Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

125 beoordelingen
JPN apartment 01-2
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4.532 MB
30 dec 2017 om 4:42
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JPN apartment 01-2

JPN apartment 01の壁色変更バージョンです。
5 opmerkingen
Kyuui 27 jun 2018 om 19:11 
THis looks great, is it possible you could make it as a growable too?
sagiluv1 20 jan 2018 om 15:48 
Keep up the good work!
Arkiasis 4 jan 2018 om 1:05 
Reminds me of the apartment from Kobayahsi's Dragon Maid
紺野つかさ(Konno)  [auteur] 1 jan 2018 om 6:45 
@ pgpkenny
about 20 homes
its RICO
pkenny 30 dec 2017 om 5:22 
Can you please tell me: How many homes? Is it RICO? Looks great! Thank you,