Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

107 voti
More Gold Tools (DST)
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8 mar 2018, ore 8:46
15 feb 2020, ore 12:28
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More Gold Tools (DST)

In 1 collezione di JustJasper
DST Mods (Lore-Friendly)
128 elementi
Adds a golden hammer, pitchfork and razor to your game. Adds durability to the vanillia razor.

Fancy Hammer
  • 6 x twigs, 4 x gold, 2 x rope
  • Lasts 4 times as long as the vanilla hammer

Snazzy Pitchfork
  • 4 x twigs, 3 x gold
  • Lasts 4 times as long as the vanillia pitchfork

Stylish Razor
  • 4 x twigs, 3 x gold
  • Vanilla razor now has 5 uses, Stylish Razor has 20 uses.

To Do:
  • Add examine text for razor
  • Tweak recipes/stats based on balance feedback if necessary.

Please do not publicly redistribute my mods, but you may edit/tweak/bundle them for personal use and dedicated servers.


Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (2)
18 mag 2020, ore 23:27
IN EVIDENZA: Suggestions
26 mar 2020, ore 23:36
IN EVIDENZA: Bug Reports
19 commenti
Ikkegwn 21 ott 2022, ore 8:30 
Well, we got a golden pitchfork legit, so yeah
ALEXZANDER 12 nov 2021, ore 8:15 
add configuration to enable or disable crafting for those times
Darh 3 mag 2021, ore 18:01 
Can you let me to use your mod in a custom mod, as items with new recipes on my mod? Please. Will credit and add link you of course
Super Brasilis 17 gen 2021, ore 15:41 
this pitchfork looks like a Posseidon's trident, eh?
EldVarg 24 ott 2020, ore 13:02 
Anyone else don't see the Fancy Hammer when you drop it on ground?
Yellow Angel (o.W.n.; M&EA) 4 ott 2020, ore 11:35 
I recommend that you use all but the gold razor, leaving the regular razor at infinite durability.
EldVarg 1 ott 2020, ore 12:01 
I'm making a tool mod, that collect many of the tool mods and make it to a combined one, that have even more settings. Would that be ok if I included yours? Will credit and link you of course.

Other mods I will include if permitted: Lunar tools, Shadow Tools, Gem Tools, Scythes.
RuneOwl 28 feb 2020, ore 18:39 
I love it! Any chance for a gold bug net? :D
Lio 18 feb 2020, ore 11:09 
Glad to help ^^
JustJasper  [autore] 15 feb 2020, ore 12:29 
Thank you so much 99saec, I've added your edit to the mod. Any trouble with the update please let me know!