Garry's Mod
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Big Freighter (View the Pictures, I used the propresizer)
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Тип контента: Дубликат
Метки дубликатов: Транспорты
Размер файла
5.664 KB
6 фев. 2018 г. в 1:37
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)

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Big Freighter (View the Pictures, I used the propresizer)

My first aircraft which isnt a chair with a thruster. So, here are the controls:
Shift: Throttle +
CTRL: Throttle -
Arrow up: Pitch -
Arrow down: Pitch +
Arrow Left: Tilt left
Arrow Right: Tilt Right

More about the project:
You need a big Map (I recomend Megabombrange) for this plane, since the wingspan is about the size like gm_construct. Here are the Links to the 2 maps gm_fork and Megabombrange, the two maps that I was able to fly on.

Have fun and comment any errors for future projects :D

(these pictures have been recorded on the Miku's Funbox Sanbox Server. This server uses the Megabombrange Map.)
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6 фев. 2018 г. в 2:20
The guy from Wuhan