Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

207 人が評価
Nivelles House 6
2.331 MB
2018年2月20日 15時02分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Nivelles House 6

Lost Gecko 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Traditional Architecture - Belgium
33 アイテム
pack of 2 traditional 2- and 3-storeys brick wall-to-wall house from Nivelles, Belgium.
1x1 growable level 3 and 4 low-density residential.
Curtains illumination textures kindly shared by Macwelshman.

No props included for more freedom

Map: A Coruña, Galiza - Map theme: private, by hadece - LUT: Relight Neutral - Relight settings: brightness 0.25 - gamma 0.25 - contrast 0.25
Model (L3/L4)
main model
tris: 637/839
textures: 256x1024 (diffuse-normal-specular-color-illumination)
tris: 14/14
textures: 128x128 (diffuse-specular-color-illumination)

Loading Screen Mod optimization: textures are shared between the 2 assets of this pack and, and the plastered version (Nivelles House 6b).

My Workshop page
Simtropolis forum thread[]
6 件のコメント
Swissski 2018年2月25日 1時38分 
I'm living in Nivelles !! :)
Lost Gecko  [作成者] 2018年2月24日 6時48分 
@VTG1800 Seems to be a bug from Steam, I don't know what's causing it but the item does contain the 2 assets as intended :)
VTG-1800 2018年2月24日 5時09分 
It's joke? 0.000 MB
Hephaestion 2018年2月22日 11時49分 
Keep the flow of houses coming ;-)
Armesto 2018年2月20日 15時25分 
magically optimized size btw
Armesto 2018年2月20日 15時22分 
wtf is a coruna