

207 次評價
Strange Bird Stand (DST)
9.217 MB
2018 年 2 月 21 日 下午 12:59
2020 年 2 月 16 日 上午 3:24
2 項更新註記 (檢視)

Strange Bird Stand (DST)

在 JustJasper 的 2 個收藏中
DST Mods (Lore-Friendly)
128 個項目
DST Cosmetic Mods
43 個項目

I've always wanted a birdcage where you could see more of the bird, so here's a strange bird stand. Fun fact, I was considering having the recipe call for rope or honey to account for why the bird doesn't just fly away.

This is a clone of the birdcage, with just a little difference: you have a slightly increased chance of guano drops, and a chance for more seeds.

Note: I don't know how this functions with modded birds, if anyone has any feedback in regards to that please let me know in the support threads.

  • living log x 4
  • papyrus x 2
  • seeds x 2

Please do not publicly redistribute my mods, but you may edit/tweak/bundle them for personal use and dedicated servers.


熱門討論 檢視全部(2)
2020 年 2 月 16 日 上午 3:26
置頂: Bug Reports
2018 年 2 月 21 日 下午 1:21
置頂: Suggestions
39 則留言
WiseCupcake 2021 年 7 月 31 日 下午 3:34 
It would be awesome if you could update this so that we can feed the bird raw meat :D
Professional idiot 2021 年 3 月 12 日 下午 8:39 
can you make one for items?
Super Brasilis 2021 年 1 月 17 日 下午 3:44 
More bird stuff, eh?
♡ Teto ♡ 2020 年 4 月 3 日 下午 7:09 
justjasper you have made some of my favorite mods, thank you, keep doing the mods you are doing. thy are super adorable and useful!
󰀏Last breath󰀏 2020 年 3 月 28 日 上午 5:01 
Hello, there is a bird in the official pigeon. Can you support the pigeons?
JustJasper  [作者] 2020 年 2 月 29 日 上午 9:21 
For those requesting immortal birds, I've tested having this mod: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1937698580 enabled with SBS as it stands for an in-game week and it seems the former effects it accidentally, so combo those mods if you want immortal birds (the feeding at night function of the mod doesn't work for the Strange Bird Stand though). If anyone can update me if they have a different experience it'd be appreciated.
originalmaja 2020 年 2 月 17 日 下午 1:29 
*applause for the snow thing*
JustJasper  [作者] 2020 年 2 月 16 日 上午 3:25 
Finally fixed the snow covered issue!
İstanbul 2019 年 12 月 30 日 上午 7:05 
birby stando?
Mæliosa 2019 年 6 月 14 日 上午 3:17 
Rasha asked for immortal birds, not immortal birdstand.. lol