Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

91 voti
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
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4 gen 2018, ore 15:41
14 set 2021, ore 14:33
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正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower

In 2 collezioni di Emperor Li
北京城 Beijing
37 elementi
中國城牆與城門 Chinese City Wall & Gates
16 elementi
***UPDATE 2021-09-14***
Change roof color to grey with green edge


This is a new version of the gate with new wall texture. It's compatible with the draggable Beijing Inner City Wall. I recommand to use this one, because cims can walk on the wall now and it's easier to place.

請先閱讀圖片,不然無法正常接合城牆!!! 放置方法如角樓

Please read the preview picture first, otherwise you can't connect it with the city wall correctly!!! Place it like the corner watchtower

请先阅读图片,不然无法正常接合城墙!!! 放置方法如角楼


some notes:
  • Please flatten the terrain first.
  • It use invisible pedestrian path 12m for connecting to the wall part.
  • found under Unique Building Lv 5.
  • placeable anywhere on ground.
  • In contrast to the old one, this version is compatible with draggable Beijing inner city wall. I recommend to use this one instead of the old version.
  • recommend using Move it! to adjust


For Parklife owner: add tour to attract cims to walk on the wall

stats 基本資料:
model infos 模型資料:
Unique building Lv5 等級5特殊建築
Tris: 4026
Cost 費用: 45000
maps: 2048x2048 (d,a,n,i,s,c)
upkeep 維修費: 800 /week
LOD tris: 118
water 水: 0
LOD maps: 256x256 (d,a,n,i,s,c)
electricity電: 320 KW

Tags: chinese architecture, fortification, Watchtower, City Wall, China, Beijing, Peking, 北京, 中國傳統建築, 中国传统建筑, 中式, 中國風, 中国风, 城牆, 城門, 城墙, 城门, 角樓

by Emperor Li
6 commenti
Alanbai 17 mar 2023, ore 10:39 
hillfanthomlike10 10 feb 2021, ore 6:56 
thank you
YANG大帅 9 feb 2020, ore 1:45 
onlineleon 5 mar 2018, ore 13:46 
Such a great creation! I'm a fan of your work!!
Emperor Li  [autore] 11 gen 2018, ore 15:42 
This one is compatible with my new dragable Beijing inner city wall:
and the wall part has new texture. I recommend to use this one, because now cims can walk on them like elevated pedestrian path.
alborzka 11 gen 2018, ore 11:46 
what is the difference between this one and your old one?

should I use this one instead?