Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

724 valoraciones
Solo Honour Build - Elder Blood God (Necromancer)
Por Lost Sinner
★ Necromancer Build recommended for Elf, Human (or Undead). This build is meant for solo experience as a Lone Wolf.

♦ My other works:
• Solo Necromancer Series: link
• All Solo Builds: link
• Honour Walkthrough: link

♦ Difficulty Mods used to make the fights more challenging:
Divine Scaling +2: enemies are 2 levels above player.
★ Showcase Videos

Late game Fights against Adramahlihk (5) and Final Battle (6)

Against Dallis in Fort Joy (2) and Bishop & Voidwoken Drillworm (3):
✎ Stats Progression
  • Level 1: 14 INT, 12 CON, 2 Summoning, 2 Warfare, Lone Wolf
  • Level 2: 16 INT, 12 Memory, 2 Necromancer
  • Level 3: 18 INT, 14 Memory, 4 Summoning, 2 Pyro. All Skilled Up
  • Level 4: 20 INT, 16 Memory, 6 Summoning
  • Level 5: 24 INT, 8 Summoning
  • Level 6: 28 INT, 10 Summoning
  • Level 7: 32 INT, 2 Scoundrel
  • Level 8: 36 INT, 4 Warfare, Savage Sortilege
  • Level 9: 40 INT, 18 Memory, 1 Poly
  • Level 10: 14 WIT, 2 Aero
  • Level 11: 20 WIT, 2 Poly
  • Level 12: 24 WIT, 20 Memory, 3 Poly
  • Level 13: 12 STR, 22 Memory, 2 Hydro, Executioner
★ If you ran as Elf in early game, make sure to raise CON higher accordingly to Flesh Sacrifice negative -CON, so their shields don't fall off. Otherwise 12 CON is enough for other races in early game stage.

All Skilled Up → Elemental Affinity (10 - 2 Summoning = 8 Summoning)
✦ 8 Summoning → 0 Summoning = 4 Combat Points (CP)
✦ 3 CP → 6(new) + 4(before) = 10 Warfare / 1 CP → 2 Two-Handed
  • Level 14: 26 WIT, 24 Memory, 4 Two-Handed
  • Level 15: 32 WIT, 4 Poly
  • Level 16: 30 Memory, 5 Poly
  • Level 17: 36 WIT, 6 Two-Handed
  • Level 18: 40 WIT, 10 Two-Handed, All Skilled Up
  • Level 19: 16 STR, 4 Scoundrel
  • Level 20: 20 STR, 6 Scoundrel
  • Level 21: 24 STR, 8 Scoundrel
Remember you only need enough points to reach the requirements to use the skills, so if your gear happen to cover those requirements such as Necromancer, Hydro, Aero,...etc you can relocate and put the base points into more the global damage modifier skills instead for maximized damage: Warfare → Two-Handed → Scoundrel → Huntsman.


♦ Academy Lessons:
  • Lesson in Int: +5 INT / -5 FIN
  • Lesson in Wits: +5 WIT / -5 CON

♦ Spider Kiss Talent:
  • Curved Quill (+2 INT -2 CON)

♦ Civil:
  • Thievery 1st → Bartering 2nd
✎ Equipment
  • Look out for gear with Warfare, Scoundrel, 2-Handed, INT or Wits. Gloves have rare rolls of 2-Handed on them so keep an eye out, otherwise Critchance will do.

  • Gear that has side stats for the build skill requirements such as Aero, Necro, Hydro or Pyro are also appreciated so you can respec and relocate more base points into global damaging modifier skills.

  • Keep and use unique Ring of Intelligence that has a rune slot:
    +1 Intelligence, +10% Poison Resistance
    → Which can be plugged with a Power Frame Flame Rune for another +3 Intelligence and +6% Critchance.

  • Weapons for early game, use these unique 1H-weapons and any leveled shields throughout early to mid game:
    Viper Tongue: +1 STR, +1 Warfare

    Fang of Winter Dragon: +1 STR, +1 INT, +1 Warfare, +1 Hydro, +10% Critchance

  • In Cloister Wood, get An Mey Falin Belt from Eithne the Trader:
    +2 Constitution, +1 Warfare, +1 Polymorph, +20% Poison Resistance

  • At Level 13, use these 2H uniques not only for their bonuses but also to benefit the crit multiplier from Two-Handed weapon skill:
    Lohar Source Hammer: +2 STR, +1 Warfare, +1 Two-Handed, +20% Critchance
    – in Undertarven, lvl 12+

    Falone: +3 STR, +2 Intelligence, +2 Warfare, +1 Two-Handed, +20% Critchance
    – in Arx Cathedral, lvl 20+

  • In Arx, use these uniques:
    Kallisteis (Boots): +2 Wits, +1 Scoundrel, +6 Initiative, Immunity to Knockdown/Cripple/Slow

    Luronta Temva (Legs): +2 STR, +2 INT, +2 CON, +2 Wits, +2 Aero, +10% Air Resistance.

    Ruvola (Armor): +5 IINT, +2 CON, +2 Wits, +10% Fire/Water/Earth/Air Resistance

  • Amulet/Ring: Flame Rune (+4/5/6% critchance)

  • Armour: Flame Rune (+7/9/11% Fire resistance)

  • Weapon: Flame Rune (+9/11% Fire damage)

  • Amulet/Ring: Power Flame (+2/3 INT)

  • Armour: Power Flame (+2/3 INT)

  • Weapon: Power Flame (+2/3 INT)

Eternal Artefacts:
It can't be REMOVED once plugged and they are also LIMITED, so only use when you know for sure that piece of gear is going to be with you for a looong time.
  • Amulet: +2% Critchance, +5% Dodge.
  • Belt: + STR , + Warfare.
  • Rings: +1 Scoundrel, +10% Poison Resistance.
  • Head: +2 FIN, +1 Huntsman.
✎ Abilities Setups
  • Powerhouse Build: capable of solo the game without using Cloak or Uncanny Evasion by utilizing Summoner strength early game to deal consistent damage and cover Necromancer lack of offense spells early on. Character can clear early to mid game handily and stay safe behind the shield durability / pets while blasting their spells.

    Once level 13, when the character is decked out with enough offense Necromancy, they can switch out their shield and equip a Two-Handed to increase damage output with more global damaging modifier, essentially having 4 beneficial skills: Warfare, Two-Handed, Scoundrel, Huntsman. While adding more AoE Crowd Controls & defense / utility spells. and start blasting their way to end game.

  • Elemental Affinity: this build uses mainly Necromancy spells, so by standing on blood surfaces the character can get -1AP less cost on those spells.
    You can either use Blood Rain to create and prep before battle or in combat to generate blood surfaces or if the character is an Elf, they can create blood surfaces on themself with Flesh Sacrifice.

✦ Early Setup (1~8)
  • Bouncing Shield Throw shield at enemy & bounce to one nearby target. Damage based on your shield physical armour.

  • Summon Incarnate: call an Incarnate to fight alongside you, once reached 10 Summoning it will be upgraded into a Champion version. Due to it long duration of 10 turns, player can pre-summon the Incarnate before engaging a battle.
    Cast on a blood surfaces for Blood Infusion Incarnate, which grants damage bonus and armours.

  • Elemental Totem: You can summon Wood Totem (Normal surface) or Blood Totem (Blood surface). Both deal physical damage on attacks, while Blood Totem attacks can also set Bleeding status on target. It's recommended to summon a totem each turn for consistent damage from them.

  • Farsight Infusion: boost magic armour and 25% damage bonus for your Incarnate. Unlock a ranged attack which has 1 turn-cooldoon allowing him to attack enemy from range each turn.

  • Mosquito Swarm: Ranged physical attack, that will heal yourself based on the damage dealt to the target. It also set Bleeding status for 2 turns.

  • Decaying Touch: Close range attack, apply Decay making target taking damage on healings. In early game, you can combo this ability with Restoration (from Migo Ring) or Blood Sucker for cheap strong damaging combo on decayed or undead target.
    Save and stack possible Decaying Touch scrolls, it sometimes appear on vendors. These scrolls cost 1AP to use by default without relying on Elemental Affinity and as a scroll, it doesn't have any cooldowns.

  • Blood Sucker (optional): Target character consume blood surfaces to restore Vitality, the more blood, the more healings. You can use it offensively on enemy that has Decayed status to deal strong single target damage.

  • Corpse Explosion: Blow up a corpse dealing aoe physical damage around it. You can use Teleportation or Nether Swap either by: prepping it out of combat or in the middle of combat to put the corpses in place before blowing up in enemy faces.

  • Bloated Corpse: Summon a chubby corpse by your side, it can attack one before exploding strong area damage & create a huge blood pool. You can charge it with Supercharger to get a +100% dmg boost on it explosion. Recommended to pre-summon the chubby guy and send it to explode on unsuspected enemies to start the battle with a boom!

  • Teleportation: teleport enemy or corpses into desired place. Rely on the teleportation glove early on so you don't have to put points into Aero so soon.

  • Power Infusion: boost physical armour and 25% damage bonus. Unlock Whirlwind and Rush (Battering Ram) which can knockdown vulnerable enemies.

  • Supercharger: combo with Bloated Corpse, summoned target get +100% damage boost then dies next turn.

  • Shackle of Pain: mark the target that will receive 100% damage whenever you are hurt. They may not hit you or risk hurting their friend or even kill them in the process. So it's good skill that gives you a win-win situation either ways.

  • Infect: strong single target damage, apply Diseased debuff which -35% Damage & -5 Constitution on affected target.

  • Adrenaline: Gain 2 AP for this turn but lose 2 AP on the next turn ( a tradeoff), use it when you need to confirm a kill to trigger Executioner talent and get a bonus of 2AP or when you really need to setup some defensive buffs or just simply want to finish off some high threat targets.

  • Cloak & Dagger: a jumping ability. Use Tactical Retreat instead if you just happen to get enough Huntsman requirement from gear.

  • Peace of Mind: Damage and Critchance boost.

  • Death Wish (situational): huge dmg boost based on missing %HP (e.g: 1HP = 99% dmg boost)

✦ Mid Setup (9~12)
  • Mass Corpse Explosion: Explode every single corpses in range, dealing massive aoe damage to anyone caught in it.

  • Bone Cage: Boost Physical Armour based on how many dead bodies near you. Can grants massive amount of Armour if used after you pull off a few kills with only 1 AP cost.

  • Nether Swap: Swap place with enemy or corpses. Use this along with teleportation to put enemies / corpses in place to combo with Corpse Explosion.

  • Skin Graft: reset all cooldowns.

✦ High Setup (13~15)
→ At this point, follow the respec intrusction and unequip the Summoning spells to make slots for more Necromancy spells.
  • Blood Rain: creating blood surfaces to utilize Elemental Affinity.

  • Grasp Of The Starved: Strong area attack to targets that stand on blood surfaces. It's also set AoE Crippled, really good control attack when well placed on high ground, you can pin enemies in place helpless for a 2 turns!
    Character can prep blood surfaces with either Blood Rain or Blood Storm.

  • Haste: +1 Start/Recovery AP. You can pre-cast it to get 7AP starting AP, then combine with Flesh Sacrifice and you have 8 AP in the beginning of the battle.

  • Uncanny Evasion (optional): Extra self-defense spell if needed, grants 90% dodge making most weapon attacks ineffective against you.

  • Heart of Steel: grants decent amount of armour, you can use it as a pre-buff before a battle because it has long duration (4 turns)

  • Battle Stomp: decent aoe radius in a straight line, can set knockdowns on vulnerable enemies.

  • Battering Ram: Rush at your targets, set knockdown on vulnerable enemies.

  • Frost Armour (scrolls): Boost Magic Armour, remove many debuffs

  • Fortify (scrolls): Boost Physical Armour, remove many debuffs.

✦ End Setup (16+)
  • Apotheosis: SP Cost -3 for all source powers. You can use Source powers with no Source cost for 2 turns, go unleash all of your Source powers during this time. You will also get a small boost on all stats like Intelligence and Wits.

  • Blood Storm: summon a blood meteors down on your enemies for 2 turns in a big area, dealing strong AoE damage to nearby targets individually and create blood surfaces. Can be used on clustered enemies to multi-tick the attacks and maximize damage output.

  • Challenge: mark a target, if they die within 2 turns you get a +20% damage boost for a turn and bonus Physical / Magical Armor.

  • Inner Demon: great Intelligence and magic armour boost.

  • Thick of the Fight (optional): If you see a potential pull of 40% or 50% damage boost in a battle, go for it as the damage bonus add up multiplicatively on spells.
114 comentarios
Maso 14 SEP a las 6:06 
Bless you dude, i really like the build
siuzen94 31 JUL a las 21:01 
That is because Necromancy damage scales with INT.
vanderveckensmith 25 JUN a las 16:00 
Can anyone explain why this build boosts INT when that appears to not be useful for summoning? Until the respec at level 13, you're a Summoner.
DUCK STALKER 11 ENE a las 17:36 
Very fun build!
Just a small note: two handed weapon dmg does nothing for spells, so you can go with full scoundrel and get more movespeed and same dmg!
SuedDuke 5 DIC 2023 a las 3:31 
This build has been amazing on my tactician playthrough so I'm thinking of trying honour mode next
yacomain 16 MAR 2023 a las 17:14 
I'm looking foward to try this build but with an extra lone wolf ally (mainly because i'm achievement hunting). What other class would you recommend? Obviously a psychal damage dealer one (not that it looks like I need more damage but...) Also, in a 2p party, do you still recommend going the summoner route early on?

Nice guides!
Tomasety III 30 OCT 2022 a las 3:18 
I'm through half way to my 4 party man Honour gameplay but I was really curious about Lonewolf characters and stumbled upon this build. It certainly looks quite fun and have brought me light upon certain spells I had completely neglected on my current playgame.

Thank you so much for your Honour guides/nuils, they are really helpful.

Only one question remains Lost Sinner. Which 2 Lone wolf duo do you think work best for a possible duo Honour gameplay?
I think I prefer physical damage over magical given the fact that some enemies have either immunities or high elemental resistances.
Unimax 16 JUL 2022 a las 18:42 
why yo use 2H weapon instead of 2x good +3 int wands
LachNess 18 ABR 2022 a las 21:39 
Starting class doesn't really affect much as you can edit the stat distribution anyway. The only thing the starting class affects is what weapons you'll find in the chest on the ship at the start of the game.

For this build you probably want to have a shield at the start of the game so choose either Cleric, Conjurer or Fighter, and then change the talent to Lone Wolf and adjust the stats to have 14 INT, 12 CON, 2 SUM and 2 WAR.
Regulator XIII 18 ABR 2022 a las 5:42 
Best class for this is what? I cant seem to find or im just not looking hard enough... :/