68 ratings
RNG ability and ribbon chests.
By Evilnapkin
I hate how this has really good abilities you can miss if you don't know that they only spawn in RNG chests, so here's what they are and where they are. If a chest doesn't spawn, exit by 1 screen transition and return, repeating this process until it does.


Cleanse - Cerobi Steppe / The Terraced Bank, chest in middle on trap next to a rock. 20% spawn chance/100% loot chance


Addle - Henne Mines / Special Charter Shaft, at the middle of the lower-right section is a hidden path that goes north, this will spawn next to some mine carts where it turns left. 10%/100%

Shear - Barheim Passage / The Zeviah Span, the most southern-central portion, it's a little square block on the map. Get there from the West Annex entrance directly to the south of it. 10%/100%


Abyssal / North section of Pharos / Subterra: This is part of the lower section that opens later (Black Orbs fun). Northwest section, west door, western path, 10% chance to spawn in corner.

Henne Mines / Special Charter Shaft: The reversed upper-case "L" section of this area, it's the upper-central part of this map (the "blob" at the lower left of the reversed "L" shape). 15% chance to spawn in corner.
Private Kordoshky 29 Jan, 2023 @ 12:24pm 
Unfortunately I gotta admit I am gonna restart the game without the mod, it got me to level 15 in the westersand with only Vaan and Penelo after she joins you in the Giza plains due to all the potion drops.
Evilnapkin  [author] 29 Jan, 2023 @ 8:20am 
You might spend 5 minutes total across all these chests trying to get them to spawn with 4x turbo on. The only mod I could find that made these chests 100% chance made all % spawn chance chests 100%, which gets you powerful equipment and makes a game that was made easier from its original PS2 release even easier. If you know of a mod that only makes the chests listed here 100% chance, feel free to share, I'm sure people would appreciate it.
Private Kordoshky 29 Jan, 2023 @ 12:58am 
joke's on you I just use the damn mod that 100% spawn the chests because ain't nobody got time for dat :P
omegaGogeta 23 Jun, 2022 @ 4:48pm 
@Space Owl: Completely agree. That person had a massive problem with their logic. By their logic, just knowing this info would be game-breaking. That would indicate that someone who discovered it through chance, would be breaking the game. It's not like it's an item that would give you 5 minutes of invincibility for a 4-minute boss fight. I know. Extreme example. Though there are games where you're expected to do some game-breaking. The Atelier series is the example I give for that.

There is one thing I can think of for this game, off the top of my head, that even constitutes as game-breaking. That's the Job Point Farming trick. Also works for farming certain items and can be used around the beginning of the game.

Though I would guess that they are confused about what constitutes game-breaking. They say they are okay with guides, so I don't feel like it's worth it to try arguing with them.
Space Owl 2 Sep, 2021 @ 6:57pm 
Wonderful and helpful guide. Also, reading through that past argument, i can safely say that i have no idea what that person was on about in regards to guides being game breaking. Breaking the game involves doing one of two things: Making the game so easy, it's not a challenge (guides do not remove the challenge, they just provide information), or literally break the game and make it unplayable. RNG Manip is breaking the game by removing the challenge, providing a clear and precise understanding of the fundamentals behind the normally random events in the game. A guide can't tell you *exactly* what you aren't supposed to know. And a guide is certainly better than never finding something that is the spell equivalent of items (Cleanse is something i missed on my first playthrough, simply because RNG makes it hard to find.

That aside, this guide is great.
darkmikasonfire 8 May, 2019 @ 3:59pm 
Thank you for making this, I'm on the X1, and I didn't even know this was the case, since the RNG tool wont' help I actively have to find this crap, I never would have realized I couldn't get it outside of just buying them in game stores.
Evilnapkin  [author] 27 Jun, 2018 @ 4:56pm 
They do contradict.
Morphine 27 Jun, 2018 @ 9:13am 
Jeez man... those 2 sentences are not even contradicting. You're weird.

Easy breakdown :
*Guides provides info (ok ?)
*If this info is used, game is broken (ok ?)
*Tool is helping to use more faster the info, no less, no more (still ok ?)
You understand right ?

Using the info slower is the same than doing it quickly ==> game is broken, bam !
And it's fine !!!! Nobody said it was bad to do that. 2 diff exp that's all. If you never did it w/o guide once in your life, you can't understand. Especially for FFs.

Seriously, I don't have time to repeat the same thing over and over (since I'm not the type of guy stupidly spending hours to try stealing an OP item, it makes sense. Don't like wasting time).

I'm done, can't explain it more clearly.
Evilnapkin  [author] 27 Jun, 2018 @ 8:43am 
"The tool does not only allow super fast chests farming (including any %)."

"The tool is not replacing the guide, it's just making it quick to do. Not more easy"

Sounds like you can't keep track of your own tail...

"Both are the same, game breaking."

Guides don't break the game. It's a single player RPG regardless, and one with an extremely low skill ceiling at that.
Morphine 27 Jun, 2018 @ 8:27am 
If you're not feeling good by the fact "your game is broken" it's not my pb.
Not here to judge or anything.
I just know playing the game with or w/o guide is 2 different exp.