Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

175 beoordelingen
Cat Curse
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Category: Fantasy
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332.577 KB
3 jan 2018 om 13:17
3 jan 2018 om 13:26
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Cat Curse

One human not knowing what he has done, destroyed a cat shrine. Now the humans will pay. Show them your curse!
Every Infection are Humans cursed.
2 ways of winning, killing everyone (turning them into cats) or infecting everyone and sorry them. Both endings requiere some symtoms to unlock. Its overpowered but it was more made for fun then everything else.
I hope you like this scenario. Its my first one anyway. So dont expect 100% best scenario.
4 opmerkingen
Gasterbuzzer  [auteur] 18 feb 2018 om 17:29 
Turkish Turkey 18 feb 2018 om 4:40 
Gasterbuzzer  [auteur] 11 jan 2018 om 14:37 
3dgyM1ddl3Sch00l3r, thanks.
Hallow 10 jan 2018 om 17:28 
This is the second weirdest thing that has ever turned me on.