Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

167 értékelés
Roads with Median at Junctions
Roads with Median at Junctions
Elemek (6)
8-Lane Road with Continuous Median at Junctions 路口分隔带不间断的8车道大道
Készítette: RyanCat
Based on NE2 8-lane road Monorail version: This is an 8-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions. It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctio...
Small 4-Lane Ave. with Median at Junctions 路口分隔带不间断的小型4车道
Készítette: RyanCat
This is an small 4-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions. With monorail It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctions by judging whether t...
8-Lane Avenue with Monorail 8车道单轨干道
Készítette: RyanCat
This is an Eight-Lane Avenue with Monorail that can make continuous median at any junctions. With out monorail version It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default juncti...
4-Lane Road with Junction Median 路口分隔带不间断的4车道路
Készítette: RyanCat
This is an 4-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions.It matches the defaut 4-lane avenue. It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctions by judging whether there is a traffic light. That means all the defau...
Small 4-Lane Road with Monorail 小型4车道单轨干道
Készítette: RyanCat
This is a Small 4-Lane Avenue with Monorail that can make continuous median at any junctions. With out monorail version It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junct...
6-Lane Road with Junction Median 路口分隔带不间断的6车道路
Készítette: RyanCat
This is a 6-lane avenue that can make continuous median at any junctions.It's based on NE6-lane road. It CAN AUTOMATICALLY switch between "median junctions"and default junctions by judging whether there is a traffic light. That means all the default small ...