Tom Clancy's The Division

Tom Clancy's The Division

60 คะแนน
D3-FNC Classified Set: Defensive Build & How To For Beginner
โดย Tankguyz
(This guide contain curse, joke and bad english. If you are serious about building character or easy to be triggered this might not be the one you're looking for. This just a basic of how to play D3 and Ridiclous Defensive build. May not even work on some challengeing(that's not solo), heroic or even legendary difficulty.YOU HAVE BEEN WARN!)

Guide hot fix Info (No. of patches here, have no thing to do with game patch)
Wrong words major fix 1.0 (4/1/2018)
Wrong words hot fix 1.01 (5/1/2018)
Wrong words hot fix 1.02 (9/1/2018)
Smg and Weapon talents updates 1.1 (13/1/2018)
Pros and Cons from 6 to 7 updates 1.2 (15/1/2018)
Updates 1.3 (16/1/2018)
- Pros and Cons pictures add
- Wrong words hot fix
Updates 1.4 (17/1/2018)
- Pros and Cons pictures add
- Smg and Talents pictues add
- Wrong words fix
Pro No.5 and Con No.7 + picture updates 1.45
Removie patch words (212018)
Wrong Title words hot fix updates 1.50 (3/3/2018)
- D3-FHC to D3-FNC on Guide headline
Talent status updates 1.51 (5/3/2018)
- Critical Save talent resistance update
Discription and talent status updates 1.52 (10/3/2018)
- Recovery Link Signature Skill discription
- On the Move talent resistance update
Skills Main Build and Choices updates 1.53 (14/3/2048)
- cuz to because fix
- support station discription update
Talent status update 1.54 (16/3/2018)
- Battle buddy talent resistance update
How to play like D3-FNC?


1. Walk N smg
= You are an unstoppable tank with personal baliistic shield with buff. Untill your shield break and down. Then watching the world on fire while your teammate busy on clear those bullet sponge army

2. Get close and personal
= You fight enemy like a man get close and say hi to them face to face. if you getting to close just step back a little the enemy will miss there melee attack for free and you still load bullet at there head for ever. But don't try this with Hunter or your shield will be cut off right away

3.Melee bash
= Your melee with complete all six gear set make your shield bash hard like getting hit by the truck . But still look stupid to use shield bash in middle of the gun fight. Please don't try shield bash enemy support station it's not gonna work

4. Safe deploy with style
= You deploy skill like a real man with ballistic shield in middle of the gun fight, one hand with shield and one with sticky grenade. fire away and deal damage like a snowball hit. Your safe aiming your sentry on the top of the park lamp while all of your enemy had been already clear out by your teammate in that area

5. No fear! with Plan Fear!
= Flame thrower,Explosion and those speacial bullet mean nothing to you at front. Even that your shield going to break, just stay in full cover holding shield without taking damage and your shield will fix it's self. Don't put your back in cover or your shield won't regenarating.

6. I got you mate
= Your teammate down in middle of the gun fight? No worries you got Ballistic shield. Go out there point shield at enemy direction and help him up

7.Follow me lads!
= Push forward to the enemy so you can draw attention from them with threat increase of Ballistic shield passive. While your teammate willing to push or getting pin down can have a chance to get some healing and wait for skill cooldown with less threat to rush at the camping place



1. My shield broke!
= if your shield broken then you mostly out of trick using this set. D3 focus on using ballistic sheild and with low firearms and electronics, so you can't activated alot of use those useful skill on your Ar. Lmg Shotgun Sniper or even your pistol

2. Water gun power
= Your gun can't deal enough damage with these build, with smg that have low headshot mutiply even it have high crits chance either and it took over one mag just to deal with one common bullet sponge enemy

3. Swap & Run
= You can't swap weapon like normal while using ballistic shield unless you get in cover, or your smg run out of ammo then game will force your gun to pistol in a blink of a eye. But you can also change weapon while running

4. Shield deploy interruption
= This happen to every D3 & ballistic shield player when you try to open a door, pickup quest item, go down stairs or do some interact stuff you just pops your shield up everytime but there is a solution. by simply using auto walk button or X so you get 50% less interruption

5. Just heal talent for my 1st and 2nd gun?
= Your Firearms and Electronic just too low for everything, so good luck getting last shoot enemy for Predatory and Sustained also crits for Self-preserved Effects

6.Teamemate: Don't block my fire!
= if you push forward without looking at your teammate on your back, you might block your team enemy vision, bullets or even deployables (Grenades, Sticky bomb etc. ) besure to stay a bit side way to the left while pushing (if enemy on front and you go right you will block team vision even more). So you ain't got your teammate sticky grenade drop next to your foot

7. Do i really need this much health?
= You are pure muscle brain tank with 10K Stamina, 300K Health, 14M Shield health with loads of Resistance and some healing item. You don't need that much fancy stats like Electronics. Even you try changes all those mods to Electronics and Skill power, your ballistic shield become a a lift Bro' doing steriods with 1M more health.
Smg and Weapon talents
Find your favorate SMG or have a look at these choices

PP-19: Best D3 starter gun,Easy to control, Shoot forever with stupid high magzine and ridiculous reload speed. Downside is low firerate and can't equip hand grip

MP5 ST: For fast RPM lover with High firerate, can equip larger scope also reasonable magazine size. Recoil are harder to control than PP-19 and it burn your bullet so fast so besure to make your shot counts

Midus: Here's one of the "Best defensive talent on Exotic Smg" this game have to offer great for team play by +20% damage reduce to enemy that you firing at so you can tank that big guy even longer. And deal absolute low damage by -20% with this.

Valkyria set: Hildr & Eir: Having fun swap weapon back and font for +30% crits chance effect, you can also have Predatory on one gun as backup heal and Sustainded on another for snowball heal. (I accidently scrap Eir because Both guns look almost the same so i got just 1 pic)

The House: Like to play with time, luck, and stupid high recoil on the half have magazine that make you can't hit anything even you get close and personal? then this one is for you. +20% damage increase talent of this gun also took place on half of the mag (on the right time) so short hold release fire might be the choice for contorling this gun recoil

For talent we do it D3 set number 6 ways. So what we need is 9K stamina and other just to low for any talents then here are the choices you have

Sustainded: Free Plaster heal
- Good for solo king player, it's have split secound cooldown, long enough for you to snowball healing with this talent. But if you often play with 2 or more member on your team and you really need to use this gun with Sustainded talent for somehow then here's plan B, i recommend swap to gun that's have ]Predatory get that talent to active so you have 20 secound as backup heal

Predatory: One segment support station
- Good for i need my team dps player, this backup heal skill have no cooldown kill enemy again while this skill active to reset duration back to 20 sec. so you have next 20 sec. to try last shot enemy from your teammate yet again

Self-Preserved: Vampire bullet Just on Crits
- Great one besure to Have this talent on every smg so you can drain enemy health behind your ballistic shield for days. good for both solo and team play

Gears Set Recalibration & Optimization
Recalibration: Adjust your gear Talents or status to your play style
Optimization: Stats boost For the very best end game item that you can find

Roll every Major gear Firearms and Electrinic to Stamina Only yeah seriously at less over 1390 points and you be fine

Armor Vest:Roll to nearest at 15,990 points or more (14,184 min. - 16,674 max.)

Knee pads: Roll to nearest at 15,990 points or more (14,184 min. - 16,674 max.)

Backpack:Roll to nearest at 12,990 points or more (11,347 min. - 13,339 max.)

Holster: Roll to nearest at 7,990 points or more (7,092 min. - 8,337 max.)

Optimization: Optional boost by use for those status that you can't get to highest by those money and luck you have. Say good bye to those hard earn Division Tech that you farm from darkzone forever in the eiternity

If you all ready have 2 - 3 max you didn't need to Optimize those gear anymore unless you want to be a high stats beast, gear score lord or something
Stamina/Performance Gear Mods
Stamina Gear mods: You don't need high Firearms or Electronics stats for this Defensive build. Go nuts and change all of them to to Stamina. I recommend Choose Health status not resistance Because you already got alot resistance from Balistic shield so what you need now is Higher health pool for tanking even longer while getting shot from the back (and it's giving more Thoughness than resistance mod too).

Try craft or farm for those status with in 244 - 267 Stamina
Try craft or farm those status with in 2900 - 3313 Health
You need atless 5 of these Moddification and you tank for days


Performance Gear mods: You need just Balistic Sheild Resrstance no need to use shield health because you still get shread like a cardboard shield anyways. Status with the minimum and maximium status of

Choose with in 4.5 - 5% Balistic Sheild Resrstance
You need atless 4 of these and you ready to rock

Skills Main Build and Choices

Main skills

Ballistic Shield: Seriously this gear set meant to use be with this skill, i recommend put it at Q button so you don't accidently press E while spamming reload button in middle of the gun fight. Also moddification doesn't matter because at gear set 4 passive doesn't allow to use them either. it's up to you that you like which shape the most

Pulse: Tactical scaner:Be sure to choose Tactical scanner for more crits chance Because you can't tank long enough in middle of gun fight, so you need some more damage to activte those healing Like Predatory, Sustained by killing enemies and Self-preserved for more crits chance.

Survivor Links: I know it's less use Signature skill for most of public match making, unless you are pvp dz gang or something. But with the right build you can get over 90 damage resistance with this skill + ballistic shield


Choices skill

First Aid: Overdose for tiny over heal because you have too low electronics really good on Dragon nest but with this build it just so low your heal amout just like a Free Plaster heal at over heal bar but for hole team in your tiny skill radius

First Aid: Booster shot for more resistance (and damage) More resistance for tank and higher damage for killing them faster to active Predatory or Suspened gun talents
For healing while firing with out interuption

Support station: Life support for team play or Solo king master. good for every one, Useful for every casual. Besure to place it in the cover and hope your public player you play with ain't ran out of range soon as your box touch the ground

Tactical Link: For kill Common enemy faster to get Pedatory and Sustained skill active or Hope for those RPM boost will give you faster crits shoot for Self-Perserved skill to work

Recovery Link:When you don't want to run over a city block. After you down by enemy bang on trying solo side mission. then get this i will save alot of your time. Or just want to be T hero for team on public match
Talents Build
Main Talents

Critical Save: Got shoot from the side and back? use medkits for heal + 20% resistance and do it again in next 6 secound because you push to hard in middle of the gun fight
On the Move: Kill enemy and get 15% resistance for 10 secound that would enought for you to kill another common enemy just in time to chain this again
One is None: You can get close and personal. Use that to land loads of headshot and hope you have Selft-preserved on your smg so you can get resonable heal from this
Tech Support:Get this for extending Pulse skill. So you can active Sustained, Predatory by killing them using crits mutiply and even more crits chance to active Self-perserved faster

Choices Talents
Battle Buddy: 30% damange resistance by simply helping your buddy up
Adrenaline: Secound plan after your shield broke, heal N immuite status. Then run to cover
Combat Medic: If you like to use One the Move Then this might do the trick
25 ความเห็น
Tankguyz  [ผู้สร้าง] 18 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 9: 17pm 
Ayy good to see you again :claptrap:
b 0 t t i n i 18 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 8: 07am 
WOW! this is good! :PlanetWater::smilie::CrowdControl::robosmile:
Tankguyz  [ผู้สร้าง] 18 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 1: 46am 
I'm glad you have fun with this build! I would love to make new defensive build (with less bad english xd) but still not completing it in anytime soon... Still, thank you for visiting mate!
ShayxD 17 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 12: 21pm 
lmao as bad as this is its pretty fun more of these please xD
Dontess 16 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 6: 14am 
-disablepagefilecheck for thos that get that stutter
b 0 t t i n i 14 พ.ค. 2018 @ 3: 46am 
Oh, i already do that. i was just reading. D3 is not my style. :grwdeath:
Tankguyz  [ผู้สร้าง] 14 พ.ค. 2018 @ 1: 26am 
thank man! have fun beating those hunter for your freedom!
b 0 t t i n i 14 พ.ค. 2018 @ 1: 17am 
Hahahaa, this is soooo good. Im reading it in the terminal waiting for survival to start. :weed::Y::A::P:
Tankguyz  [ผู้สร้าง] 3 เม.ย. 2018 @ 8: 59pm 
Thank you! and sure, i will try my best on next guide too.
SomnusUltima 3 เม.ย. 2018 @ 8: 02pm 
I didn't know that you write guide too, its awesome! keep up the good work :D