Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

66 értékelés
How to create a funicular network
Készítő: REV0
This guide explains the current portfolio of Funiculars and explains how to create Funicular Network for Cities Skylines.
This guide explains the current portfolio of Funiculars and explains how to create Funicular Network for Cities Skylines.

Contets for Network can be found here:
There are 3 different stations for Funiculars, depending the position of track.

a. Flat Stations: No Gradient

These are named with "Flat" suffix in the asset title and they do NOT contain height difference in the name. These stations are either through or end stations with end is closed.

b. Inclined stations: Average gradient

First in Cities Skylines, these are inclined station that allow funiculars to stop on inclined stops or slopes. There are 2 sub types of these stations that are positive or negative 6m incline. These values represent the height difference either on the left or right part of the segment.

For example +6m station means that track segment starts at -6m (that is the basement) and ends with 6m of difference at ground floor.

Vice versa for -6m variant.

c. Base/Summit stations: Steep Gradient

These stations are terminus stations with extreme gradient, allowing steep inclines to be made.

There are 3 tracks types, which 2 of them are mandatory.

a. Station Tracks

Funicular station tracks that are being used in station assets. It is mandatory to subscribe station tracks, otherwise you will get errors.

b. Main Track

One of the two main tracks of funicular network. It works as usual train track, featuring track swithes on stations, allowing multiple lines and vehicles. High capacity, as multiple vehicles per lane can use it.

Requires flat end/terminus stations as trains have to switch tracks at the end of the line.

c. Bi-Directional Track

Created for short range, low capacity funiculars. Funiculars on this lane cannot switch tracks, thus removing the need of having terminus stations.

This enables users to create compact funiculars on short and steep/low incline areas with only 2 stations and single track.

Since track switching is gone, only 1 vehicle per lane operate on this track, thus maximum amount of operational funicular is 2 on this track, between end stations.

Making a funicular network is easy as making a train network in your city. Start with plopping the station of your choice. Once done, drag the Funicular Track between your stations, or your choice:

a. If you want to create extensive, multi stop funicular networks, operating on vast inclined area:

Terminus station 1 - inclined or flat through stations - Terminus station 2, main track.

b. High gradient long range network (example: mountain resorts, mountain tops or simply very high gradient)

Base/Hilltop station - Hilltop/Base Station, main track or bi directional track.

c. Low or high gradient, short range network (example use: Paris Montmarte, Budapest)

Inclined/Terminus Station 1 - Inclined/Terminus Station 2, bi-directional track.

You can use ground or elevated/bridge segment, where ever you want. If you wish to have straight path or constant inclines station-to-station; use elevated segment directly.

Making funicular network also posed a challenge. While it was possible to overcome certain complexities, there are certain points which couldn't be bypassed, such as:

i. Leveling of compartments, vehicles:

It was not possible to level vehicles in inclines as they all time static. The visual solution for this problem was to make vehicls with an inclined state, then use them on given gradients.

ii. Tunneling

As of now, Main Tracks v2.5 and BiDirectional v3.0 don't have tunnel segment.

Game wanted to switch to tunnel mode on steep incline, which was not a preference, thus I removed tunnel segments from the network.

Ronyx69 for his help regarding to slope and tunnel modifications and general development cycle.
Creators Discord for ideas and instant feedback
Swiss Federal Railways for allowing me to use Funicular Icons
11 megjegyzés
Gerishnakov 2021. máj. 16., 5:49 
Ah great thanks!
REV0  [készítő] 2021. máj. 15., 9:44 
use move it to align whatever is offset due to connecting. Hold down Alt key to manipulate station track node/junction
Gerishnakov 2021. máj. 15., 9:22 
Sorry, the specific issue is with connecting an elevated bi-directional funicular track to the hilltop terminus station. Instead of connecting to the station through the tunnel/track exit on the building, the track just connects to the station at the ground, so it looks like the track just ends at the foundation.
REV0  [készítő] 2021. máj. 15., 8:50 
Not sure what you mean, funicular tracks dont have tunnel version as indicated in the description. Are you trying to connect them with another train network ?
Gerishnakov 2021. máj. 15., 6:44 
Hi hi, I'm having an issue when connecting the track to terminus stations: at the point of connection the track seems to align with the lowest point in the station, rather than the tunnel height and angle. Is there a particular way I should be connecting the track to the stations?
REV0  [készítő] 2019. máj. 15., 6:13 
Since you copy pasted the same message in every funicular asset I will do the same. Descriptions of funicular vehicles cleary state that you should disable regional spawning by using Advanced Vehicle Options.

Fact that your train network "is wrecked" is not because of assets, it is because you are incapable of reading a description given to you and accomplish a trivial task.

And as if this is not enough, you are straight lying that you read it. If you have read them, you would have disabled them via AVO and never had this issue to begin with.

REV0  [készítő] 2019. máj. 3., 13:55 
Use Multi Track Station Enabler (not old one, use the one updated by Bloody Penguin). Hold down shift key (I think?).
martincasas 2019. máj. 2., 8:16 
I'm using bidirectional tracks, how do I create a line on each track? Right now both vehicles run on the same side.
REV0  [készítő] 2018. nov. 14., 14:14 
on vehicle descriptions
tarkan.selahiye 2018. nov. 14., 12:58 
Thanks for theses explanations, however, where can I find information about the funicular vehicles spawning on regular train tracks, slowing down other faster trains and how to avoid it?