Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

380 人が評価
Hotel Savoy
2.970 MB
2017年12月21日 21時37分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Hotel Savoy

Lightfooted 作成の 1 件のコレクション
The Kansas City Collection
37 アイテム
Built in 1888, the Hotel Savoy is the oldest continuously operating hotel West of the Mississippi River. Throughout the 19th and 20th century, the hotel and its famous Savoy grill attracted patrons such as Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Will Rogers, W.C. Fields, John D. Rockefeller and Harry Truman.

The original Grill Room is surrounded by The Savoy Murals, painted by Edward Holslag in 1903. The murals depict the pioneers' departure from Westport Landing and their journey along the Santa Fe Trail.

MODEL - 1,777 traingles | 512x2048
LOD - 80 | 64x128
LOT SIZE - 6x4

Level 2 Commercial
12 jobs
24 件のコメント
BorgonOfTheSnows 2022年12月22日 14時13分 
please do a non DLC version.
ASOM30 2021年12月4日 16時39分 
I know DLC is needed but a none DLC version would be good.
billhanckel 2019年6月6日 15時41分 
Would love to use your building, but it is throwing messages about two missing items: (1) "Fire_escape 1" and (2) "Fire_escape 22". Cannot find them with search. Do you know about this? Where can I find the missing items. (I can put the bldg. into my game, but I don't like to clutter my loading screen with missing item messages.) Thanks.
Ilion 2018年7月29日 2時56分 
If you need After Dark to use this asset, you'll see a note of that fact in the Content Manager, and you won't be able to enable/activate it.
spikessss 2018年7月29日 1時25分 
Can I use this building without after dark DLC?
Lightfooted  [作成者] 2018年2月23日 21時00分 
@martin pazdzior: The concrete comes with the Monte Belo theme.
Troubadixx 2018年1月9日 4時48分 
Thank you very much for this beautiful model. Would you mind me asking what theme the concrete pavement in your screenshots is of? It´s exactely what I am looking for. ... Thanks
ehenderson977 2017年12月25日 19時12分 
very nice but its not called the savoy anymore a hotel dev has the building now it called 21c kansas city
Ilion 2017年12月25日 7時09分 
I had dinner at the Savoy on the first night of a business trip many years ago. I recall it as a building I'd like to have explored (I love interesting architecture). Off-topic -- When I turned in my expenses, management wanted to bitch about the cost of that one dinner, even though the total expense I submitted for the week was far less than what they had allotted.
Aquilifer Argentus 2017年12月23日 19時08分 
I also appreciate the Wikipedia link to the Savoy.