Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

61 ratings
How to Enable Achievements With Mods
By SpaceSerpent
This guide will show you how to have achievements enabled in a modded playthrough.
This is more of a post to make people aware of a way to enable achievments in a modded playthrough, rather than an actual "guide".
Righteousnuts 15 Feb, 2022 @ 7:31pm 
Thanks. I got it working. The achievement mod isn't needed at least in the Definitive Edition. All that was needed was Norbyte. The achievement mod was actually interfering for me when I had both it and Norbyte together. Once I dropped in Norbyte extender and deleted the achivement Dll, I tested and got 2 achievements I had not picked up yet to register. I didn't test with the giftbag options but I found Mods that did the same thing.
SpaceSerpent  [author] 14 Feb, 2022 @ 9:30pm 
This should work to enable achievements with mods I think https://github.com/Norbyte/ositools/releases
Righteousnuts 14 Feb, 2022 @ 8:51pm 
I don't think it works anymore either. I dropped it in the folder per directions and turned on the speed mod in the gift bag and couldn't get an achievement to register.
Achievements - for some reason it didn't work.
Finished the prologue, no achievements received.
Disabled mods, rolled back a couple of saves, finished the prologue, got the achievements.
Ummm, that's it, you can't go through with mods, so that achievements can be given?

Game version:

(00000000013A8779) patched sucessfully...
(000000000124A710) patched sucessfully...
(00000000017FE6CF) patched sucessfully...
Garbage Man 16 Nov, 2021 @ 8:29am 
Anyway to make this work on macOS?
Bisougai 3 Nov, 2020 @ 2:19pm 
@ToxicMushroom I suggest you to use the Norbyte's Script Extender (without the nexus mod) which has an option to activate achievement (which is working)

I don't know if the option is on by default with manual install, but the automatic installation by the mod manager set the value to true by default (from my experience).

ToxicMushroom 31 Oct, 2020 @ 5:43am 
dosen work anymore
KaiSquare 20 Jun, 2020 @ 6:22am 
no work in steam
HavocLordX 31 May, 2018 @ 2:18pm 
This particular mod is a GODSEND if you want to still be able to earn Steam achievements.