Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds

Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds

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Auto Puzzler
By Grimagin
Go from mindlessly trying to solve a 350 piece puzzle in several hours to having a robot do it for you in 5 minutes.
Tips for Solving on Your Own
Stack the Pieces
Each puzzle piece is on its own seperate layer. By stacking the pieces on top of each other, you are actually arranging them in order from top left to bottom right.

Turn of Rotation
There are only 4 ways a piece can fit into a puzzle. There is an option to turn the rotation off so you can cut that number down ot just 1.

Crab Removal
Getting tired of grabbing the crab instead of a puzzle piece? Crab no further! (see what I did there?) Just press the delete key and find yourself cured.

Custom Music
Step One: Go back into the options panel.
Step Two: Turn the game sound all the way down.
Step Three: Find your favorite music. This can be done either through streaming services such as Pandra Radio, or by firing up your stach of downloaded mp3s on WMP.

Still Frustrated?
A solution is provided in the next section.
How To Use The Macro (Involved Hotkeys)
Press the corresponding keys on the keyboard for the following actions:

Reload the Macro at any time. This will interrupt the current action at any point.

Collect a puzzle piece at current mouse location to place in the pile.

Set a puzzle piece from the pile to the current mouse location.

Rotate a puzzle piece at the current mouse location.

The following numbers relate to the puzzle's difficulty in order:

1) 60 Piece Puzzle
2) 112 Piece Puzzle
3) 153 Piece Puzzle
4) 220 Piece Puzzle
5) 350 Piece Puzzle

Number refering to the puzzle's difficulty
Correcly places all of the puzzle pieces on the board.

Number refering to the puzzle's difficulty
Correctly Rotates all of the puzzle pieces on the board.
This macro is intended to work on all screen resolutions. There may be some minor discrepancies.
Just follow the instructions.

Download link coming soon!

; ================Notes================== ; This script was made by Grimagin with location references using Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds ; If you enjoyed the use of this automated script, show your support on Steam ; Leave a like, 5 stars, and/or a constructive comment on the steam guide page ; ============Macro Use Instructions================= ; 1) Download Auto Hot Key if you haven't done so already. https://autohotkey.com/ ; 2) Adjust the values in the Screen Setup section to allow this macro to run for your display ; 3) Make sure you save the file using .ahk as the file extension ; 4) Double click on the file for it to run ; 5) Launch Pixel Puzzles and turn off piece rotation if option is available ; ===============Puzzle Instructions================== ; You'll have to collect all the pieces from out of the border on your own. Fortunatly for you, ; I have included a script to make that easy for you by placing all the pieces on top of each other ; on the lower right corner of the puzzle board. ; =============Screen Setup============== ; Please Enter your screen resolution in the variables below ; Display is listed in pixels, Resolution is the aspect ratio DisplayX = 1920 DisplayY = 1080 ResolutionX = 16 ResolutionY = 9 ; =================Control Modifiers================= PauseButton = Escape Collect = C Set = S Rotate = R Puzzle60 = 1 Puzzle112 = 2 Puzzle153 = 3 Puzzle220 = 4 Puzzle350 = 5 RotatePuzzle60 = ^1 RotatePuzzle112 = ^2 RotatePuzzle153 = ^3 RotatePuzzle220 = ^4 RotatePuzzle350 = ^5 ; ===============Script Hotkeys====================== ; The default Setup is listed below. You can change these if you wish above in the Control Modifiers. ; Pressing Escape will Reload the script at any time. ; Pressing C on your keyboard will Collect a piece at mouse location and put it into the pile ; Pressing S on your keyboard will Set a piece on the board from the pile at mouse location ; Pressing R on your keyboard will Rotate a piece on the board at mouse location ; Respectfully pressing the following numbers (!Not the numpad!) will autofill the board with pieces: ; Press 1 for a 60 piece puzzle ; Press 2 for a 112 piece puzzle ; Press 3 for a 153 piece puzzle ; Press 4 for a 220 piece puzzle ; Press 5 for a 350 piece puzzle ; Respectfully pressing the following will autorotate each piece on the board 3 times: ; Press Ctrl+1 for a 60 piece puzzle ; Press Ctrl+2 for a 112 piece puzzle ; Press Ctrl+3 for a 153 piece puzzle ; Press Ctrl+4 for a 220 piece puzzle ; Press Ctrl+5 for a 350 piece puzzle ; =========Adjustable Screen Calulations========== Horizontal := DisplayX/ResolutionX Vertical := DisplayY/ResolutionY MMX := 13.45*Horizontal MMY := 6.958*Vertical ; ===========Hotkey Exchange============= Hotkey, %PauseButton%, ButtonPause Hotkey, %Collect%, ButtonCollect Hotkey, %Set%, ButtonSet Hotkey, %Rotate%, ButtonRotate Hotkey, %Puzzle60%, Puzzle1 Hotkey, %Puzzle112%, Puzzle2 Hotkey, %Puzzle153%, Puzzle3 Hotkey, %Puzzle220%, Puzzle4 Hotkey, %Puzzle350%, Puzzle5 Hotkey, %RotatePuzzle60%, RotatePuzzle1 Hotkey, %RotatePuzzle112%, RotatePuzzle2 Hotkey, %RotatePuzzle153%, RotatePuzzle3 Hotkey, %RotatePuzzle220%, RotatePuzzle4 Hotkey, %RotatePuzzle350%, RotatePuzzle5 return ; ==============AHK Script=============== ; Pause the Script ButtonPause: Reload return ; Collect Puzzle Piece ButtonCollect: MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseMove, MMX, MMY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , U sleep 50 MouseMove, StartX, StartY return ; Set Puzzle Piece ButtonSet: MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MMX, MMY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseMove, StartX, StartY MouseClick, left, , , , , U return ; Rotate Puzzle Piece ButtonRotate: Loop, 3 { MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , U sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , U sleep 50 } return ; 60 Piece Puzzle Puzzle1: MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 6 { loop, 10 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MMX, MMY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY MouseClick, left, , , , , U MyX := MyX+(1.181*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(1.15*Vertical) } return ; 60 Piece Puzzle Rotation RotatePuzzle1: MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 6 { loop, 10 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY sleep 50 Loop, 3 { MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , U sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , U sleep 50 } MyX := MyX+(1.181*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(1.15*Vertical) } return ; 112 Piece Puzzle Puzzle2: MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 8 { loop, 14 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MMX, MMY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY MouseClick, left, , , , , U MyX := MyX+(.8436*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.8625*Vertical) } return ; 112 Piece Puzzle Rotation RotatePuzzle2: MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 8 { loop, 14 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY sleep 50 Loop, 3 { MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , U sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , U sleep 50 } MyX := MyX+(.8436*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.717*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.8625*Vertical) } return ; 153 Piece Puzzle Puzzle3: MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 9 { loop, 17 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MMX, MMY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY MouseClick, left, , , , , U MyX := MyX+(.69*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.72*Vertical) } return ; 153 Piece Puzzle Rotation RotatePuzzle3: MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 9 { loop, 17 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY sleep 50 Loop, 3 { MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , U sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , U sleep 50 } MyX := MyX+(.69*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.72*Vertical) } return ; 220 Piece Puzzle Puzzle4: MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 11 { loop, 20 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MMX, MMY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY MouseClick, left, , , , , U MyX := MyX+(.5905*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.6278*Vertical) } return ; 220 Piece Puzzle Rotation RotatePuzzle4: MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 11 { loop, 20 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY sleep 50 Loop, 3 { MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , U sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , U sleep 50 } MyX := MyX+(.5905*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.6278*Vertical) } return ; 350 Piece Puzzle Puzzle5: MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 14 { loop, 25 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MMX, MMY sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY MouseClick, left, , , , , U MyX := MyX+(.4724*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.4928*Vertical) } return ; 350 Piece Puzzle Rotation RotatePuzzle5: MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := 1.29*Vertical Loop, 14 { loop, 25 { MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY sleep 50 MouseMove, MyX, MyY sleep 50 Loop, 3 { MouseClick, left, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , D sleep 50 MouseClick, right, , , , , U sleep 50 MouseClick, left, , , , , U sleep 50 } MyX := MyX+(.4724*Horizontal) } MyX := 2.43*Horizontal MyY := MyY+(.4928*Vertical) } return
Thank You!
This script was made with location references using Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds
If you enjoyed the use of this automated script, show your support on Steam
Leave a like, 5 star review, and/or add a constructive comment below. I'd really appriciate it.
|TeM| Reikhardt 15 Mar, 2023 @ 9:06am 
Forgive me for being a complete thicky here but how do I actually use this? Do I copy the macro code into a document in the game folder?
Mary Virgin 24 Feb, 2023 @ 10:20am 
Dude I am glad awarded you. this worked well even on Sexy Jigsaw following same methods. It did not auto lock pieces due to different picture sizes but did auto line them till 350 and even using C piled them in one place outside board.
Mary Virgin 19 Nov, 2022 @ 8:52am 
The script has issues at times works well at times losses grip a bit especially last 3 rows on right side but overall time saver. I found since Pixel Puzzles has same template with different color and imaging merely script works on other games too. You can click on floating pieces outside and they snap and stack up. Great. Anyway to make these work on Ultimate series bigger puzzles of 800 - 1000 pieces? So giving you an award!
Mary Virgin 14 Oct, 2022 @ 12:52pm 
which part to paste in notepad ahk? all of the text above? where do i check screen resolution in game?
Grimagin  [author] 28 Jan, 2021 @ 2:44am 
I hate having to grab all the pieces out of the water. I kind of just worked on it until I got to a point that worked for me. Then, I decided that I might as well share it.

Any suggestions or ideas for improvement would be appreciated.
♿ SoSo 28 Jan, 2021 @ 1:26am 
Yea, I tried it in other games, but some are a little bit off. But I can easily change the script to fit the board in each game. Thanks again, you seem to spend some time on this script. An award is the least I can do haha :steamthumbsup:
Grimagin  [author] 27 Jan, 2021 @ 3:23pm 
Thanks for the comment. I'm glad my script worked!

Some of the puzzle pieces are weird shapes that you'll have to grab a few of them yourself. Rather than changing the location of placement for each size of puzzle, I tried to do it simpler and faster by using a bit of math. That way you would be able to adjust it for your screen size and ratio without too much trouble.

This script will work with the other Pixel Puzzle games. However, if you have Space, then you'll notice that the board is located in a different position and a few adjustments will need to be made.
♿ SoSo 27 Jan, 2021 @ 1:10am 
Script works great. One thing tho, on 60 piece puzzles, when pressing C to collect all the pieces, some of them (like 6-7 pieces) slip into the water and you have to place them a little more to the left. But this is a very minor discrepancy. Great job on making this. Does it work on the other games? :)