TRON 2.0
Ocen: 49
TRON 2.0 Unofficial Patch & KillerApp Mod
Autorstwa: MayheM7
TRON 2.0 Unofficial Patch & KillerApp Mod

>>>> SITE LINK <<<< []

This is a very small guide for full Win7/8/10 support, widescreen and HD resolution. Tron 2.0 is still the best Tron game, and with these modifications, it will run on any modern system.
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TRON 2.0 Unofficial Patch & KillerApp Mod

Komentarzy: 12
Keksut 22 stycznia o 18:51 
Please post those LonePaladin
LonePaladin 22 stycznia o 18:33 
@MayheM7 No, seriously, the site you linked to is popping up warnings from MalwareBytes, not some fly-by-night bug scanner. It's likely some sort of banner they have running that's attempting shenanigans.

Consider directing people to the game's entry on , it has links to the patch, the Killer App Mod, plus the User Error and Complete Map Pack mods. Or, if you want, I can just post those links here and you can just copy-paste them.
MayheM7  [autor] 15 czerwca 2023 o 23:26 
@Tronnus. No it doesn't. Upgrade to a working scanner. Your current one CLEARLY doesn't do a propper job.
Keksut 14 czerwca 2023 o 1:10 
@tronmus screenshot of these files please? I wantto see if this infected my dads compuiter
Tronnus 14 czerwca 2023 o 1:08 
lol OP scan your system! The mod places malware into system32, either you are not aware of it or you are in on it.
MayheM7  [autor] 14 czerwca 2023 o 0:44 
No it does not
Tronnus 12 czerwca 2023 o 12:51 
The KillerApp mod comes with malware, nice...
MayheM7  [autor] 24 maja 2023 o 18:06 
That definitely wouldn't help. :) ... Maybe you just have anti-virus software incorrectly blocking the links? ..Or a firewall? ..Or a Chrome plugin or something. Those sometimes block perfectly safe links.
Keksut 24 maja 2023 o 11:14 
great.... i swear i wanna smash this machine more and more every day
MayheM7  [autor] 24 maja 2023 o 1:04 
Just tested it. Works perfectly fine. Maybe you need to check your system or your browser. The links don't even go to google drive. The files are on Moddb, and the links work, so if you have an issue, then it's a local issue from where you are sitting.