Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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JLD Building 7
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JLD Building 7

JLD Building 7 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!

If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot!
And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =)

This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake:

Jurong Lake District: The Second CBD

Jurong Lake District is a district of Singapore, planned as part of Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)’s decentralisation efforts to bring more quality jobs, amenities, and recreational options closer to homes. The plans for the district have continued to evolve since the blueprint was first unveiled in the URA Master Plan 2008. It consists of three precincts, namely Jurong Gateway, Lakeside and Lakeside Gateway. It is 472 hectares (4,720,000 m2) in size and served by two major expressways and three MRT stations. It will be the Singapore's next central business district.

25-Story Building
- Level 5 Growable
- After Dark ready
- 4476 tris, 1024 x 1024 textures
- Custom LOD model: 166 tris, 256 textures

RICO Ready
- Size: 2x2
- Service: Residential
- Sub-service: High
- Level: 5
- Home: 95
- Cost: 299,900
- UI-Category: reshigh

I really enjoyed creating these buildings. HDB buildings is the core of Singapore's architecture.
If you like my work and like to show support like buying me a can of Coke, I have added a Paypal link below. Thanks for the support and feedback!

5 comentarios
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [autor] 28 ABR 2020 a las 9:32 p. m. 
Hmm strange... in its rico file,the level is set to 5. Im sorry i have no idea at the moment.
maxim881 11 ABR 2020 a las 11:51 a. m. 
This looks awesome, good work :)
However, I have some issues with this building and land value.
I plot this with Rico in an area with max land value, and still it shows "Low land value!"
What can i do about this? :(
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [autor] 10 JUN 2018 a las 6:14 p. m. 
- Changed RICO sub service from Low to High
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [autor] 1 ABR 2018 a las 10:50 p. m. 
JustAStrangeGeek 14 FEB 2018 a las 1:38 p. m. 
Looks great!