東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers.

東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers.

203 valoraciones
東方憑依華-Hyouibana-AOCF Guide Version 0.80
Por lililuna
This guide will probably get you ready for EVO Japan 2019 so you won't get rekt so hard.
It wont teach you how to cheese through story mode with HB or Spellcards.
It will cover character basics, hit confirming with some last words, how to manage meter and select non-meta spellcards for cheaper costing Last Words.
It will open your mind to new team compositions instead of the standard Reimu/Ichirin/Koishi support.
Images and Videos will be added over time.

Maybe someone could make a Lore guide so I dont have to go to the thwiki to be spoonfed translations by unpaid volunteers. Not me though.

Changelog/History Translation
ver1.10c 180426-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ver1.10b 180425-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


ver1.10 180424-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


















ver1.04 180217-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-打+射 射+必 必+怪の同時押しキー設定を追加











-下4段目 ガードされた際に跳ね返り高度が高くなることがある不具合修正













































ver1.03 180122-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

・ルームを選択してその内部でマッチングする機能を追加 novice(初心者向け)、free(制限なし)、veteran(上級者推奨)の三つとなっています














-ヒット時の吹き飛ばし速度を上20>15 横4>2.5へ調整




-1段目 モーション全体で派生を受け付けるように調整
-2段目 近い位置の攻撃判定を下へ拡大
-2段目 派生受付時間を6F延長
-3段目 攻撃判定を下へ拡大
-3段目 前進移動を追加
-下4段目 2段目出始めの攻撃判定を上へ拡大

















-1段目 モーションの終わり際で派生の受付をしないよう調整
-前4段目 攻撃判定持続を3F延長
-前4段目 近距離の攻撃判定を拡大
-上4段目 攻撃判定持続を3F延長
-上4段目 次の連携への受付時間を延長
-下4段目 攻撃判定持続を3F延長

















-1段目 モーション全体で派生を受け付けるように調整
-2段目 攻撃判定を上下に拡大
-3段目 ノックバックを腹やられに変更
-3段目 攻撃判定を根元は下に、先端は上に拡大
-3段目 前方移動距離を増加
-前4段目 攻撃判定を出始めは下に拡大、後半部分は下と前にさらに拡大
-下4段目 攻撃判定を出始めは上に拡大、後半部分は全方向に拡大
-上4段目 攻撃判定を出始めは上下と前に拡大、後半部分は上と前に拡大
-遠打撃派生2段目 モーションを中央前打撃互換に調整










ver1.02b 180105-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Touhou Hyouibana is the latest spin-off collaboration fighting game with Zun and Tasofro
The core difference it has from other fighting games is it has two lanes of Y-axis because battles are in air. So you can actually jump downwards. Characters will “fall back” into the center lane.
It also has a new Posession(tag) mechanic that allows you to freely switch between characters.
In the picture below, Yukari is in the bottom lane , while Reimu is standing at the origin point y axis =0

UI elements
At the top of your screen are your life bars.
At the bottom of your screen, the 5 orbs are your Spirit bar which acts like a stamina/mp bar.
At the upper left and right corners, the pink bar is your Occult meter bar, which acts as your guard meter, it also allows you to cancel attacks into your partners attacks
The two bars at the bottom are your spellcard meter.

In this game, life bars have two modes. White health can be restored if spending time in complete possession shown in the picture of Koishi below.

You lose the round when you run out of Green health.
You lose the game when you lose two rounds.
You win a game when you win two rounds.
While in complete possession, you can only lose the round if your white life is depleted to 0
While in complete posession, getting hit or blocking projectiles or skills reduces the pink bar, and when its depleted to 0 you will be guard crushed. And you will also be snapped out of the possession, switching back to the master.
Help! My game cant launch!
Basic troubleshooting.
Run th155.exe_log.exe , check the log files for conflicting programs.
Run the program as administrator

Common issues.
Resolution settings errors. Try running the game in a supported resolution at 100%
Conflict with handwriting function on windows 7 and tablet function in windows 8 onwards.
Stop Touch keyboard panel and handwriting panel service and Tablet PC Input service
Remove your pen tablet.

NVIDIA control panel issues.
Troubleshoot with intergrated graphics settings.
Turn off V-sync in reccomended settings(unless youre running on a 120hz monitor and are using a gaming rig you should turn this off.

hoke : windows memory error
use thcrap.exe under the english patch guide to remove the anti hack dll.

last but not least.
send your log file as a direct message in image form to unabara@twitter
Eg gamepad/fightstick/dance dance revolution controller doesnt work, or conflict with AMD gpu , etc.
or he may never address your bugs if he does not know about.
Glossary Of Notation and Japanese Terms
Fighting game directional notation
All directions assume the character is facing the right (1P side).
This notation is is used frequently in combo recipes along with other terms such as Jump cancel, Delay, Landing Cancel

As for why we use notation lets describe Doremy's JA>2A>2B loop without using Notation


Start by jumping at the enemy, hit with jump attack, after the jump attack hits cancel into jump 2b, after jump 2b hits cancel into a forward dash and do a jump attack, after the jump attack hits, land cancel by landing on the ground and hit with 2A, after 2a hits once, cancel into jump 2b, after jump 2b hits do a forward dash and do a jump attack, after the jump attack hits, land on the ground and hit with the AAAA gattling melee auto combo. The enemy is has been wallslammed and now is in standing stun.

Lets all use notation instead!

↖7 Up-Back
↑8 Up
↗9 Up-Forward
←4 Back
5 Neutral
→6 Forward
↙1 Down-Back
↓2 Down
↘3 Down-Forward

A = Melee
B = Shot
C = Skill
D = Dash/Spirit
E = Tag/Posession
A+B = Occult Skill
B+C = Declare/Spellcard
C+E = Occult Last Word
OA = Occult Skill

Glossary of Japanese Terms
遠A → FA → Far A
溜め射撃 → HB → Charged Projectile
弾幕展開 → RB → Danmaku Release

攻性憑依(打撃) → EA → Offense Possession Melee
攻性憑依(射撃) → EB → Offense Possession Shoot
攻性憑依(必殺技)→ EC → Offense Posession Skill
攻性憑依(スペル)→ ES → Offense Posession Spell
怪ラストワード  → LW → Occult Last Word

ジャンプ打撃・射撃 → JA・JB → Jump Melee → Jump Shot
ダッシュ打撃・射撃 → DA・DB → Dash attack A → Dash attack B(grazing attack)

ジャンプキャンセル  →  jc → Jump cancel
カウンターヒット   →  ch → Counter hit
ディレイ       →  dl → Delayed
リバサ → Reversal → A high risk move with invulnerability with low returns.
無敵 muteki → Invulnerability → Completely cannot be hit or thrown.
受身 ukemi → Tech or Recovery → Rolling around or rebounding with short i-frames
重なる → Meaty → Hitting your opponent with moves on their last active frames.
捲り meguri → Crossup → An attack that forces the opponent to block in reverse.
投げ nage → Throw → An unblockable attack, can be avoided by simply jumping.
投げぬけ → Throw Escape → Performed by using a throw at the same time.
から投げ → Empty jump or Empty dash or Empty walk up Throw
烈火 rekka → Reference to Fei Long's 3 hit punch, Mokou's 8CCC Byakuren 5CCC
スーパーアーマー → Super armor → Character immune to flinching, Eg Tenshi's Spell 3
ネタ neta → Gimmick(silly tricks)
Controls! How do I Last word? How do I use spellcards again!? :(
A - 打撃(melee) - Default Key - Z
B - 射撃(shot) - Default Key - X
C - 必殺技(skill) - Default Key - C
E - 怪(occult/tag) - - Default Key - A
D - 霊(spirit) - Default Key - S

They are notation for buttons like
guilty gear -pkshd punch kick slash hardslash dust
blazblue - abcd
tekken - 1234
sfv - lp mp hp lk mk hk -


Melee - A button - Default Key - Z
Pressing this key will make your character on screen perform a melee attack.
When used in close proximity with the opponent, you are usually able to chain 4 melee attacks.
The last hit of the gatling melee chain can be altered by holding the directional key’s up, down or forward.
When pressed with a directional key eg forward A, up A or down A, you will perform a heavy attack which causes 40% stun

Shot - B button - Default Key - X
Pressing this key will make your character shoot a projectile at your opponent and consume 1 spirit orb.
Projectiles are unique because they deal white damage when blocked, and can be avoided by dashing directly into them which makes your character invulnerable to projectiles in that dash state.
Holding down the B key will make your character charge up a projectile.
In the Japanese wiki notation this input is HB, while mashing BBBB will make your character perform a quick backstep and go into a projectile zoning state that inflicts no hitstun.
Usually HB links into most spellcards
There is also a unique projectile for each character assigned to Forward B, and can be cancelled from B
Chain examples
B into 6B into HB
B into HB
6B into HB
note that 6B cant be chained backward into B

Skill - C button - Default Key - C
Pressing this key will make your character use certain skill cards while holding certain directional keys. For example Hakurei Reimu has Youkai Buster assigned to forward C which is a fast frontal fireball move, and Reisen has Disordered Eye assigned to neutral C, which is a teleportating mixup skill.
Each character has 4 skill cards assigned to the directional key of Up, Down, Left and Right
Some characters like Ichirin have skill cards that only can be used at certain elevation. Her skill up C changes when she is in the top lane from 一握りの浮雲 a handful of clouds to 滑空宝輪 gliding skull ring

Tag - E - Default Key - A
This key makes you switch between characters Master to Slave or Slave to Master
Forward or Back E in air will cause the switch to occur with an air hop animation but the animation has no projectile or melee invulnerability at all. And can be used as a third micro jump.
Pressing 6E after JA or in the lower or upper axis. will cause the substitute to play its JA animation
Pressing 6E after B or 6B causes the substitute to shoot a unique projectile while sliding backwards.
Pressing 6E after a command normal like 2A 6A 8A in the center lane will cause the substitute to do a dashing melee which launches the opponent up with extended hitstun, allowing you to continue the combo.

Spirit - D - Default Key - S
Holding this key down causes you to barrier block, which does not reduce chip damage, but only increases the pushback when you block an opponents attack.
Pressing 6D or 4D performs a forward dash or backdash that makes you projectile invulnerable.(graze mechanic)
Pressing this key repeatedly while in blockstun consumes spirit at a fixed rate while pushing the opponent away from you and yourself away from the opponent at the same time.
However, sumireko's 4C has a weird interaction with this and will push her towards you at ridiculous speeds.

Combination keys

Occult special - OA
A+B melee+shot 「打+射」- Z+X on your actual keyboard
Performs an occult attack or setup unique to each character, covered later in Individual character guides.

B+C shot+skill 「射+ 必」- X+C on your actual keyboard
Prepares your selected Spellcard from the character selection screen for use.
Declaring causes timestop and iframes
Press again to use the Spellcard.
Spellcards are like Supers/Finishers/DistortionDrives from other games.

Occult last Word
C+E skill+tag 「必+怪」- C+A on your actual keyboard
Requires 100% full occult bar and two full spell meters.

A special attack that is invulnerable on startup and used as a reversal to pressure.
After its use(even after whiffing completely) it disables the tag bar and one spell bar. Some characters can link it with various hitstuns from skills, projectiles and maybe some tag-ins It either can be a comeback mechanic or a way to insult your opponent due to its REALLY long animation.
Last words only can be performed while in the middle lane.

Complete Possession Mechanic
While in full possession, getting hit, or blocking projectiles or skills depletes the occult bar. when it's completely depleted by an opponents attack, you will be Guard crushed where yellow triangles will appear on screen shown below.

After the guard crush, you will no longer be able to swap to your slave until the bar is back at 50%

White health is restored in this state, damage received in this state is purely White health.

Posession Ukemi
When recovering from stun, press E to quickly swap to your slave, also works while tech rolling
Note that this changes your air/ground tech to a shorter backdash. Some characters like Yukari with long distance tech rolls would prefer not to use this. This cost no meter, although your tag meter will be used to regenerate white health the moment your slave is swapped on.
This is primarily utilized when you are close to death while having lots of white health to recover.

Metered Posession Ukemi
While in standing stun, press 4E or 6E to quickly tech away from your opponent while consuming 25% of the tag meter bar while swapping characters.

Posession Escape
While in blockstun, press 4E to perform a quick backdash while consuming 25% of the tag meter
bar(Master only) in a projectile immune state. Cannot be used if the move has quick multiple hits until the last hit like Miko's 6B laser.

Posession Burst
While in blockstun, press 6E to perform a knockback attack while consuming 100% of the tag meter bar (Master only)

Offensive Posession(melee)
Pressing 6E during any melee attack will perform a dashing attack that launches in the middle lane. If the character is in the air it will perform a JA instead which doesnt launch.
Offensive Posession(bullet)
Pressing 6E during any B or 6B will switch out your master to your slave

Offensive Posession(skill)
Pressing direction+E during any skills active frames will allow you to cancel any special move into your slaves directional skills.

Offensive Posession(spell)
Pressing 6E during a spell card will allow your slave to do a follow up spellcard(uses 100% tag meter and spell meter)

It is also possible to do an Jump attack land cancel into a Melee Offensive Posession attack as shown by tessiro's video.
Basics ~ Grazing, Rate, Proration, Standing Stun, Downed Stun
Movement Techniques

Pressing 123 or 789 causes your character to jump in that specified direction, while being complete projectile invulnerable.

Forward Dash/Back Dash/Flight
Pressing 44(4D) or 66(6D) makes you forward or backdash or fly forward or fly backwards, completely invulnerable to projectiles, note that dashes have a time limitation and you will return to a state where youre not projectile immune after a while, you are only allowed 2 dashes in the upper or bottom lanes in total. But it is possible to repeatedly dash forward and back in the center lane.

Tech Roll
Holding down forward or back while in a downed state, will move your character forward or back, invulnerable for the full duration

Rate, Stun
When a character is hit with a 2 hit combo you will see two other pieces of information other than the number of hits and damage.
Here yukari has hit miko with AAA(6)A and has done 40 stun from the 6A attack

Rate is the mechanic that reduces the damage a combo does to prevent moves from being too overpowered 「DAMAGE SCALING」
Stun is the anti-infinite combo mechanic in the game. It causes the person being hit to turn completely invulnerable after taking too many hits which that cause stun. Eg projectiles and certain command normals like Reimu's J6A

In the image below, Miko is currently in standing stun, meaning she cannot tech roll by holding directional keys 4 or 6 unless she uses the metered 25% tag 4E or 6E, it is also possible to hit characters in standing stun with spellcards or last words.

In the image below, Miko is currently in normal downed stun state and will be able to tech roll normally by holding left or right.

Wall Slam Floor Slam
Attacks that lead into wall or floor slam have extended hitstun. Combo's that end in 100 stun that wallslam will cause standing stun. Combos that end in 100 stun that do not wallslam will cause standing stun if the character hasnt been lifted by an attack(eg nitori's 6B loops)
Certain Floor slam attacks usually can be chained into some characters Last Words eg Doremy, Reisen.

Guard Crush
While in a full posession state, blocking projectiles and skillcards will deplete the occult meter, and when its full depleted you will be guard crushed with a purplish flash with yellow triangles as seen here. You will also forced switched back to your Master character.

Chip damage
When blocking projectiles, you will receive white health damage.
However when blocking skills and spellcards, a certain percentage will be pure chip damage, and is irrecoverable.

HB cancelling.
Backdashing after using HB after a directional melee attack like 8A misses is a good way to avoid being whiff punished for mashing pokes in neutral game. All you have to do is HB>44 and you can just 8A or 6A or 2A all over again.
Heres a video by fearnagae showing us how to HB cancel marisa's missed FA to avoid Reimu's Spellcard.

Attack Elements, Physical and Projectiles. And Throws
Melee attacks cannot be grazed and have to be blocked. Byakuren's motorcycle, Yukari's occult,and yukari's train spellcard(fully melee) are examples of unique melee attacks.

Most shots fired and projectiles can be avoided by going into a projectile invulnerable state by jumping or grazing using 4D or 6D
Projectiles deal white damage on block.

Hybrid attacks
Some characters like Kasen, Ichirin and Doremy have both properties of Melee and Projectile in a single skill or spellcard.

Pressing 6A at a point blank distance in the center lane will make your character attempt to throw the opposing character, it can be negated only by jumping away, if the opponent jumps away, it leaves you vulnerable to punishment if the missed throw animation plays.

It is also possible to throw tech by performing a throw exactly at the same time as your opponent throws you, negating both attempts and it will reset to neutral.
Note that Joon yorigami's last word is a throw and can be avoided completely by being in Yukari's occult state or simply jumping away from the center lane, you cannot throw tech, or grab her because she is fully invulnerable during its startup.
Throws only can be performed in the center lane.
Character Archetypes
Here i will classify every character into its respective category, some are hybrids so you may see characters appear in multiple types, but i will classify the characters once by its strongest points and the difficulty rating of learning the characters.

Standard - All rounders
Reimu Marisa Ichirin Kasen Tenshi
Average mobility,Average melee reach.Average projectile reach and density. Usually has a good anti air. Has multiple attacks that ground/wallslam. Usually good at everything.
Rating : Easy to learn

Rushdown - High speed, Medium attack damage, Constant Pressure
Nitori Futo Byakuren Mokou Shinmyoumaru Joon
Extremely high mobility, Bad melee reach. Poor projectile reach and density. Usually has a crossup gimmick, a teleporting move, step dashes, or a rekka.
Their pressure can be hard to deal against and rounds may be one sided if it goes their way if they get in. Usually only has a single attack that wallslam/floorslams. Their quick mobility also can be used to quickly dash in and perform throws.
Rating : Difficult to master, Frustrating to play as against zoners.

Setup - Slow speed, High attack damage.
Koishi Doremy
Poor mobility, Average melee reach, Strong projectiles with long active durations, Solely relies on placing projectiles or traps on the field while keeping the enemy confused at what youre doing. Usually is able to win the round by using the same projectiles or skills over and over.
Eg Doremy 2C+JA wakeup okizeme , Koishi 4C+FA wakeup okizeme
Rating : Easy

Power Up/Stance - Requires setup time, Strong offense when powered up
Kokoro Miko Reisen
Average Mobility, Varying melee reach and projectile strength. Kokoro relies on multiple stances which changes the properties of her 6b while Miko relies on Red or Blue cape which either powers up her projectiles or melee attacks. Reisen relies on her occult skill which changes the properties of all her bullets while they pass through it and skill cards.
Rating : Normal, Difficult to use at its full potential.

Zoner - Full screen projectiles, Long reach
Mamizou Sumireko Yukari
Horrible mobility, Long melee reach, Strong projectiles. Relies on keeping the opponent away while doing damage from ½ to full screen distance away. May need matchup knowledge of all enemy projectiles and teleporting attacks to function well.
Rating : Easy
Team Building, choosing your waifu 4 laifu
So you just learnt your favourite character, and you are ready to add a support character to your team! So who should i add?

The First priority is to augment your main characters strengths or cover their weaknesses.
For example Yukari with Koishi has good synergy because they both have full screen combo’s
Joon and Shinmyoumaru are both rushdown characters.
An all rounder like Reimu/Kasen doesn't really need the support from a sub character but you need some vertical coverage with nitori’s 8C or Bosses 8C

The Second priority is to check whether you're able to chain both spell cards together to kill and rounds. This may not be an issue with Last Word type teams.

The third example is where you play a really independant character like Sumireko, but you would like some instant full heals with Mokou.

Or if you are a Mokou main, and you realize that you dont really need to swap much because how powerful Mokou is as a glass cannon and she never has to swap to her slave to heal unlike others. So you pick someone with a powerful chain spell like Marisa or Kasen.

Lastly there is a different playstyle where players choose low cost supports like Nitori so that they can combo into last word on every round. Their kind of playstyle seems rather unpredictable as you always have to watch their meter or face a sudden 5.5k damage against your meaty 6A or jump in.

There's no right or wrong answer for this question, but here are the best supports in my opinion involving EA into C enders

For Standing Stun
Ichirin 6C and damage with 8C
Koishi 6C
Reimu 6C
Yukari 6C

For Instant White Life Recovery

Mokou 5C

For Instant Vertical Coverage

Reimu(slightly slow) Joon Marisa Futo Nitori Koishi Doremy 8C
Ichirin 2C

For midscreen melee Coverage.

Kasen Tenshi 2C
Doremy 4C
Byakuren 5C/J5C(requires 1 vajra)

For cheaper last words
Nitori 700
Reimu 800
Yukari 800
Byakuren 1000
Kokoro 1000
Koishi 1000

The cheapest team would be Koishi or Futo with spell 3 and Nitori as support
500+700 = 1200.
You would only need 1200 spell meter to use last word, way above the average meter gained per round of around 1600-1800

Best spell chain partners(accuracy)
Koishi, Kokoro, Tenshi, Mokou, Reisen(direction can be aimed)
Best spell chain partners(damage)
Marisa, Ichirin, Shinmyoumaru, Mokou, Mamizou, Kasen
Situational spell chain partners(misses often or is hard to control)
Futo, Byakuren, Joon
Worst spell chain partner(low damage or usually misses)
Nitori, Sumireko, Yukari, Doremi(low damage for 1400 cost)

Characters that are too reliant on their occult skills.
Any character that relies heavily on her occult skill may be a bad support
Futo, Doremi, Miko, Reisen, Mokou(still the best support)

Heres a list of characters with weak or average occults skills for your consideration as supports.
Marisa, Kokoro, Mamizou, Shinmyoumaru, Tenshi, Joon, Nitori, Byakuren, Yukari, Sumireko Reimu, Ichirin, Kasen(can still function well without her monkey paw)
How do I host or join a match?
Shamelessly stolen image from the English Wiki because I'm too lazy to write about overly obvious things. Please visit them here.

Basic troubleshooting.
First of all, port forward your th155.exe so that you can host.
If you havent port forwarded your game, Please enable Upnp and try hosting.
Check for version mis-match.
If it still doesnt work, try using a lan cable with another laptop or computer to troubleshoot the issue.
Finally if everything else fails, DM tasofro on their twitter every single day and blame everything on them because its their game and everything is solely their fault.

Heres how to Port forward your game by Deri, which I clearly stole blatantly without his permission because I'm too lazy to write about an answer to something thats already been on Google since the early 1990's It's not like hes gonna sue me for plagarism, right fair use right? Right? EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES WOW.
Individual Guides
The following section will be all character individual guides explaining what type of character, what her occult skill does and whats the meta.
Reimu Hakurei ~ (all rounder, dense projectiles)
Reimu is a very basic character. 6C 4C and HB are her best neutral tools that force the opponent to approach. Her occult skill is just Yukari's 6B and isnt that spectacular at all. Her HB Ying-Yang orb increases in size as it travels. Her JC can create scramble situations because it kinda goes in the zig zag movement required to kill zoners.

Reimu is extremely dangerous in neutral game, her 6C youkai buster catches melee buttons, projectiles and skills on their startup, usually players will DA or JA into it as a blockstring.
Also she is very hard to deal with once 4C B and HB are all on screen. In the screenshot below we see Reimu's J2B and 8HB(bounced off the top ceiling). You can also do J8B and 2HB from the lower axis if they have a good grazing anti airs like nitori's DB.

This setup covers 1/2 of the entire map.
Good Reimu players when left alone will set this up, forcing you to either approach and play into their hand, or stall you out, and chip you to 1hp, if they have a life lead.

A starters
AAA2A>3jc>JA>J2A>6C anywhere
AAA8A>8B>9jc>JA>6C anywhere

JA starters
JA>AAA2A>2jc>JA>J2A>J6B(3)>J6C anywhere
JA>AAA2A>jc>JA>J5B>J6C anywhere
JA>6B>9jc>3jc>JA>JB>66>JA>AAA2A>3jc>6C anywhere

F5A starters
FA>6A>6B>6C>J6C anywhere
FA>8B>C>FA>6C near corner

2C starters
2C>J6A>J6C anywhere

J5C starters

Reasons to pick Reimu as a master.
None, her spell damage is horrible, her chain spell is also has unreliable when not fired at point blank her occult skill is worse as a setup when compared to her 4C or HB. As a new player, try Reimu out first.

Reasons to pick Reimu as a slave
Reimu's 6C Youkai buster wallslams, and for a projectile being to hit all at once its really reliable, unlike Doremy's 6C or Reisen's 6C which would total up to 110 stun. It is possible to hit 139 stun with Reimu's Youkai buster because they hit all at once.

Good Pairings
As Reimu can constantly reach 3k standing stun on her own consistently with her AAA2A>JAJ2A>6C combo, she doesnt exactly need a standing stun support tag in.
She requires damage or utility.
I reccomend Mokou as a tag in healer that end tag ins with JA>6A>5C in the corner to quickly heal herself. Also, Mokou's chain spell also catches the upper lanes if

Marisa Kirisame ~ (hybrid all rounder)
Marisa is a very basic character, her 6B projectile is really fast, and is utilized in most of her combos. She has three melee skill cards, air 5C, 6C and 2C. Her occult skill rotates in this order, Picture, Soldier, Basketball, Piano. Its rarely used in serious matches because theyre hard to hit with and weak compared to 6B. There are some combos that start with a Piano hit though. Time to start practicing those octave jumps. Marisa's B is one of the strongest neutral game projectiles in game since it easily combos into itself, allowing you to dash in with JA>AAAA as the ender.

Lets play a duet on the same Piano! Primo and Secondo!

Her HB wallslams, usually there might be a pattern of using j.c J6B as an combo extender from long distances in your games.
Marisa also has really situational starters from J2A(1)>2HB>66 as seen in Raijikan's youtube video here. Note that J2A>2HB is really difficult to execute.
Note when tagging in a support in the 1 hit j2a starters you would be aiming for 40 stun before the tag-in. Or the followup aaa might not link.

A starters
AAA8A>8C>8HB anywhere
AAA>6B(6)>3>dl9>JA> J2A>dl>HB corner
AAA>6B(6)>3>dl9>JA> J6A>6B(3)>2C corner

JA starters
JA>J8A>2C>dlF5A>2C lower lane
JA>dlJ2A>6B(4)>3>9>JA>J2A>dlHB upper lane


2C starters

Reasons to pick Marisa as a Master
High spell damage, has a melee spell 2(blazing star) that will catch new players off guard.
Choosing her spell 3 sacrifices her spell damage for unbearable rushdown pressure with her fast movement speed.

Reasons to pick Marisa as a Slave
Her spell chain love sign Master Spark is one of the most reliable spellcards for damage.
Her occult skill may be useless in higher level matches.
Although she cannot complete certain combos at long ranges, she is still decent at neutral with the best B in the game and can easily stall out the opponent with her speed while you heal up your white health on your Master character.

Good Pairings
Reimu for her JAJ6A6C wallslam enders.
for example DB>EA>JA6A6C>jc7>6C

Ichirin Kumoi ~ (melee focused all rounder)
Ichirin is a basic all rounder character. Her best skill is her 6C which leads into immediate standing stun immediately similar to utsuho's rocket dive in th12.3, she is usually used as a tag-in combo slave for characters like Reisen and Futo who have hard times dealing standing stun enders.
Her mid screen and lower screen 8C are used as heavy damage enders. Unfortunately her chain spell tag-in hit accuracy is really random, and does fluctuating damage based on the number of hits that connect but still does lots of damage in most cases.

The worst case scenario may be when the opponent is juggled out of the hit radius.
Ichirin's 5C can be used as a auto -correct turning jump catch when utilizing her dash-under crossup JA.

A starters
AAA8A>8B>8C ~ anywhere
AAA8A>8B>6C ~ anywhere
AAA8A>B>9>JA>J6A>J6C ~ near corner

2A/J2A starters

6A starters
6A>5B>6C ~ near corner
6A>6B>6C ~ anywhere

Reasons to pick Ichirin as a Master
A tricky hybrid melee and projectile spell 3, and a fully melee spell 2, that can catch new players off guard.

Reasons to pick Ichirin as a Slave
For Immediate 6C standing stun anywhere, even after a 1hit projectile.
Her spell chain hits quite hard, even though it does varying amounts of damage based on rng.
Her occult skill is totally useless.

Good Pairings
For her movement speed and best JA in the game.
For 6C in neutral where you need to clear projectiles on screen
4C tag enders
Nitori Kawashiro ~ (projectile focused rushdown)
Nitori is a rushdown character with the ability to summon nessie as her occult. Her main strengths are her floaty jumps making her a good tag in after AAA>EA where the opponent is launched high up into the air. She has a 6B loop and combos may have a series of 2-3 microdashes. Shes also currently the cheapest support with only 700 spellcard cost. So shes great for LW oriented teams that dont rely on chain spells.

Her new midlane 6C when charged wallslams after an audio cue. Its probably meant to be used in tandem with nessie.
Her air 6C in the upper lane swings her downwards in an arc and is easily utilized to crossup opponents who arent barrier blocking.
While her air 6C in the lower lane pulls herself forward. Note that all three variants of 6C are all melee attacks when playing against Nitori.
Her easiest LW comfirm is just anything into 2C into last word.

Here we see Nessie being summoned by pressing (A+B) And Nitori clearly slicing Kasen's hawk into half with her backpack propellers.
You can move Nessie forward by pressing 6(A+B), and backwards by 4(A+B) and send nessie away by pressing 2(A+B)
You may also choose where Nessie is placed by the initial skill press by using 4(A+B)[like the screenshot above], Nessie will appear below Nitori when this is used. (A+B) Half screens distance away, and 6(A+B) for a full screen's distance away.

A starters
AA8A(4)>5C(4 rotations)

FA starters

6A starters

J2A starters
J2A>J6C(upper lane)>J2A
J2A>J6C(upper lane)>J2B

J6C starters(upper lane)

J6B starters

8C starters
8C(missle lock and hit)>jc9>JA(2)>J6A>J6B(2)>J6C
8C(point plank hit)>6D>JA(1)>AAAA>6C

Last word hit confirms

Reasons to pick Nitori as a Master
Nessies burst pressure can be overwhelming, having two characters on screen staggering their projectile pressure usually results in a quick one sided win.

Reasons to pick Nitori as a Slave
Shes the cheapest support in the game at 700.
All of her spellcards are horrible.
She can set up 8C and swap back to the master, and it will still be active.

Reccomended pairings
Nitori is extremely reliant on tag meter because of Nessie, Occult meter is a scarce resource. Picking Mojou will reduce the time spent healing in complete posession.

Mononobe no Futo ~ (setup powerup high-speed rushdown)
Futo is a hybrid rushdown setup and powerup type character that relies on placing and destroying plates to boost her occult skill's damage.

However most combos that dont end with 8A>DB often do not lead into standing stun, and might need to rely on characters like Reimu, Ichirin, or Koishi to end combos. Her J6A has been changed and it no longer wallslams.

And it might be a bit hard to build up broken plates to 9-10 plates where her occult attack okiku upper does the most damage. She is probably the hardest chararacter to learn because of the need to manage resources, and a new player may not know the best spots to place plates on the field for maximum effect. Her plates alters skills and projectile trajectory, while her HB, pushes plates that it passes through slightly forward.

A starter
AAA>8A(1)>5B(3)>66>JA>8A>DB near corner

DA starters
DA>5C>DA>5C>jc9>J6A near corner
DA>8C>JA>AAA(5)>8A>DB near corner
DA>8C>66>JA>DA>8C>66>JA>FA>8A(2)>66>DB) corner

Why pick Futo as a master?
Too reliiant on her occult finisher for damage.
Cheapest spell 3 in the game at 500 cost for easy last words with nitori.

Why pick Futo as a slave?
None, poor damage if tagged in, unreliable spell chain. Only can deal standing stun in midscreen.
Byakuren Hijiri ~ (melee cross-up focused rushdown)
Byakuren Hijiri is a simple rushdown character that has a teleporting step that can be extended into flight if held down. She relies on charging up her Vajra 5C after an opponents knockdown to power up her next moves or allow her to use jump 5C(a fast dive kick) or midscreen 5C(a fast 3 hit vajra rekka). Her best neutral tool is HB. She also can double jump and hide behind the lifebars and get a sneaky crossup J2A, J2A is her vertical Vajra drop attack, J2A would propel her off screen and what you usually see before the J2A is just this. Nice legs.

She has a new J4C anti-air move that can be used on the upper and lower axis, its used as a combo ender or a starter where 6B 8B and 8HB would all miss. This also means her trademark 4C superarmor counter, only can be done on the midlane now and is very predictable.

Her occult skill is rarely used because of its slow startup, but is also one of the rare occult skills that have Melee properties. Her occult skill is rarely used in neutral because of its slow startup, but is also one of the rare occult skills that have Melee properties. It is usually used after FA or 6A as a melee range extender. You can change the direction of her occult skill by pressing 4, or dismount from the bike by pressing 8.
Note that when she dismounts from the bike, the properties of the occult attack are no longer melee and it can be grazed.

All of her C moves if not started from AAAA require 1 charge. 4C consumes all charges.

Her neutral game involves interrupting projectile/skill setups with B or HB, and moving around trying to get a crossup FA JA or J2A. On knockdown you will charge 1-2 charges with 5C. You may also counter the opponents meaty melee attack with an annoying wakeup 4C

A starters

FA starters

2A starters

6A starters
6A>Bike1hit dismount>JA>AAAHB

JA starters

Why pick Byakuren as a master?
Has a melee spell 3, and a situational melee occult.

Why pick Byakuren as a slave?
Sneaky crossups from upper and lower lanes, and her fast HB resets to neutral quickly.
Spell chain is reliable when in a straight line.

Best Pairings
Reimu, Joon, Tenshi
Other rushdown characters or all rounders.
Hata no Kokoro ~ (4 stances, power up)
A stance type character that switches moods after using certain skill cards. Moods change the properties of her danmaku release(bbbb) , 5B and 6B. Her occult skill counters melee attacks. After countering once, she is able to throw a ring of sickles at the opponent by pressing the the A+B again. Her strengths are her difficult to punish 6C, her dash B, and her 6A in the center lane. Her FA and JA(the same animation) are really fast.
Heres what her ranged occult looks like.

The reason why 6C seems so unpunishable is because she lands in the center lane after using it while most characters who blocked it are off center and still in hitstun

Mood changing skills.
4C and 6C changes her mood to angry(red)
2C and 8C changes her mood to happy(green)
5C and HB changes her mood to sad(blue)
6B resets her mood back to neutral

Kokoro's 5B in neutral mood is the best, it has a staggered 3 hit blockstun where you have an easy window to dash cancel into a tight JA>5B loop blockstring.

Kokoro's happy 5B launches the opponent up, something you do not want because it messes up with hitstun and your combo route has to change. Usually when your combo involves 2-3 lifts, its very hard to link AAA at the end. Eg 8A (happy)5B and 6B are all attacks that lift the opponent up on hit. Happy 5B has a short recovery time, it cannot be cancelled into itself because nothing will happen when its still in recovery.

Kokoro's angry 5B does not launch the opponent up, its longest reach is around 1/4 if the full screens distance and is really terrible. After it hits, you should jump cancel downwards, use J8A(1) and use 6B immediately in your combo, because angry 5B has a long recovery time, and dash cancelling it into itself will result in nothing happening on the screen.

Kokoro's sad 5b fires 6 quick lasers at the opponent, but is far too slow to be used in jc2(jump cancel downwards) JA 5B links, so the ideal route would be to lift up the opponent immediately after the first laser hits eg (sad)JA>AA5B>2j.c>JAJ8A(1)5B>6D>JA>AAA>dl>2C
Sad 5B has a short recovery time, so try to delay it with another move because canceling it into itself does nothing, similar to Happy and Angry.

A fun fact to note that is if you block or barrier when HB is active, It dissapears completely.

Kokoro's neutral game involves 5C placement behind the opponent, and using it when the opponent is not expecting it. Once he is conditioned by getting hit by 5C starters once or twice he will no longer approach carelessly. 5C's cast range is fixed at 1/3 of the entire map. Once 5C is placed, the only way to remove it is by getting hit, or using 5C to pull the image back to you
An example of a simple 5C starter near corner would be 5C>AAA>6C
Ideally you would always want a marker between yourself and the opponent, like a nice sandwich.

A starters
AA2A(4)>4CC>dl>AAA ~ anywhere

6A starters
6A>4AA8A>2B>2C neutral -> happy
6A<4AAA>6B happy -> neutral

JA starters
JA>AA2A(1)>6B>9jc>J8A>J2B>J2C neutral or happy only

Ranged Occult combos
(neutral) AA>5B>(A+B)>d2or3>JA>5B>66>JA>5B>66>J5A>AAA ~ corner
(neutral) FA>5B>(A+B)>d2or3>JA>5B>66>JA>5B>66>J5A>AAA ~ corner
(neutral) AA>(A+B)>2or3jc>JA>5B>66>JA>(A+B)>JA>FA>6A ~ corner

Reasons to pick Kokoro as a Master
Melee spell 1, ranged occult combos are quite damaging.

Reasons to pick kokoro as a Slave
Really strong in neutral with her 5C
Reliable spell chain that hits from anywhere.
Toyosatomimi no Miko ~ (2 stances, power up)
Miko is a hybrid power up character. Her occult attack red cape blue cape powers up her melee attacks when red is chosen, and powers up her projectiles when blue is chosen. Her strengths are her advancing FA, 8C setups and J2A. Her combos kinda change depending on the new properties of her projectiles and more stun from red cape 6A(42 instead of the usual 38 stun) because of the additional hits. I believe red cape JA has a guard point(parry) too, ill check again later.

She also seems to have the most damaging spell chain using Blue Cape + spell 3 with kasen spell tag that goes OVER 9000 while on a higher elevation and if its an counter hit starter.
She also has a B loop thats difficult to execute because it involves triangle jump d9 d3 JA.

If cape isnt needed, end combos with 4C instead of OA(occult attack)
A starters

DA starters
DA>4C>8>2B>66>AAA6A>OA near corner

J2A starters

FA starters

Reasons to pick Miko as a master
Too reliant on her occult skill.
Standing stun into boosted spell 3 hurts a lot.

Reasons to pick Miko as a support.
None, too reliant on her occult skill.
All skills except 4C have slow startups.
4C ender leads into wallslam.
Koishi Komeiji ~ (projectile focused setup)
Koishi is a charge-type zoner character similar to guile in SFII.
She is the only character that has a full screen laser other than Miko, Marisa in the form of 6B
Using a melee attack will cause a red heart to revolve around her
Using 6B will cause a blue heart to revolve around her
Using 2C, 4C, 5C or 6C will cause a green heart to revolve around her.
red hearts will fade after 2.5 rotations

6C is triggered on hitstun and when the opponent presses a skill button or projectile but not the melee button
2A, 6A 5C and 8A are proximity based, and 2C fires after 2 revolutions
Note that 6C is a melee attack and cannot be grazed but only can be blocked. it is rather safe on block if you are really far away from the opponent.

Her occult skill is create a projectile above her head. The projectile radius will increase in size over time.But it increases in radius after using it in neutral and after certain periods of time, being hit doesnt stop the growth of the radius. Also manually using Ego over and over increases its radius too, up to the point where it will hit anywhere on the map.
Telephone leads into wallslam, and is a desired solo ender if you want standing stun.

Note that her stocked 6B wallslams but her normal 6B does not.
stocked 2A 6A and 8A seems to fire off regardless whether forward button or back is held when in close proximity

She has a dash that teleports behind the opponent in the mid screen after around 2 seconds Allowing her to cross up the opponent easily with FA or 5C
Her 6C is one of the best tag enders in the game aside from reimu or ichirins 6C
Koishi shares the title of cheapest spellcard(500 cost) with futo in the game, this allows her to play last words early in every round.

A starters

FA starters

6A starters
6A>halfscreen occult>8A

Charged 6B starters

Reasons to pick Koishi as a master.
Unpredictable Occult attack that catches enemies from anywhere on the map if left alone.
Low cost spellcards for easy last words.|
Super ego is a reversal.

Reasons to pick Koishi as a slave.
Unpredictable 6EC to stop dashes.
Super ego is a reversal that makes spellchaining safe.

Best pairings
Other slow zoners like Sumireko, Yukari, Doremy.
Koishi may be a bad matchup against all rounders like Reimu who can out zone Koishi's B in neutral just by mashing 6C
Kasen Ibaraki ~ (all rounder setup)
Kasen is an setup type all rounder. She relies on placing beacon using HB which would allow 8CB to have a second hit when thrown towards the markers. Her occult skill "monkeys paw" is used as an ender which leads into standing stun. One of the easier characters to learn and play well but still difficult to master with her 6B jc93 JA loops.
8CA will perform a assisted swooping dive kick thats used to hit characters dashing in.

Kasen has the ability to end in standing stun from any anti air B or 6B starter anywhere on screen.
for example

A starters



Reasons to pick Kasen as a master.
Spell 1 catches lower lane easily from J2A , and deals quite a lot of damage.
OA is a reliable ender for standing stun anywhere on screen.

Reasons to pick Kasen as a support
High spell chain damage for only 1300 cost.

Reccomended pairings
Since Kasen is rather independant i reccomend Mokou for healing and her spellchain.
Fujiwara no Mokou ~ (melee self-damaging-glass-cannon rushdown burst-heal)
Mokou is a rushdown powerhouse character that deals white damage to herself when using certain skill cards. She can instantly regenerate all white health in the life bar by using her 5C. She is currently the best support tag in in the game with the ability to restore white health quickly. unfortunately though, her basic BNB involves two launches which are 8A(1 hit) and J2C, which may cause issues when tagging in most certain characters for posession combos.

Her occult drains her health over time and increases her damage but does not alter the stun for attacks.
Phase 0 - normal - 100%
Phase 1 - around 9.7% damage increment
Phase 2 - around 14.7% damage increment
Phase 3 - around 19.5% damage increment

A Starters
AAA2A>2B>JA>J6A>4C ~ corner

JA>AAA2A>2B>2jc>JA>J6A ~near corner
JA>AAAA>6D>4AAAA>4C ~ corner

FA Starters


Reasons to pick Mokou as a Master
Her occult increases her damage output by around 20% if left alone.

Reasons to pick Mokou as a Support
Burst heal from 5C.
Reliable J2C starter that catches people dashing.

Best pairings
Anyone, just counterpick the enemy character with someone you like.
Mamizou Futatsuiwa ~ (melee focused zoner)
Mamizou is a zoner with her long reach but she has a twist, she has a metered reversal 4C that locks onto the enemy and does a death from above dive bomb in the form of a Jizo Statue. Her strengths are her 6A, J8A and 2A, also her DB is hard to punish and easily catches opponents trying to start their bullet pressure. Her 6A and 6C both wall slam, meaning you can do resets instead of full combos and trick your opponent into trying to mash out but they actually cant because theyre in a disadvantageous frame trapped situation.

Mamizou's Occult skill throws a gachapon capsule at the enemy, in total there can be 1 of each color, red green and blue on the screen at once. Pressing 6(A+B) releases them all at once, getting hit at the same time on release does not cause them to dissapear like other projectiles.

Usually before advancing to your opponents, its a good idea to cover yourself with 2B,B,8B.HB or 5C before dashing in, because even though she has long reaching normals, players can easily throw projectiles into her large melee hitboxes

Her J8A, when jumping behind the opponent from either elevation will hit the area backwards behind her. But it can be easily countered with reversals or just blocking the correct way.
A Starters
AA8A>HB(backdash cancel)>OLW

FA Starters

J8A Starters
J8A(cross up hit)>6B>2C>8jc>6C
J8A(cross up hit)>6B>1D>JA>J8A>6C
(1D>)J8A(cross up hit)>6B>3D>JA>2C>6D>6C
(1D>)J8A(cross up hit)>6B>3D>JA>J6A(1)>2C>6D>6C
(3D>)J8A(cross up hit)>2C>7D>JA>J6A

Why pick Mamizou as a Master.
Her occult skill is pretty hard to deal with, unfortunately though, her spellcards do not deal much damage.

Why pick Mamizou as a Support
None, her spell chain is too costly and unreliable.

Reccomended Pairings
Any zoner, or all rounder.

Shinmyoumaru Sukuna ~ (mobility, rushdown)
Shinmyoumaru is a rushdown character who has the fastest movement speed in the game, her occult summons projectiles that launch when the opponent has their back turned on them.

Here we see the little green men.

Her main tools for getting in are her JA and her extremely fast A and FA. Most of her combos end in HB or 2C which lead into standing stun but throws the opponent to the opposite side of the map, but due to her speed she is able to perform wakeup meaty attacks in time. Her 6C does tons of stun and reduces damage in combos because of its large rate jump, but is able to combo into last word easily.

At a glance she seems to be a completely #yolo, dash in and attack kind of character, but it is possible to cover her dash or jump in with her projectiles or her occult to reset to neutral rather than just charging blindly into another character 6A or something. Remember your goal is to place your occult, then get them to face the other direction. Kind of the reverse of Reisen and her "kunekune"

A starters
AAAA>5C>AAAAA ~ near corner
AAAA>6B>5C>AAAAA ~near corner
AAA>6C>Dash>AAA>2C ~ near corner

JA starters
JA>J5C>AAA>6C>2C anti air

DA starters

J8A starters

J2A starters

6C starters

Reasons to pick Shinmyoumaru as a Master
None, her occult isnt needed in her melee focused combos, using her occult as a wakeup attack would reduce the damage if it hits first or hits during the combo from a A starter.
Its quite difficult to link into her LW.
She has a gimmick unblockable spell 2 that only can be used against newer players.

Reasons to pick Shinmyoumaru as a Support
Her spellchain does reliable damage if used at close distances.
Her fast dash and jump speed allow you to continue non-stop pressure.

Recommended pairings
Other rushdown characters like
Byakuren, Tenshi, Joon
Reisen Udongein Inaba ~ (occult focused, rushdown)
Reisen is a rushdown character that relies on her occult skill "kune kune"(literally wiggle wiggle) to change the properties of her projectiles and skillcards. In neutral you would be relocating the kunekune by passing projectiles 6B or HB through it to push it forward. And 5C to swap positions with it. Once the red gauge is full and the opponent is in a state of madness, her 5C has a hitbox and splits into 6 ways instead of 2. Her 8C(held) will cause the kunekune spew 5 poison bubbles over time. Shooting 5B and 4C through the kunekune also changes its properties and trajectory.

In the NSFW image below, we see the kunekune in its full glory. Staring into it for too long will drive yourself mad, so try not to look at it for too long ~kunekune~ ~kunekune~

Please take note that her improved 6-way 5C, is a melee attack and cannot be grazed.

Try to use it two times before the madness state runs out, and watch out if it launches the opponent from the lower lane instead of the upperlanes as the most common scenario in training mode, try to capitalize on your limited meter. Make sure you know your 5C links on all lanes.

Most of the time its safe to start the round with a with DA>Occult, and start forcing the opponent to play around it. Remember to always place a kunekune on the field at all times if possible! Its particle effects are annoying and people WILL be distracted by it and make your crossup game easier.

Reisen also has one of the fastest DB(grazing attack) in the game.
Reisen is also one the weirdest rushdown characters because she only has one melee skill and it requires her to be in a powered up state.

In my opinion, Sumireko may the best support for Reisen, because her 6C pushes her backwards into the perfect position Sumireko is able to tag in and use her powerful 2C and end the combo

Like in this gif below - AAA6C>2EC>jc>JAJ8AJ8C

Occult skill breakdown
Madness is not affected by vertical proximity but horizontal proximity.

Interactions with the kunekune

Passing two B's HB or 4C will cause the kunekune to expire after its interactions
Passing HB's shotgun blast through the kunekune will make its explosion radius larger.
It has no interactions with HB's explosions, but only the shotgun blast.
Passing 6B through the kunekune does not make it travel faster or become larger like during the madness state.
6B and 5C do not cause the kunekune to expire. Use it to apply obvious pressure.

Hitting the kunekune with 2C or 8C will cause it to expire after its interactions

Hitting the kunekune with 2C will make it kunekune scream with a small ranged hitbox. 819 damage 40 stun - ranged

Passing 4C bullets through the kunekune will make them curve in a wave and travel across the whole screen instead of expiring halfway in the map - no changes in damage or stun.

Passing 6C bullets through the kunekune will make then increase in speed and home slightly towards the opponent. It also pushes the kunekune slightly forward - no changes in damage or stun.

Any of 8C's liquid that falls on on the kunekune will cause it to spit out 5 poison bubbles at a staggered interval, each bubble refreshes the duration, these bubbles are unique as they cannot be grazed or blocked. Standing in the clouds will have the same effect as reisen's 8C(the , they will take Damage over time. Poison will not deal white health damage. Poison damage is non-lethal even with 1 hp remaining.
Note that with 8C active, the madness gauge will stop increasing, even if you hit the opponent with Lunatic red eyes which fills up the gauge to full almost instantly, the kunekune will remain in the poison spewing state and expire.

Madness State
The kunekune will automatically expire after the madness state has ended.
It is also possible to interact with the kunekune more than 2 times as per normal before it expires.
5B will gain 10 extra bullets, but still does the same 35 stun if all 15 bullets hit
damage (479→879)
6B travels faster and is much larger, no changes in damage.
HB has a larger blast radius, no changes in damage or stun.
2C floorslams the opponent upwards. making extensions like 66>JA>AAA possible. no changes in damage or stun.
4C - all of 4C's bullets curve in a wave pattern as though you passed it through the kunekune.
all 15 hits do 1452 damage 75 stun. no changes in damage.
5C - splits into 6 ways and now has a melee hitbox. Limited to two uses due to its high cost.
6C - same as passing it throught the kunekune, no changes in damage.
8C - create a large poison cloud at the point of held 8C's detonation, has no interaction with the kunekune. Limited to two clouds because of meter.

JA starters

J8A starters

Reasons to use Reisen as a Master
Occult attack is very distracting, and makes new players panic and move out of the indicated aoe field, while not knowing its actual active zone.
She has the fastest 6C in game if shot through the kunekune, does a significant amount of chip damage too.
She has the only 360 degree melee coverage move in the game.
She is too reliant on her occult attack.

Reasons to use Reisen as a Slave
Her spellchain's shot direction can be changed by holding up or down, making it somewhat accurate for 1100 cost.

Good pairings
Anyone with standing stun enders because Reisen has none other than 8C(held), spell 2 LRE and spell 3 interaction with kunekune. I reccomend Sumireko for damage.
Doremy Sweet ~ (occult focused, trapper)
Doremy sweet is a hybrid zoner and trapper rushdown character.
She has the most complex setup mechanics in the game.
Her 2C is a good wakeup setup that might force opponents to block when rushing in towards you. Her 4C is a fast melee drop that is the fastest way to build up the soul gauge.

When players are hit by her B, 6B, 4C and HB, dream souls will appear on the screen.
One small orb is 1 point, One large orb is 5 points.
25 points make one large orb. Doremy can only hold 100 soul points at once.
here are the maximum point values for each move
4C - 50
B - 12
6B - 15
HB - 30
The fastest way to fill your meter is 2A>4C>JA>HB which gives 80 points
At any point in time Doremy collects 25 points, she will gain a one large orb of Dream souls revolving around her.

The optimum time to use her occult skill is when you have 2 to 4 large orbs circling around you. When the large orbs(dream souls) are placed, they create a circular portal to the dream world as shown below.

When placed, Purple projectiles will start forming around the edges of the circle and fall downwards which allow you to easily combo into her last word or into combos ending with J8A>6B>HB for even more souls.
Also, placing two portals adjacent to each other with at least one soul orb in hand will cause them to react with each other, causing all connected portals to resonate and fill their own area with purple projectiles.

Her 6C has homing properties and can be used in neutral without any worries.
Her 8C can be used as a microdash towards the midscreen from the upper lanes.

She also has a JA FA J2A(1 hit) 2B loop which has currently too many variations to list here but I will just list one for now under JA starters.
Note that her best midscreen enders are 6B>HB
eg JA>8A>6B(2)>HB , use 6C if you think HB would miss in certain situations.

A starters

JA starters

J8A starters

J2A starters

4C starters
Sumireko Usami ~ (Zoner, Melee and Projectile Hybrid)
Sumireko is a zoner. Her strong 4C catches opponents attempting to use projectiles from a full screens distance away. Her J2C(upper lane) covers her jumps in. While her 2C is used to trap opponents in the corner as a wakeup meaty projectile with followup melee coverage from J6A or J8A after a jump cancel.

Her new occult mechanic summons her doppelganger which does her DB midscreen and is currently one of the few rare melee occults skills in game. In the uper lane it shoots J2C twice, while in the lower lane it staggers two J2C's the first one geyser nearer to you , and the second geyser slightly further than the first. Her two most common starters are often 8A and 6A.

5C is used to catch players below AND behind her instead of the slow and unsafe 2A
She also has some funky 6B and 5C corner loops that may be covered in a future video.

6A starters

8A starters

Tenshi Hinanawi ~ (midscreen specialist, all rounder)
Tenshi is an all rounder character, her strengths are her staggered 3 hit on launch and 3 hit on return boomerang 6B and her wallslamming 4C combo ender. She has also one of the better projectile clearing 6C's in the game. She also has a melee 2C that extends its range if charged for one tick. Her 4C requires proper spacing to be used in corners, and you will have to compensate by jump cancelling backwards j1 or j7 before using 6B 4C near the corner depending on which axis your opponent is currently on.

Her J8A and J2A can be performed while falling or rising, making her a very momentum based character.

6C is a really strong neutral tool, charged 2C is a good melee anti-air if spaced properly, charging 2C does not increase its damage but only increases its height and range.

Her occult skill creates a lightning storm that launches projectiles at the opponents position over time similar to nitori's nessie summon. Her occult skill has a rather slow startup where youre vulnerable to be hit by anything for roughly 2 seconds. Against certain characters with strong full screen combos, this is way too slow to be helpful. Declaring it in the corner after knockdown is also a bad idea because they can just hit you after they stand up immediately. Declaring her occult skills is best used in midscreen if they techroll away from you.

She also can escape corners easily with 8C, the falling rock is a projectile. It also counters certain characters lower axis J8A that do not move eg Ichirin's and Sumireko's.

TLDR mash 6B>4C and win games.

Joon & Shion Yorigami ~ (rushdown, teleportation focused)
Joon and Shion Yorigami are rushdown characters. Joon handbag 6C teleports herself directly in front of the opponent on hit but has a horrible startup and is easily grazed. Most of the time you will be fishing for a 5B and hope they jump and get knocked down by it, then you can get your JA pressure started with her. Alternatively 6B 6C is a link that works at really close distances. She also can use 8C for instant full vertical coverage from the bottom lane.

HB launches Shion at the opponent, its slow, easily grazed,and gets shot down easily by most characters projectiles. I usually prefer ending combos and hitconfirming HB instead of throwing it in neutral.

Using the occult skill will make Shion advance forward and spread her misfortune but unfortunately its rather situational as Shion can be easily hit by full screen lasers or denser projectiles as shown here. It may be a good setup against players constantly hugging the ceiling.

If Shion is behind the opponent, Their occult skills swaps Joon with Shion's position. It is rather slow and should only be used to approach during advantagous situations and never in neutral.

She is a rather basic character that has has kinda mashy yet kinda difficult to input combos.
Her combos revolve around 6C loops here for an example.

DA starters

A starters
AAAA>6C>AAAA (literally AAAAAAAAA)(ow my fingers hurt already)

JA starters
add a JA to everything above ^

J8A starters

AA loops
Yukari Yakumo ~ (zoner, teleportation specialist)
Yukari is a zoner. Her strengths are her 8C which is a true invulnerable reversal, and her HB.

Her occult skill performs a long range melee claw attack, and she goes into a melee stance where she cant jump, block or graze but only can perform 3 actions. If used while jumping, she will gradually fall back to the center lane where.
Watch out for reversals in this stance because you cannot block or graze. She is completely immune to throws including Joon's LW in her split form.
Pressing A in the stance makes her perform a fast claw attack that moves her slightly forward.
Pressing B in the stance performs a 5 hit claw attack similar to DB.
Pressing C in the stance will make yukari's lower body flip out of the portal and knocking up the opponent and ending the stance.

After playing a couple of games as her in netplay, i realize that the most common starters are actually 8A, JA, DA and 2C, and not FA and 6A, so AAA starters may not be useful unless when punishing moves like mokou's 5C

A starters


JA starters

J8A starters

FA starters

6A starters

Occult Combo's
J6A>Occult>AAAAAC(upper lane)
Resource Management
Forget those fancy 100 meter double tag combos you seen in combo videos. Lets look at how much tag and spellmeter you can get realistically per round.

If you run Yukari train with Doremy slave 1500 + 1400 cost there is no way you will be able to chain spell or last word in the first round with that whopping 2900 cost.

So how should I manage my tag meter?

On the first hitconfirm of the round, you should always use a single 50% EA EB or EC because you will gain it back with some surplus after your 3.1k damage combo.
The Occult bar will never regenerate past 50%, so if you want to do double tag combos, you either have to dominate the round with 4 combo's to build it to 100%, or you have to throw the opponent twice. Throwing a mobile opponent in the neutral game is very unlikely.

Usually players who want to end the round with a last word and lack enough tag meter to do so will try to throw you to fill up the meter without killing you. So watch out for throws when in meaty situations. Eg blocking sumireko's 4C and he dashes up to you waiting for the hitstun to end to then tick throw you.
Tag meter also resets to 50% at the start of each round, there is no point dying with 100% meter, just try your luck with last word or something... anything...

The fastest way to build spell meter is to hit the opponent with combos starting from projectiles. Eg Reimu 5B>jc>JA>FA>6A>6C since you deal less damage than starting with AAA or DA for example.
Throws will give very little spell meter. But HB, 6B and the Danmaku release mode(bbbb) gives plenty of meter when the enemy blocks projectiles.
Enemies do not gain spell meter while blocking or taking chip damage.

If you dominate a round only with combos starting with melee attacks eg FA or A, you will roughly have 1600 spell meter gained in a single round. So roughly you need 2.5 rounds to charge up the legendary 2900 cost TrainXChimera(Yukari X Doremi)

Also note that if you declare a 1400 cost spell in round 1, if you dont use it and end the round, 1400 spell meter will be lost in round 2, so dont declare spellcards if you don't need the Invulnerability frames and use all your meter as soon as possible if you declared.
How do I approach zoners?
I have been playing hundreds of rounds as zoners in fighting games, heres their ideology.

Zoners will start by placing projectiles to lure you into their kill zone,So as a rushdown character you would be trying to exploit holes in their offense, by either baiting their melee attack to miss then whiff punishing it by throwing a projectile into it or mashing JA or your FA, or by avoiding the kill zone by simply staying diagonally away from the attack itself.
Zoner's want you to walk into a straight line towards your own death.

Below we see Sumireko's strongest Horizontal poke, her 6A. The blindspots for this attack are can be exploited by jumping diagonally twice towards her into the blindspot under the bus stop sign, on either top or button side. Usually before 6A is used, 4C or J2C is used prior to this. The next projectile used will be probably 6B because of their muscle memory in combo's.

Next we see Sumireko's strongest vertical poke, her 8A. The blindspots for this attack are the sides after the first hit has passed the halfway mark. This attack can be avoided by double jumping, eg 7 then 7D or 8D or 9D, and landing a JA on sumireko before the followup 8B or 4C from sumireko, or in unsafe siituations, you could throw J2B downwards into sumireko's J8A instead.

As a bonus, lets analyse her 4C, you will realize there is an "eye of the storm" directly above her where the electric poles will hit absolutely nothing. Also you can jump backwards into it while being fully projectile invulnerable. If your opponent is stupidly standing in the center lane while setting up 4C or 2C or any other projectile zoning tool, use your grazing attack DB and tag in to your slave to follow up with a combo or to make it safe for yourself if the DB is blocked somehow. 4C is just a tool that she uses to make you dash at her. Your job as a rushdown character is to exploit the holes in your opponents melee offense, and continue the pressure after a knockdown until the Zoner is defeated.

So now that we can begin to see a pattern, we realize that zoners can only cover 1/3 of the screen at once, in the forms of 8A, 6A, 2A.

So lets put the first idea into practice, and try to make her melee normal attacks miss if you have a fast forward dash into backdash like Kokoro, Joon, Mokou, Nitori, Shinmyoumaru or Reisen.
And try to get a delicious jump in, while interrupting all attempts to 8B or HB or 5C anti air you after the missed 6A/2A/8A/5C

Heres one movement pattern, Bait them into using their attacks, throw 6B into their attack, double jump in the direction you want, cover your next dash in JA in with a projectile, and finally hit the opponent with JA to start your block strings or combo.
Remember that the timing you want to hit them with your JA is when they are jump cancelling, or in the startup animation of casting a projectile or skill.
Do not attempt to hit them if they have already successfully jump cancelled downwards and risk getting hit by another antiair 8A or 5C

For the mid lane approach.
For further anaylsis, let us look at a zoner called Menat in everyones favourite kusoge SFV versus a rushdown character called Karin.
Menats heavy punch functions like Sumireko's 6A and her Heavy kick functions the same as Mamizou's 8A
Let us ignore the SFV mechanics like high low blocking and look at the video in its primitive form.

Note that mago who is playing Karin tries to keep out of range of Menats diagonally low attacking Heavy Punch(6A), and waits for Menat played by GO1 to miss her 6A or 8A before jumping in or dashing in with her command dash attack.(236k2lp)

So in AOCF, you can apply the same concept by throwing a fast projectile into her melee like Byakuren's HB, or you could just DA>6C, DA>AE or DB when mamizou/yukari/sumireko's 6A misses you
To defeat zoners you need to be patient and wait for the right openings.

Heres one creative way to punish 6A
(joon's 5c is melee, if they cancel 6A into projectiles they will be counter hit, if they jump/backdash or charge hb, they will get hit.)

How to deal against rushdown pressure with defensive mechanics
So now youre playing against a phantasm-tier player and youre stuck in permanent wake up pressure.
Wake up crossup JA's are hitting you from both directions, and theres nothing that you can do but watch your character on screen get beaten up over and over and over again. You don't know what can be done... You don't know how to make it better... You don't know what you are doing wrong.

Here are your possible escape routes.

Metered Tech Roll out of standing stun(4E or 6E during the last second of standing stun)
Practice using this, its a get out of jail free card that regenerates back fairly quickly anyway.

It places them in the corner instead of you!


While in blockstun, barrier blocking pushes the opponents back, while using "just barrier blocks" saves spirit compared to holding down the key, but may cause you to accidentally backdash and requires some practice.
Remember that pushblocking spellcards is a waste of your resources, some spellcards are punishable at close range after they have missed, pushblocking them away would mean you would miss an chance to hit them.

Barrier Blocking - Anti crossup

Remember that Holding D guards against crossup attacks as you will automatically block both ways and is a simple way to stop getting hit unnecessarily

Random declaration
Suddenly declaring your spellcard may interrupt his momentum similar to how there are Yellow Roman Cancels in Guilty Gear that slow down time when you use them in neutral. But the difference in AOCF is that you are completely invulnerable when you declare your spellcard, and you may time this exploit in the middle of their pressure to throw them. And even try sneaky stuff like throwing them immediately after you are out of invulnerability frames.
You are not invulnerable on startup when declaring.

Random walk up throw
Sometimes in netplay lag, you can get away with a lot of things even if your character has the slowest walkspeed in the game to even attempt to do a shimmy(SFV throw bait). If a player mistimes their wakeup meaty into your invulnerable wakeup frames, try throwing them instead of mashing the melee button, it just might work out for you, since throws seem to only have like 1-3 frames of startup.

Posession Burst -
While in blockstun, pressing 6E as master will knock the opponent back with a tag in to your slave, similar to Guilty Gears dead angle, SFV's V-reversal, this is your alternative escape from jail ticket and is a cheaper alternative than declaring because your posession gauge will gradually recover back to 50% automatically.
This mechanic is extremely important against Doremy, Kokoro, Futo and Kasen because they have projectile>JA>projectile loops that work on barrier block.
Always burst on their melee attacks such as JA or Doremy's J2A and not on their projectiles.

Mashing a out Reversal(shoryuken!)
Characters like Yukari and Koishi have an invulnerable on startup 8C.
All characters may have an invulnerable on startup spellcard, Doremy's Chimera has super armor. Mokou has a 5C that will easily punish mistimed or missed meaty attacks and has a long untechable time. You may also choose to use a Last Word at the risk of your meter, but make sure they are in a melee attack, because they can easily backdash cancel their projectile and may graze through your LW.

Lastly the most important rule in the Touhou franchise.
Don't Get Hit in the first place.
If you werent hit by a starter/knockdown into standing stun to begin with, then you wouldnt have to deal with the mixup, chip damage, or dual type melee and projectile attack on wakeup.
If they cant hit you, they cant beat you.
What is Neutral Game? Do I approach? How do I bait people to corner themselves?
What is neutral or footsies - tachimawari
Well it kinda looks as boring as this image.
The difference, you are trapped in a rectangular box with invisible boundaries in this game called the field of play.
And since its 1 v 1, letting yourself get cornered would mean death.

You avoid getting hit by spacing yourself away from your opponent. And counter attack if their attacks miss or get parried by a shoryuken. Or you take a hit with super armor and trade hits back.

Because this is a video game, you can jump 6 meters into the air. And suddenly theyre in the corner now if you jump over them. But the problem is they may follow your movement in parallel and knock you back into the corner with a J6A, so it all comes down to your timing. And trying to read and react to when your opponent jumps either up or down.

Wait for them to jump towards you twice and mirror their movement in the opposite direction
if they diagonally jump upwards, you jump diagonally downwards and create this rotation where you are in the middle of the map and now they're in the corner.
Or If your characters has a teleport skill like Reisen 5C, Sumireko 6C, Miko 5C, Joon OA you could just teleport while they land at your original spot while trying to JA you and swap positions with them.

It is possible to trade hits and still get a combo from moves that floorslam like Kasen's DB or Sumireko's DB if their attack doesnt knock you off your feet. Getting hit by an enemy's attack is a form of animation cancelling as well.
Matchup Knowledge, what are the odds in your favour. Counter-picking.
The Past
Heres an outdated Shinpiroku winrate chart from tenco.info, assuming the characters are totally the same(well theyre not), we can ASSUME the winrates will be similar to the data we already have here.
The Columns(names on the vertical sections) indicate a character
The rows indicate the character that theyre up against.

So for example we can see Marisa has a winrate of 68.9% against Miko.

Since we can pick two characters instead of only one, its gonna get complicated to find out our exact odds of actually winning against a certain matchup assuming everyone is the same human being and have the same reflexes, same knowledge of the character, same execution errors, same everything.

Why did certain characters have low winrates in Shinpiroku.
Shinpiroku had a weather system, certain characters like Mokou who would have 1health when Yomotsu Hirasaka or Babel tower would easily swing the round the other way if the player wasnt paying attention to the mystery spot bar.

But what about now?
The present

Counter picking in Hyouibana.
Lets say you know that your master character has a weak matchup against the opponents master character, If you happen to play multiple characters it is reccomended you counterpick your opponents master with your Slave character that has a favourable matchup.
Also beware if they have powerhouses like Ichirin or Sumireko in the backline, they have very high firepower and their core focus

For example lets say your friend locks in Nitori and Koishi in character select.
Maybe from the tenco touhou Shinpiroku ULIL winrate chart you could choose Byakuren to counter Nitori, and Sumireko to counter Koishi, its really up to you, and really depends on how much you want to win EVO 2019(this was a joke, dont take this seriously and actually win evo 2019)

Counterpicking All rounders -
Pick rushdown because they usually do not have reversals except for spells/last word.
Marisa, Ichirin, Reimu, Tenshi and Kasen do not have invulnerability on startup directional C skills

Counterpicking Rushdown -
Pick zoners that slow down the pace of the game. Condition them to expect another shoryuken.
For example picking Koishi OR Yukari and 8C>EC cancel to make your reversal(shoryuken) safe.

Counterpicking Zoners -

Pick characters with diagonal attacks like dive kicks. or can teleport and hit the enemy.
Pick all rounders that easily negate or bypass Yukari 6B or Sumireko 5B/6B
Eg Ichirin 4C, Reimu 6C,

Counterpicking Setup/Powerup

Pick rushdown and win the game in 4-7 combos without letting them set up.
Reisen Doremy, Kokoro and Miko all do not have invulnerable on startup moves.
Avoid their traps like Doremy's 2C/4C/OA by double jumping up or down, do not allow Koishi to allow her occult attack size to grow. Dont allow Reisen to place the kunekune on the field. Don't get hit or Miko will end any hit with 4C>jc>OA

List of dangerous melee spellcards and last words to look out for.
Dashing into these spells or skills trying to graze them means you die a quick but horrible death. While your opponent pops off from his chair and does a victory lap for your sheer stupidity of not doing your homework.

彗星「ブレイジングスター」: Comet "Blazing Star"

積乱「見越し入道雲」: Cumulonimbus "Foreseeing Nyuudou Cloud"
拳固「懺悔の殺風」: Clenched Fist "Deadly Wind of Penitence"
(Ichirin's punch is a melee, Unzan's punch is Projectile)

戦機「飛べ!三平ファイト」: Battle Machine "Fly! Sanpei Fight"

天符「釈迦牟尼の五行山」: Heaven Sign "Five-Element Mountain of Shakyamuni"

怒面「怒れる忌狼の面」: Angry Mask "Mask of an Angry Hated Wolf"

龍符「ドラゴンズグロウル」: Dragon Sign "Dragon's Growl"

焔符「自滅火焔大旋風」: Blaze Sign "Self-Destruction Giant Flame Whirlwind"
不死「凱風快晴飛翔蹴」: Undying "'South Wind, Clear Sky' Soaring Kick"(dive kick is melee、blaze are projectiles)

変化「分福熱湯風呂」: Transformation "Bunbuku Hot Soup Bathtub"(first hit - 6B like smokescreen is melee)

小槌「伝説の椀飯振舞」Mallet "Lavish Banquet of Legend"
小人「一寸法師にも五分の魂」Inchling "One-Inch Samurai with a Half-Inch Soul"
Goes through guard, you may counter this using a melee attack.

銃符「3Dプリンターガン」: Gun Sign "3D Printer Gun"

地符「一撃震乾坤」: Earth Sign "Qian & Kun Earthquake Strike"
(Earthquakes are melee, try to double jump towards where tenshi landed before they hit you.)

Joon & Shion
憑依剝奪「スレイブロバー」: Possession Stripping "Slave Robber" (reduces your occult bar to 0 on hit)(forces switch to master on hit)

「無人廃線車両爆弾」Even the explosion is a melee attack, just try to double jump 9+9D towards yukari to avoid the first hit of chip damage.

List Of Melee Last Words
Reimu あんな隙間に巫女がいるなんて!: *To Think There'd be a Shrine Maiden in That Gap!*
Marisa *ステキ!厠の花子さん!*: *Lovely! Ms. Hanako of the Toilet!*
Futo *死んでも一枚足りない!*: *Even in Death, One Plate is Still Missing!*
Byakuren *100キロで空を駆けろ!* : *Race Through the Sky at 100 kph!*
Kokoro *これでもアタシ、キレイよね?*: *I'm Still Pretty Like This, Right?*
Miko *特別に両方選ばせてやろう!*: *As a Special Service, I'll Let You Choose Both!*
Mamizou *宇宙機密漏洩!直ちに処置せよ*: *Space Security Leak! Deal With the Situation Promptly*
Doremy *もう目覚めなくて良いのよ*: *There's No Need to Wake Up Anymore*
Joon(her LW is a throw) 「80'sのエクストーショナー」: "Extortioner of the 80's"
Do i really need to know frame data to git gud, What about Hitboxes?

Framedata is just a tool to understand how long moves are active,
It assist's in finding meaty attacks, finding punishable moves, and may assist in finding new combos.

Getting wallslammed without 100% stun in the game is technically a frame trap, because there is a certain period of time where you cannot attack, but it is still very possible to mash out shoryukens(reversal 8C) or spellcard reversals or even LW(only in the center lane).

A frame trap is the reverse of a blockstring, frame traps encourage your opponent to button mash assuming the gap you left in your blockstring was a mistake. And allows you to start a fresh counter hit combo. But what if they shoryuken you during your frametrap? Thats why you may need to know the activation frames of Yukari/Koishi's 8C.

You dont need to memorise frame data, frame data will change with every patch or major update.
The only important bits you have to know are which moves have invulnerability, and what type of invulnerability it has, and whether it has that particular invulnerability on startup, for example, does
DB have 1f startup projectile invulnerability?
Does Koishi's and Yukari's 8C have startup invulnerability?
Do I attempt a safejump JA against his Last word?


Im not certain whether theres upper or lower body invulnerability like SF5 or GGXRD-rev 2 for certain moves like yukari 8A, ill just wait for hitboxes to be analysed first before commenting further.
There are certain animations where certain moves may miss, for example Yukari's OA state versus Mokou's FA. FA still is able hit her but just slightly a bit more closer,sometimes you may forget about it in the heat of battle.
How to read frame data. Startup Frames, Active Frames, Recovery Frames.
Help! Where should I place my kunekune?
Forget the kunekune! Where do i place my plates? Plate resource management,Leaf Tanuki gauge, etc.
Discord Servers and Wiki Links
Section for links to the Touhou FTG communities.
Please directly message me if you want your discord listed here

International - https://discord.gg/AQWvpyp
Japan - https://discord.gg/BYmRJha
Reddit - https://discord.gg/touhou
Singapore - https://discord.gg/XBT9Beh
Phillipines - https://discord.gg/uFEx8FB
Indonesia - https://discord.gg/A9625c2
Malaysia - https://discord.gg/Qbg9Gdu

English - https://aocf.koumakan.jp/
Japanese - http://touhou155.wiki.fc2.com

Individual Character Wiki's(please check them out when theyre out! they have frame data)
Not available yet~ Please Wait warmly while girls are preparing~

Thanks, credits and shameless advertising
Tasofro for making a decent game

Thank you for reading this far, youre probably bored to death right now.

This guide could never be complete if there were no people researching in the practice labs.
Credits to tech that was blatantly stolen in my conquest to understand every character.
Kasen BNB and neutral - irish
Kokoro occult and BNB - 帝王に逃走はない, GLO, AXYG-
Nitori LW confirms - Sigets
Futo LW and general meta - Fudgey
Dangerous list of melee cards - Musui_623
Doremy Dream Gauge breakdown - ishida_eight
Joon and Shion BNB and AA loops - Raijikan
Tenshi - Azuuu

Follow my youtube, twitch and twitter
52 comentarios
Coballudo 28 JUN 2023 a las 6:17 
Helou, i have some issus with thcrap, my antivirus detected it as a troyan, can i get a safe link to download it? or could you tell me if it actually can represent a problem for my PC?
magical yukkuri 18 FEB 2018 a las 19:49 
hey how do we make replays?
FunnyVamp 17 FEB 2018 a las 13:45 
i think you might have to change some character guides because slaves can use occult attacks with the new patch
Laraso 25 ENE 2018 a las 15:38 
Fantastic, thanks for putting this together. It's a little rough around the edges and could be fleshed out a bit more, but this gave me way more than anything I could find on Google. I really appreciate this guide.
Jet Mystery Torpedo 24 ENE 2018 a las 11:41 
Also as a sugestion for Joon and Shion, you could mention that when swaping to shion in story mode they do a huge burst of damage.
Jet Mystery Torpedo 24 ENE 2018 a las 11:36 
I have started to understand the number pad system however when combos start going to ridiculous/complex or ridiculously complex combinations, that's when it begins to become confusing for me.
lililuna  [autor] 23 ENE 2018 a las 16:20 
Tenshi has some extensive nerfs this patch, her entire sections need to be rewritten.
Her 8C blockstun was apparently a bug.
lililuna  [autor] 23 ENE 2018 a las 16:03 
Sure i could use arrow keys in my guide, but whatever, everyone uses the number pad system for everything now.
Im just a poor sheep following the crowd.
lililuna  [autor] 23 ENE 2018 a las 15:58 
I will not use arrows to explain anything, Anime fighter notation has existed for a long time, see the strikeout post in the notation section for why its stupid to use long lines of text to explain a combo.

Both Koishi's are both in full posession. It doesnt matter, they have the purplish aura that indicates that its their slave character, this is really obvious.

As for portforwarding, google exists, wikipedia exists, if people cant do their own research on what UPNP, v-sync does then its not my job to spoonfeed them. My only job is to make you get gud. I'm not a PC tech support like you, I'm just a veteran player.