181 ratings
[1.9.4]Free Play in questions and answers
By Jabensky
Freeplay Survival Guide
How to get into free play?
Keys and keybinds
Lobby and stash
After you enter the Free Play, you get in the lobby.

This big red building is warehouse, where you can find a stash for your items that you want to save for the future fights.

Stash is a regular box in which you can put your items and weapons and pick them up at any time. However, keep in mind that the stash have a limited weight (15 kilograms), so you won't be able to put everything you find in it.

The stash has access to a market where you can buy items that you will need during your outings. You can read more about the market here (Ru only. Eng version (maybe) later).

If there is something in your inventory that you do not need, and that you are too lazy to sell on the market, then you can throw this item in the trash can.

When you are ready to go into the free game - use the passage on the right of the warehouse.

What is the purpose of Energy Drink?

Energy drinks temporarily increase the player's speed

Energy drink has a 20% boost for 60 seconds
Energy drink "Redbill" (more rare) has a 30% boost for 90 seconds

How to get rid of your thirst or hunger?
In addition to weapons and containers on the territory of the conflict will be an important search of food. It is used to eliminate thirst/hunger, which will slow you down.

Thirst quenching bottle of water, energy drinks, pickles or MRE.

Hunger can be dealt with next items:
  • Caviar
  • MRE
  • Condensed milk
  • Paste
  • Pickles
  • Canned... Something

What to do with injuries and bleeding?

To stop bleeding you need to use a bandage. To restore health you need to use the medikit or food.


For fractures, you need to use a medkit or splint. Note that the first aid kit and splint do not stop bleeding, so you will need to find a bandage as well.

How to open locked doors?
You need to find the key. They are in random crates across the map. There is a unique key for each closed door.

Where i can find the code for the bunker door?
First you need to find a radio reciever. Placing it on the ground, you will only hear a buzzing sound. To hear the code, you need to wait for midnight (00 and 30 minutes of real time) and then you will hear the numbers that are the code to the bunker door.

How to use the elevator?
First you need to put a 3 fuses in the switchboard (Switchboard is in small room upper the elevator).

How to open the safe?
You need to carefully turn the knob (keys A and D) until the tumbler clicks. As soon as you open tumbler, you need to start turning the handle in the opposite direction. To the left of the handle, the state of each tumbler is shown, and when the tumbler is open, this is indicated by the icon.

The screenshot shows that the first tumbler is already open
What is the purpose of RU?
With rubles, you can buy weapon containers in the exchange shop. In addition, for rubles you can buy items on the market.

Weapon modification and painting

On the map you can find a large amount of junk. It can be used to modify weapons. Since all weapons on the map spawns without any modules, you will have to look for junk if you need a sight, or any other desired module.

Also, you can paint weapons in any (available to you) skins. For this you need to find aerosol paint.

How to modifiy and paint your weapons?

First you need to find the junk / aerosol paint (depending on what you need) and in the inventory click on the menu icon modification have the right weapons. The cost of modification of designated pieces of junk. Aerosol paint have only two uses.

Magazine management
In Free Play, the mechanics of gun magazines are greatly different from those in normal play. Before you load the magazine into your weapon, you need to fill it with ammo. The status of each magazine is displayed in the interface and your inventory.

You can reload your magazine in several ways. If you just reload your weapon with an empty magazine, then you will automatically start filling it with ammo. If you want to pre-load all the magazines, then in your inventory, click on an empty magazine (except for the one that is currently loaded into your weapon) with the right mouse button, or simply transfer the ammo to it.

The number of available magazines is limited to two. To increase their number to four - install the "Extra magazine" modification (2 levels, 2 junk for each)

Overweight and backpacks

You can't take as much loot as you want, because it's too heavy for you. Your carry weight is limited in 20 kg. When you took more - you getting debuff "overweight" which slowing you. Greatly. The only option you have to increase it - equip a backpack or tactical vest. The extra weight you can carry differs depending on the type of equipment:

Sports backpacks: + 5 kg

Alice backpack: + 10 kg

Tactical vest and ballistic vest: + 5 kg

During the game, if you have a Geiger counter in your inventory, you may hear how the counter start to crackle. This means that you are approaching an contaminated area. When you are in it, you will receive a dose of radiation (up to 0.5 rad per sec at the epicenter). If you accumulate 100 rad - you are dead.

20-50 rad.

>50 rad.

Potassium iodide pills may save you from radiation, which get rid of the already accumulated dose (up to 50 rad).

Alcohol can also save you from radiation. It is more common than potassium iodide pills, but the effect is weaker and passes faster.
With the onset of night, the temperature decreases. If the body temperature drops to a minimum, then you will begin to lose your HP. To avoid this, you will need to build a fire.

To build a fire you need to find:

  • A pile of sticks

  • Matches or lighter

  • And firewood that will fuel your fire

Branches and firewood lie right on the ground throughout the Conflict Territory, but matches or a lighter will need to be found in boxes.

In addition to heating on cold nights, the camp fire also illuminates the area around.

Another way to keep warm is alcohol, which is easy to find. Alcohol, when consumed, raises your temperature by several degrees, which can save you if you haven't started a fire yet.
Flashlights and glow sticks
In the dark, it can be very difficult to navigate the Conflict Territory. In the dark, you may not see the enemy lurking nearby or the crate with good loot. However, this is fixable if you have a flashlight or glow sticks.

You can find a flashlight as a separate item or mounted on some types of weapons, such as the AEK-971 or Taurus PT-24/7. The flashlight's range is limited to 80 blocks (40 for Taurus PR-24/7), which allows you to perfectly see what is in your path.

Glow sticks is a disposable items that allow you to temporarily (for 10 minutes) illuminate a certain place. The illumination radius is much smaller than the illumination range of the flashlights - only 30 blocks. However, this is compensated by the fact that you do not need to hold this light source, which is especially convenient if the enemy is nearby. It is used in the same way as grenades, that is, it must be thrown at the desired point.

Players have the opportunity to unite in groups for easier survival in the Conflict Territory. To join a group, players need to set the "Friendly" status in their inventory (F1).

Players with the "Friendly" status and those nearby are automatically grouped together. Players in a group can see the state of their teammates, revive them in case of serious injury, and also communicate in a team chat.

Voice chat and walkie-talkie
Despite the fact that text chat remains the main method of communication in Free Play, there is also voice chat in the game, which is especially useful in situations where you do not have time to write to text chat. Voice chat is turned on by holding down the "X" button, and a corresponding icon will appear above your head.

However, in this case, only those who are near you will hear you. In order to communicate with other players at any distance, you will need the Walkie-talkie. To turn on the walkie-talkie, click on it in the inventory, after which his interface will open. For communicating with other players, you need to know what frequency they are using and enter it into your walkie-talkie. After that, you can close your walkie-talkie and talk as usual (through the "X" key).

Flare gun and helicopter airdrop
You can call a helicopter that delivers supplies to the conflict zone. For that you must find a flare gun and a rocket to it. Then, you need to go to the surface and shoot. Depending on the distance from the right edge of the map, the helicopter can arrive from a few seconds to a minute. The helicopter will fly over you and drop three crates at a great distance from each other (but within the location).


Items you can find in airdrop boxes:
  • AK74 with ammo
  • AWP with ammo
  • Saiga with ammo
  • RPG-7 and ammo
  • SVD and ammo
  • M4A1 and ammo
  • Claymore landmines
  • M67 grenades
  • Hazmat Suit x2 (guaranteed)
  • Helmet
  • Ballistic vest
  • Consumables (food, meds, etc.)

Hazmat Suit is required to visit the "Tunnel" location. The premises are contaminated with chemicals, so a player without a suit will die very quickly.
How to complete the quests?
You need to take out certain items from the Free Play, which are marked with a little star in the upper left corner. The items themselves are handed over for the quest in the room with the computer, which you enter after leaving the Conflict Territory.

How to get out of Free Play?
Through one of the doors that can be found in underground locations.

After leaving Conflict Territory you will be taken to one of the lobby rooms. There is a computer in this room, with the help of which you can hand over items that are required for quests.

The End
That's it! Hope I answered all of your questions. If not, then write your own in the comments.

-Helper- 2 Aug, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
How do I get a apartment if that is available
WildToxxy CS.PRO 10 May, 2023 @ 10:04am 
ey.. i left one freeplay in middle of the game and now i cant go to "stash" "freeplay" or anywhere can someone help?
Division 12 Apr, 2023 @ 12:27am 
For bunker, I refer to this guide of the entire free play map.
banana_net 26 Nov, 2022 @ 10:05am 
where's the bunker
Drago_681 29 Aug, 2022 @ 6:31am 
How to use the furniture that i crafted in the garage, for example a locker or cardboard box. I keep clicking but it only stays in the garabe inventory
how to be a turtle 15 Aug, 2022 @ 12:49pm 
how do i paint guns?
Edelstahl 11 May, 2022 @ 3:21pm 
this game is a pay to win and also a game wo have only ki thats itz from aimbot faction making itz bad game no friends and only the habitz in the game gg admins
Nick Crompton 18 Apr, 2022 @ 7:51am 
How to use the furniture that i crafted in the garabe, for example a fridge or medical shelf. I keep clicking but it only stays in the garabe inventory
AndiiLW | Lei 15 Mar, 2022 @ 6:45am 
how do i upgrade my stash with a locker?
DizNutz 2 Sep, 2021 @ 7:00am 
nice work thx