Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

335 Bewertungen
UE4 Tweaks Guide (Temporal AA, No Chromatic Aberration, Improve Performance, and More!)
Von Lulech93
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is built in Unreal Engine 4. UE4 is a very flexible engine which allows changing many settings outside the game--even those which don't appear in the in-game options menu. In this guide, we'll examine how to configure a handful of these settings which may be of particular interest to SAO:FB players.
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Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is built in Unreal Engine 4. UE4 is a very flexible engine which allows changing many settings outside the game--even those which don't appear in the in-game options menu. In this guide, we'll examine how to configure a handful of these settings which may be of particular interest to SAO:FB players.

UE4 settings for SAO:FB are stored in a series of .ini files located at:


This folder contains several .ini files, many of which are empty. However, for our purposes we only need three: Engine.ini, Scalability.ini, and GameUserSettings.ini.

The first file contains explicit engine settings, while the last two handle user-level options instead. To edit the most basic settings, open GameUserSettings.ini and look for the header ScalabilityGroups.

[ScalabilityGroups] sg.ResolutionQuality=100.000000 sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 sg.AntiAliasingQuality=3 sg.ShadowQuality=3 sg.PostProcessQuality=3 sg.TextureQuality=3 sg.EffectsQuality=3 sg.FoliageQuality=3

Most of these settings are directly configurable from the in-game options menu, and have a range of 0-3, where 0 is low/off and 3 is ultra. But note the term "scalability groups". Each of these settings actually modifies an entire group of settings. While it's a nice way to simplify things, it's entirely possible you only want to disable one or two features while keeping the rest.

That's where Scalability.ini comes in. In this file, it is possible to modify individual settings affected by scalability groups and even determine which quality setting to apply them to. In other words, instead of permanently overriding the in-game options menu, you can completely customize how the in-game options menu behaves! Just take the scalability group category name and add an @ symbol followed by the quality level the settings apply to. For example:

[TextureQuality@3] r.MaxAnisotropy=16

With this value set in Scalability.ini, if sg.TextureQuality is set to 3 in GameUserSettings.ini, anisotropic filtering will be set to 16.

Note that it isn't necessary to specify every available setting in a scalability group to make modifications such as this. Any values set to their defaults will be automatically removed from Scalability.ini at runtime.

Now that you know how each of these three configuration files is used, let's take a look at some of the things you can do with them!
Engine Settings
To apply engine settings, edit Engine.ini and add the header:


Almost any custom engine settings should be added under this header to function.
1. Temporal Anti-Aliasing
SAO:FB uses a method of anti-aliasing known as FXAA by default. FXAA is a very fast, shader-based approach to anti-aliasing, but as a post-process effect it is unable to truly eliminate jaggies at the source. Temporal anti-aliasing is a newer alternative built directly into UE4 which works by jittering pixels and sampling color data from a variety of positions to create a smoother final image.

To enable TAA in SAO:FB, add the following settings under the [SystemSettings] header:

r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=2 r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.2 r.TemporalAASamples=32 r.TemporalAASharpness=0.8 r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=1

The setting r.TemporalAASamples essentially determines TAA quality. Acceptable values are 4, 8 (default), 16, 32, and 64. The higher the value, the less visible jitter is produced as a side effect of the AA method, but at slight cost to performance.

Note that the r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing setting determines the anti-aliasing method used. Setting this value to 0 will disable AA entirely, while 1 uses FXAA and 2 uses TAA.
2. Console Variables
For additional settings, UE4 supports adding a second header in Engine.ini:


This is a very powerful feature, as it allows setting values for nearly any miscellaneous variables that might not have anywhere else to be declared. For example:


This will force the game to render at 75% resolution scaling, improving performance without actually changing the output screen resolution. Because this is an override, there is no need to worry about in-game settings overwriting the change, allowing to set a scale higher or lower than is officially supported.

There are MANY console variables available, depending on the exact version of Unreal Engine 4 used to build the game. While more recently-added variables might not work, most can be added here to greatly customize your experience.

See here[www.kosmokleaner.de] or here[digilander.libero.it] for a searchable list of variables. Or, if you have UE4 installed yourself (it's free!), you can use the "dumpconsolecommands" command in an actual Unreal Engine console.
Scalability Settings
To apply scalability settings, edit Scalability.ini and add a new header for each scalability group you wish to modify, followed by the @ symbol and the quality level you wish to apply settings to. For example:


The corresponding scalability group must be set to the same quality level in GameUserSettings.ini for changes to be applied in-game.

Note that default values for all scalability groups can be found in Unreal Engine 4 Documentation[docs.unrealengine.com]. This guide is not exhaustive--try out other settings for yourself!
1. Ambient Occlusion
Left: AO off, Right: AO on (note the corner and shelves)

Ambient occlusion is a shading technique which produces soft shadows based on objects' proximity to each other. This applies to everything from individual body parts to huge environments, so it has a big impact on scene appearance. However, it can also have a big impact on performance for weaker GPUs. On the other hand, stronger GPUs can benefit from even higher-quality AO than is enabled by default.

[PostProcessQuality@2] r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=0 [PostProcessQuality@3] r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=4

Acceptable values range from 0-4, where 2 is default at both medium and high settings.
2. Anisotropic Filtering
SAO:FB uses a maximum of 8x anisotropic filtering by default. Higher AF improves the appearance of textures when viewed at an angle, making them true to their original detail and less blurry.

[TextureQuality@3] r.MaxAnisotropy=16

Acceptable values include 0, 2, 4, 8, and 16.
3. Blur Graphics Buffer
At higher settings, SAO:FB uses a separate buffer for certain post-processing effects. This can produce slightly higher-quality results, but often isn't noticeable to the naked eye and can have a huge performance penalty. Most users will want to simply disable this for more FPS.

[PostProcessQuality@2] r.BlurGBuffer=0 [PostProcessQuality@3] r.BlurGBuffer=0

Acceptable values are 0 (off) and 1 (on), where 1 is default at both medium and high settings.
4. Chromatic Aberration
Left: CA on, Right: CA off (note the floor and character's arm)

Chromatic aberration is designed to simulate the color distortions of real camera lenses, but SAO:FB more likely just uses it for aesthetic effect. Unfortunately, it also default adds pixelation and blur to the scene, so you may prefer to just disable it. Chromatic aberration is enabled by default at quality levels 2 and 3, so you'll need to include both to get rid of it altogether.

[PostProcessQuality@2] r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 [PostProcessQuality@3] r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0

Acceptable values are 0 (off) and 1 (on), where 1 is default at both medium and high settings.
5. Depth of Field
Left: DOF off, Right: DOF on (note the light on the door)

Depth of field is a diffusion technique designed to simulate camera blur, but SAO:FB uses it more as a light bloom technique on various scene elements. As a result, DOF can be disabled for improved performance even in scenes which have no traditional camera blur effect.

[PostProcessQuality@3] r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0

Acceptable values range from 0-2, where 2 is default at both medium and high settings.
6. Screen-Space Reflections
Left: SSR on, Right: SSR off (note the floor and back wall)

GGO can be a shiny place with lots of reflective surfaces using a combination of basic environment mapping and more advanced screen-space reflections. While the effect looks quite nice, it can also be taxing on weaker GPUs. On the other hand, stronger GPUs can benefit from even higher-quality reflections than are enabled by default.

[EffectsQuality@3] r.SSR.Quality=0

Acceptable values range from 0-4, where 0 is off, 3 is default, and 4 is max quality.
7. Shadows
Dynamic shadows are a crucial element for adding depth to a scene. However, they can also have a big impact on performance for weaker GPUs. On the other hand, stronger GPUs can benefit from even higher-quality shadows than are enabled by default.

Shadows are primarily affected by two values: quality and resolution. As these are independent of each other, it is possible to reduce shadow resolution while keeping the same quality, or reduce quality while keeping the same resolution. In this way it is possible to balance performance and appearance on low-end systems.

[ShadowQuality@2] r.ShadowQuality=3 r.Shadow.MaxResolution=512 [ShadowQuality@3] r.ShadowQuality=4 r.Shadow.MaxResolution=2048

Shadow quality ranges from 0-5, where 5 is default at medium and high settings. Max resolution is the square resolution of shadows in texels, where 4 is minimum and 1024 is default.
Other Settings
Made any other great tweaks? Share them in the comments below!

124 Kommentare
Last Light 14. Jan. um 19:09 
This is surprisingly detailed... hopefully one of these settings helps me un-f@!$ the frame rate I'm experiencing trying to play this, thanks!
Madmonkey68 29. Sep. 2024 um 14:10 
@Lulech93 The reason I want to remove it is quite the opposite actually. I'm running a 4k setup and I generally run AA off because it reduces the sharpness of the image for my liking. I heard that UE5 has baked in TAA so I'm not thrilled about that. That's why I was checking if there's anyway to go about to remove it.
Lulech93  [Autor] 29. Sep. 2024 um 13:41 
@Madmonkey68 UE5 shares a lot in common with UE4, but specifics will vary. I haven't had much experience with the engine yet, but the documentation is open to everyone. I would recommend against attempting to remove AA, though. UE5 is designed around temporal AA as a component of rendering many different features--it's not just edge treatment anymore. If you're trying to remove it, my guess is you don't like it because you're probably running at too low of a resolution and should look into a higher res monitor or downsampling instead (e.g. NVIDIA DLDSR).
Madmonkey68 29. Sep. 2024 um 7:08 
@Lulech93 Do these scripts work on UE5 games? Im trying to remove AA on "The Forever Winter". I found the GameUserSettings config file but I dont know exactly what scripts to put in there to remove AA. Please help
TOPoCAT 22. Juli 2024 um 19:02 
@Fion, it may be Windows that now consider the game like a background window. Try to Alt+Enter to make sure the game is fullscreen
Fion 1. Juli 2023 um 10:56 
Very nice! Anyone got a idea, why the game locks me to 30FPS when i change it to work in 21:9? I could play it in 120+ without. Did i miss something?
HintofSarcasm 5. Feb. 2023 um 21:56 
dang ok. Someone suggested it for Roboquest which on gamepass has TERRIBLE input lag. Idk maybe the steam version is better.Having no issues with FPS or anything else.
Lulech93  [Autor] 4. Feb. 2023 um 13:59 
@HintofSarcasm - This guide is focused on graphical tweaks, which won't have any real impact on input lag itself. I guess there are a few settings tweaks you could do, like disabling Vsync and frame smoothing, but those will also result in tearing and bad frametimes. Unless you have a specific reason to need lower input lag, it's probably not worth the loss in the rest of the experience. There is a reason these types of features are enabled, and most people won't even notice the difference.
HintofSarcasm 4. Feb. 2023 um 1:12 
I was told this helps with input lag in a lot of UE4 games. Which setting is do I need to change for that or is it all of them?
Chrypsis 29. Sep. 2022 um 15:59 
Actually goated guide thank you so much! :VBCOOL: