"The Gauntlet Part 2.

The Gauntlet Part 2 is available for the Spin Tires: Mudrunner Game (verified on V17/12/11)
Download here:

Info about the mod:

If you enjoy a challenge get ready for the Gauntlet Part 2. This map was created with a little of of everything to cater to all types of Mudrunner fans. There are steep rock climbs, deep muddy roads, hairpin turns, dry creekbeds, and other varied terrains to keep you entertained for hours. This map is not for the faint of heart, but have faith, it is doable. This new map is larger than the first one (64x64 instead of just 48x48) and it requires a bit more endurance. This map is tuned more for the explorers and log runners, but if you are looking for some rock challenges, find the "5 Bridges road" in the center of the map. This map can be completed alone, but I'd recommend you play it with friends for a truely engaging multi-player experience. This is the first widely available drop of this map. This is the second map I've made publicly available. If you missed it, my first map can be found here:

You can watch me continue work on this and other maps live on Mixer at I will keep an updated list of my maps there in my profile page. Please stop by and say hi, or just leave feedback in the chat window if I'm offline. If you like this map and would like to support my work, please feel free to contribute on my Patreon account. Every little bit helps.


Steam ID: PiX3LMonkey
Patreon ID: PiX3LMonkey
Mixer ID: PiX3LMonkey
Twitch ID: PiX3LMonkey

On the map:

• Size: 64x64
• Garages: 3
• Fuel Stations: 7 (Its a big map)
• Lumber Mills: 4
• Total Vehicles: 5
• Custom Vehicle Slots: 2
• Game Balance: 8 Stars

Also if you need help installing this mod, check out the Mudrunner Modloader. Install the latest version from here:

It is compressed using 7zip which requires a decompressor like WinRar ( to extract the .exe file.

Create a mod folder in your spintires directory. Mine is located here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Spintires MudRunner\Mods". Create a subfolder in the Mods folder called "levels" and drop the .stg and .dds files from my map there.

Run the Spintires Mod application. Click on "Mod Settings" and then click "Install" next to the Spintires MudRunner Directory entry. Browse to your mudrunner folder and click Apply then Ok. My Mudrunner folder is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Spintires MudRunner\

Next, while still in the Mod application, click on "Game Settings" and then "Add directory". Browse to the mod folder you created earlier then click "OK".

Restart Mudrunner. If everything is configured correctly, you should see my map next to the other stock maps.
