Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ocen: 231
Land Ships
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8 marca 2018 o 13:19
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Land Ships

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez BloodyPenguin
Penguin's Transport Realism Project
Przedmioty: 30
Restores good old ship behavior that allows them to float on the land

Are you tired of your ships beaching like helpless whales when they hit a shallow water since game update 1.8.0?
Or maybe using my Ship Path Anarchy mod and ready to do something crazy?
This mods brings back the behavior that you need!

This mod is very simple and it doesn't conflict with any mods. It was made on request from AmiPolizeiFunk whose cargo ships were stuck on map's border because of too shallow water.

Please note that this mod only deals with ships stuck because of incorrect water depth detection. It doesn't fix such cases as broken ship paths, for example.

This mod uses awesome detours C# library[] by cope. Without it, this mod would've been impossible to make. The cover image is taken from some video on the internet. I hope the author doesn't mind.

GitHub repository[]

Feel free to comment.

Important - read before commenting! In case of errors:
if you have any errors/exceptions, please, don't paste them into comments. Error reports without attached outpult log file won't be reviewed or answered. Some of them will even be deleted. Use pastebin, dropbox or whatever to upload the file and share the link with me. Please make sure that this mod is activated is updated to the most recent version before submitting your reports.

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Komentarzy: 55
YaVuZ 8 września 2024 o 5:04 
ATSF 207 6 czerwca 2024 o 14:30 
ah yes ships on land something i see everyday.
CreatorOfWorlds 11 maja 2024 o 0:47 
This just saved my game becuase of ships not being able to enter from the edge...
依然范德彪西 30 marca 2024 o 9:47 
taj 17 marca 2024 o 2:39 
@haustorium12 well you can use it as long as it doesn't cause errors or other issues
haustorium12 22 września 2023 o 18:24 
just a general question. The mod SKYVE reported that this is deprecated, is that true? Thx btw- love your other stuff!!!!!
Gordon Freeman gaming 7 września 2023 o 7:38 
CeeSarSonic 18 sierpnia 2023 o 11:34 
Mehmed the Conqueror MOD :dsmagic:
TikkiGaming 8 lipca 2022 o 3:06 
I make a small lake i want to place the harbor in, but it just says "cant connect to route" i want the ships to ignore this warning
TikkiGaming 8 lipca 2022 o 3:05 
How do i place the harbor anywhere that would make the ships go on land?