Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

270 人が評価
[UPDATED] Elevator Parking / エレベーター型立体駐車場
3.280 MB
2018年1月22日 5時13分
2019年4月21日 7時26分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

[UPDATED] Elevator Parking / エレベーター型立体駐車場

Ryuichi Kaminogi 作成の 2 件のコレクション
Japan Part1
894 アイテム
Kaminogi's Japanese Assets
101 アイテム
2019/04/21 UPDATED!
I reduced texture sizes and added 1 more version.


Elevator Parking Tower in Japan. We can find them in the downtown.



Tris: 321/ 134(LOD) Texture: d/n/i/s/a 4096x4096 1024x512 / 256x256 128x256 (LOD)
13 件のコメント
漆黑噤默 2021年10月16日 21時09分 
great work! but please change them to Parking garage. after update it will change to other commercial buildings, and no cars in or out.
PaulBecker 2019年6月9日 5時44分 
Ryuichi Kaminogi  [作成者] 2019年6月8日 10時30分 
I use mixed theme.
PaulBecker 2019年6月6日 8時44分 

Which map theme did you use ? The landscape looks great. I also would like to build a Japanese city.
Ryuichi Kaminogi  [作成者] 2019年4月21日 7時32分 
Thank you for using this assets.
I updated this parking to more reasonable textures with one more variation.
If you find something about this update, please report me.
Stringer Bell 2018年7月21日 16時47分 
This all happened in a city that's built almost Vanilla, the only mods I use are (1) 25 Tiles; (2) first-person camera; and (3) Billboard Animator. I can't imagine those mods combined with this asset would all of a sudden break a particular district style.

Thank you!
Stringer Bell 2018年7月21日 16時47分 
Thank you for putting up this beautiful building, BUT I have encountered some kind of a problem...

This building broke my Japanese district style. The other day I subscribed to this building and a few other Japanese assets and added them to an existing Japanese district style which had been working fine up to that point. And then once I added these new buildings, the district style broke down and all buildings disappeared and there was no rebuilding, just empty lots. I spent hours trying to figure out what happened, enabling / disabling assets, removing and rebuilding the district style, unsubscribing / resubscribing assets and after doing a string of tests each time with a different asset unsubscribed, I finally managed to narrow it down to this particular asset (and apparently not the other new assets I subscribed to and added). Maybe the author can look into this bug?
Eff 2018年5月18日 8時02分 
This kind of carpark structures are very common in Japan. Cars don't need windows, thus the monolith look. 4k texture might needed to display those small text under the 「P」sign.
makupi 2018年1月29日 2時33分 
nice idea, but why is it not an actual parking garage??
Armesto 2018年1月22日 11時55分 
4k for a white box, welcome to 2018.