes with him as a gift and when you rehire him/her, he/she will return with the equipment that his owner gives him/her. if you have lvl 200, it is quite likely that the pawn will come back with equipment from BBI and/or very OP.
If is accepted that all the equipment that the pawn had before will be lost and that all the new equipment with which he returns will be discarded, in principle, there seems to be no problem with doing this. But...
Siloam 2018 年 3 月 13 日 上午 10:31 
Fredericks of Cursewood 2018 年 3 月 13 日 上午 3:54 
I have been playing a bit of the low level Dogma myself. I am not sure what you mean about pawn hires and not rehires. I always cycle pawns about every 10 levels or so of progress. As long as they have gear and weapons that are appropriate to your level, it doesn't break the game. It would be different if you could level up your pawn and gain skills, but having a level 5 pawn even with decent weapons and armor when doing the end game quest might be a little harsh. At that point, you may as well just solo it or use your own pawn. I am assuming that you pick up your first pawns around level 5 and then have to carry them through the entire story.
Fernando 2018 年 3 月 13 日 上午 12:22 
Sounds awesome! anybody willing to try and stream it?