Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

86 ratings
How To: Boldness and Altruism
By Creamy Coconut Dr Pepper
This guide is about becoming a better survivor, not playing to just survive, but playing to pip regardless of those 5k points. With the amount of camping killers increasing, and the amount of survival decreasing, we have to work together to make sure we at least pip each game.
In this guide, I will be teaching you my play style, as well as what seems like very few other’s play style. I’ll give you advice on what perks to use, how exactly to play, and how to almost always guarantee a pip.
I’ve been playing since beta, June of 2016. Since then, there have been loads of changes, new killers, and new survivors. Plenty to adjust to and just more to push yourself to be the best player you can be. Since then, I’ve learned exactly what type of player I am, and trust me we’re not all the same. I’m talking to you Dwight mains.
We have the stealthy players, the ones who avoid the killer at all costs and for the most part play the objective and very selfishly. We have the overly altruistic players, or the suicide players. The ones who will risk their life nearly every single time to save you. We have the stupid players, the ones who just can not for the life of them seem to run the killer for longer than a minute. (If they do, then it’s a miracle.) Dwight players, the ones who mess up gens multiple times, and get YOU screwed for it, while they hide in a locker. There’s many many many more, but I’ll try not to trash talk too much.

The play style that you’ll be learning can be a combination of multiple, and the type of person to takes on this play style has to be constantly on their toes. It’s a little bit of a mix and match, and definitely difficult to adapt to. It took me convincing myself that I wanted to play this way in order to get here, it did not at all come naturally. I wanted to lay low and go for saves when I could, and oh boy have I evolved.
Basics of the Risky and Selfless
This is just a quick summary of exactly what you’ll be learning when you read this guide

Throughout this guide, I will be providing perk advice, as well as exactly how to play. First though, you have to know exactly the type of player I’m teaching you to be. This player is one who will risk their lives to save everyone else, they’ll always go for unhooks, and take on the killer regardless of any consequence. You have to be quick-minded and ready for any challenge.

When playing as a selfless player, you have to keep in mind that you surviving is the last thing you should be thinking about. You should put your teammates before you. What I mean by this is that you should always go for the unhook, whether the killer is camping or not. Even if they are, for the short amount of time you can get them to chase you away - there will always be a strategy for you to get that person off the hook and take aggro.
Along with this, you’ll have to be able to outsmart the killer, and that means him chasing you until you lose him, or he gives up ;). Now with that, there are definitely perk sets in mind to help you get there.
I will go over each perk, and item that will help you reach the goal of being this wonderful player in Dead by Daylight! Along with that, I will thoroughly teach you exactly how to be altruistic and bold.
Perks Pt. 1
Perks, what they do, and why they’re useful

Please note that these perks are in no particular order

  1. Iron Will: You’re able to concentrate and enter a meditative-like state to numb some pain. Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 50% in tier I, 100% while standing still in tier II, and 100% at all times in tier III. You do cry when you’re in a dying state (lying on the ground).
    This perk is a Jake Park teachable perk, and you can get the teachable at level 30.
    Why: The reason this perk is good is because you’ll want to be as quiet as possible when you’re trying to escape the killer. You will be taking aggro semi-often and will usually get hit. When you’re hit, killers tend to rely on the sound of your cries, as well as chicken scratch and blood marks. This will make it significantly easier to escape, especially when he lost sight on you and you’re trying to remain quiet.

  2. Lightweight: Your running is light and soft, making your tracks harder to follow. Footstep marks stay visible 1/2/3 seconds less than normal.
    This perk is not a teachable, it can be learned by anyone.
    Why: The reason this perk is good, is again based on escaping the killer, as well as not being found by him, as you’ll be running across the map often. When playing in this style you’ll never get bored. You can run as much as you want, because with lightweight, it doesn’t leave tracks behind for the killer to see for too long. This is useful because when you’re running towards a hook, the killer will often times be leaving it and can see your tracks towards the hook. Instead, he won’t see them, and you’ll have more time to hide around the hook. Along with that, you’ll also need it to escape the killer. The killer relies on your grunts of pain, as well as the chicken scratch you leave behind when you run. When you run lightweight, the scratches only stay clearly visible for 1 - 2 seconds. This will leave the killer with difficulty keeping up with you. He won’t be able to hear you, or tell what direction you’re running from, so they’ll have to rely entirely on seeing your survivor.

  3. We’ll Make It: Helping with others heightens your morale. For each survivor you rescue from a hook, gain an additional 25/50/100% speed increase to healing up to a maximum of 100% for 30/60/90 seconds.
    This perk is not a teachable, it can be learned by anyone.
    Why: We’ll Make It heavily applies to the type of player you’re learning to be. When anyone gets downed or put onto a hook, you’ll want to save them before struggle state. So they always get another opportunity. When doing this, it’s tricky and time dependent, and a lot of times, the person just ends up going right back onto the hook. WIth We’ll Make It, you can stop that, because you heal at 2x the speed, and it takes very little time to heal them. I’d say that around 4 seconds after a killer goes out of heartbeat range, you can get the survivor off and heal them before the killer comes back. This makes it so not only you can take a hit, but the other one can too, as opposed to one of you dying. It gives more of an opportunity for escape.

  4. Bond: Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Allies’ auras are revealed to you when they are within 12/24/36 meters.
    This perk is unique to Dwight and is teachable at level 30.
    Why: Bond is a great perk, and it’s an all in one perk. You get so much more out of it than you could possibly imagine. So along with the type of character you’ll be, it’s useful to see where your teammates are at all times (when within range). If you’re getting chased by the killer and down to the last few seconds, you can ask them to take a hit. If you are getting chased by the killer and don’t want to screw your teammates over, you can avoid them. If your teammates are getting chased by the killer and you need to take aggro because they’re either bad or dead on hook, then you can tell where they are. ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT, it’s also useful for healing teammates and in itself is a self care. You can run to teammates and crouch at them for healing. You know why it’s especially useful, because it goes hand in hand with lightweight, which lets you run across the map without the killer tracking you, as well as Iron Will will keep you quiet.

    All four perks above are my perk set, and the set I recommend to play for the play style I'll be teaching you.
  • Empathy: Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Dying or injured allies’ auras are revealed to you when within 32/64/infinite metes. Empathy does not reveal auras of allies when they are in the killer’s direct contact.
    This perk is unique to Claudette and is teachable at level 30.
    Why: Empathy is similar to Bond, except you can’t see everyone at all times, regardless of contact or injury. You can’t use it as a self care unless they’re injured, but it has a lot of the same benefits. This perk is similar to a downgraded Bond, aside from being able to see infinitely when it’s tier 3. Other than that, I’d only recommend this over Bond if you don’t have Bond yet.

  • Borrowed Time: You are fuelled with an unexpected energy when saving an ally from a hook within the killer’s terror radius (heartbeat range). Once per match, for 15 seconds after unhooking a survivor within the killer’s terror radius, any damage taken that would put you or the unhooked survivor into the dying state will instead trigger a 15/20/25 seconds bleed-out timer. Taking any damage during or reaching the end of the bleed-out timer will put you into the dying state.
    This perk is unique to Bill and is teachable at level 35.
    Why: Borrowed time is similar to We’ll Make It in the way that it triggers off of unhook, as well as being potentially life saving. I think that Borrowed Time is not as good as We’ll Make It because it’s scenario dependant (although there was a rise in camping killers, it seems to be decreasing). Borrowed Time is good in its own way though. Even if it's not always useful, it's still there for the one time it is per game. Either way, I think the killer may have enough time to hit you twice regardless, especially if they're camping that hard. So it's almost useless. Otherwise it just takes up one perk slot, and you don't want that. If you don't have We'll Make It, go for Borrowed Time. If you think Borrowed Time is more useful based on the rank you're in, use it. The thing is, you can only use it once per game. As opposed to being able to infinitely use We'll Make It.

  • Decisive Strike: Once per match, when the killer's obsession, succeed a skill check to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 3/3.5/4 seconds. When not the killer's obsession, when the wiggle meter is at 45/40/35 % succeed in a Skill Check to escape the grasp.
    This perk is unique to Laurie and is teachable at level 40.

    Continue to Part 2
Perks Pt. 2
Continuation from Decisive Strike:

Why: Although this perk isn't necessary, it helps with the play style I'm aiming to teach. If you're not confident in your killer escaping skills, then Decisive Strike is the perk for you. You just have to really aim to perfect the skill check that pops up. First of all, it only instantly pops up when you're the obsession, and when you miss, you're screwed. If you're not the obsession, then you have to wiggle a certain amount in order for the skill check to pop up, and still be ready for it. You should only use this until you get used to running around the killer enough to the point where you escape more times than not.

  • Self Care: Unlocks the ability to heall yourself without a med-kit at 50% the normal healing speed. Increases the efficiency of med-kit self-heal by 10/15/20%.
    This perk is unique to Claudette and is teachable at level 40.
    Why: This perk is for obvious reasons, honestly bond completely replaces self-care. It makes it practically useless, when you nearly always have teammates on your radar who can heal you. This is based entirely on your play style, if you prefer going into a corner and healing yourself at 50% the speed, then go for it, just know that even if running to a player is time consuming, they still heal faster. So that makes up for time.

  • Quick and Quiet: You do not make as much noise as others when quickly vaulting over obstacles or hiding in lockers. The vault and hide actions' noises detection range is reduced by 100%. This effect can only be triggered every 30/25/20 seconds.
    Why: Quick and Quiet, or any exhaustion perk (Quick and Quiet is not an exhaustion perk but it does have a timer) would be used to replace lightweight. I highly recommend lightweight though, but again, it's what you're comfortable with, and how you can add your own sense to this play style. Quick and Quiet is great for escaping the killer as long as you know how to time your fast vaults. If the killer is too close, then it wastes the perk. If the killer is far enough away but you're still unsure, then you can fast vault as long as there's no timer and he won't get notified by it. Great escape perk.

  • Lithe: After performing a vault, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Activates in chases only. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
    This perk is unique to Feng and is teachable at level 35.
    Why: In my opinion, having the option to pick when you use a sprint burst is the best option. I think that it's difficult playing with Sprint Burst, because it activates on shift. As opposed to Lithe or Balanced Landing, where you can choose if you want to use it. Lithe is good if you can adjust your play style in order to work with it. It seems like a somewhat difficult perk to play with, and is only good when you get into chases, although it does seem like a lot of chases do come down to window vaulting after an attempt at pallet looping, so it could mean the difference between escape.

  • Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
    This perk is unique to Meg and is teachable at level 35.
    Why: Again, this would replace lightweight, and depends on your preferred play style. As mentioned before, you have less control with Sprint Burst, and you have to be very strategical with it. It can be useful though, and if you prefer it, go for it.

  • Dead Hard: You can take a beating. When injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage. Press the activate ability button while running to dash forward. During the dash, you avoid damage. Causes exhaustion 60/50/40 seconds.
    This perk is unique to David and is teachable at level 35.
    Why: This perk I would recommend second, next to Balanced Landing. This perk is great and comes in handy in a lot of situations, but really cuts it close for you. It's a last minute perk, and it's difficult to keep the killer away for long enough in order for you to escape. By the time you use this perk, they're probably a full-blown bloodlust monster. Otherwise, it gives your teammates more times to do gens, and a small chance for you to get away.

  • Balanced Landing: When Balanced Landing is active, stagger effects from long falls are reduced by 50/75/75%. In tier III; Upon landing, start sprinting at 150% your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds if not exhausted. Causes exhaustion for 40 seconds.
    This perk is unique to Nea and is teachable at level 30.
    Why: This perk is my personal favorite exhaustion perk. I think that I can strategize more with hills, and pallet loops tend to be around hills, so I could run towards them. You get a little bit of stagger, but directly after, you have immediate sprint burst (so you'll have to have ground on the killer). It's also useful in maps with far falls from buildings like Backwater Swamp, Macmillan Estate, Haddonfield, Red Forest, and Crotus Prenn Asylum, along with Blood Lodge (single Autohaven Wreckers map) and The Thompson House (single Coldwind Farm map). So personally, I think it's the best exhaustion perk you could pick, and again, would be replacing Lightweight.

  • Urban Evasion: Your movement speed while crouching is increased by 90/95/100%.
    This perk is unique to Nea and is teachable at level 35.
    Why: This perk would replace Lightweight, if you dont' like exhaustion perks, and don't want to run. This would be great for stealth and highly usable for escaping the killer. I've seen excellent plays with this perk. You move at incredible speed while you're crouching! So it makes it difficult for the killer to see you, plus you can maneuver around objects quickly in order to stay out of sight while approaching a hook or trying to get out a chase.
Items and Use
In this section, I'll tell you the useful items for the role you'll be playing, as well as how to use them.

  1. Flashlight: Everyone knows what flashlights do, everywhere from bming killers to... well bming killers. Often times, it doesn't seem like survivors are around enough in order to use their flashlights to do saves. When you're playing as this survivor, you will definitely be able to use your flashlight for saves.
    As a selfless survivor, you're all about saving people at any chance you get, and not for points, whether you're maxed out, or waiting for them to get hooked. You should always try to flashlight save if you can. I will talk further about saving and when you'll do it in the Altruistic part of the guide.

    How to Properly Flashlight Save: In order to flashlight save, you have to be patient. You wait around the downed person until the killer is for sure picking them up, then you get in a position where you'll be able to see their face and will clearly blind them. TIMING IS HUGE. You CANNOT do it too early, which happens pretty often. It's easy to tell when a blind will actually work, what happens is the killer has to go through an animation. If you blind the killer before the animation is over, you'll get the points but not the stun, where the killer drops the survivor.
    Note that if the killer sees you too soon, then they'll instantly turn away or look up to avoid the blind, so you also can't be seen too soon.

    To get the stun, you have to wait for the killer to prop the survivor up on their shoulder. After the second shrug-like motion, where they go back into standing up straight and stop moving around a lot. It should take a few seconds, then aim for their face, and boom, blinded. It's difficult with a yellow flashlight, but green works amazingly. Add-ons are always nice, but I won't go into detail.

    The only time I ever search chests, is in hopes of getting a flashlight, or a last resort medkit. Otherwise, I'll drop items for people, or leave them in the chest.

  2. Medkit: Medkits are useful because when a lot of your teammates are dead or unavailable for healing, or you need to save someone and know you'll get hit. Then you'll have to find a medkit. Brown will heal fully, yellow will heal full, plus part of a second heal. Those are most commonly found in chests, and if you think you'll need more then I recommend using self care, or a poor person's self care, pharmacy.

    It's not often that I need medkits, thanks to bond, it's usually one in every twelve games or so. Where all my teammates died, or are getting chased too much.

    I recommend saving items though, I usually won't bring a flashlight into a game, but instead I'll search chests for both flashlights or medkits. (How OP would it be if the devs made a pharmacy perk but for flashlights, dang, rip killer.)
Play Style Walthrough Pt. 1
This section is where I finally teach you how to play in as much detail as I can

Alright, let's keep in mind that I run the perks Iron Will, Bond, Lightweight, and We'll Make it. You should aim for the same, or similar build. Replacing Lightweight with exhaustion perks, and Bond with Empathy or Self-Care, along with We'll Make It for Borrowed Time.

Beginning of the Game

As an altruistic/bold player, in your free time you'll obivously be playing objective. So focus on generators, and since you (hopefully) have Bond, you'll be able to see where teammates are. You can then go to them in order to get gens done faster as well. At the beginning of the game, find the closest gen to you, and immediately start working on it. At first, you won't want to be found by the killer, so if you hear heartbeat, then lay low (stay frosty), and hide behind objects close to the gen.
If he comes by and doesn't find you, but breaks the gen, always go back to it as fast as possible to at least tap it, so that stops the gen progress from depleting. Then start working on it when possible.
Let's just get this out of the way:

N E V E R H I D E I N L O C K E R S, N O M A T T E R W H A T

Even if it's the beginning of the game, do NOT hide in lockers, after a certain amount of time, killers can hear you breathing heavier, and it's just common sense to check lockers near a gen if they don't see scratch marks.

What you should instead do is go for the closest pallet and hide around the corner from it, not at the pallet, but around the side, so you can at least run to it if you see him approaching.

Phase 2: Someone Got Hit

Now the first hit, never really matters too much. You don't have to put all your energy into them and drop everything you're doing at this point in the game. Instead, stay on gens, even if you're queued and they're asking you to take aggro. The play really is to just let them deal with it, and hopefully they stay away from the basement. Even if you're an altruistic/bold player, objective still has to get done to even leave.
The only time you should interfere is if they come within close quarters of you, and you can intervene in order to help. OR IF AT LEAST TWO GENS ARE DONE, AND THE KILLER HAS GOTTEN NO ONE. They will be desperate for a kill, and are more likely to camp.

Phase 3: The First Hook

The killer is usually more reluctant to leave the first hook, so you have to be a little bit patient with how you approach it. They'll soft camp a little bit until someone messes up a gen, or their attention is drawn elsewhere. So try to distract them with a gen strat or someone else taking aggro.
After the killer is out of heartbeat range, avoid tall grass for traps, and make sure to crouch around when it's the Hag. If it's the Huntress or Nurse, make sure they're not looking at the hook when they walk away. Since they can go long-range.
When you unhook, instantly go for the heal the second they're off the hook. When you're healing, you should be facing in the way the killer would come from so that you can take the hit if you can't make the full heal. The killer will probably come back unless they're chasing someone else, so be expected to take aggro. When you take aggro, try to make sure the other person successfully goes away. If the killer tunnels them, then wait around for them to go down again so you can have a chance at a flashlight save, or at taking aggro again.

Play Style Walkthrough Pt. 2
Phase 4: Downs, Hooks, and Aggro

Now that we're past the beginning section of the game, next comes the fun part.
I always hear about how people find this game dull and repetitive, maybe you should try changing up your playstyle. Not avoiding the killer or avoiding saves.


No, you're more than that! If you're not, then you sure as heck can strive to be.
When a teammate is getting chased/picked up: First of all, in between chases, go straight to a teammate to get healed, as long as you know the killer doesn't know where you are. You don't want to cause more havoc. Afterwards, finish gens with them, and if you know someone is close to going down then run to them, or try to play close.
What you want to do is have the ability to take a hit or take aggro, by this time, the killer probably has their bloodlust all the way up, so you won't be expected to run for long.
If, instead you have a flashlight - you want to play around them in order to go for the saves. You always have to be aware of when someone is getting chased, and how close they are to you on the map. Flashlight saves usually work right after the animation when the killer picks them up. It's much more difficult to get them when the killer is going to the hook because they can hit you and you'll have to run away.
This is bad because it wastes more time trying to get a heal before you go for the save on the person, but you can quickly run to someone and run back.
If you don't have a flashlight, you can also stay close to chases if you know that pallets are nearby and if the killer thinks no one is around, then they may mindlessly walk through a pallet. (Although most skilled killers avoid them everytime.) The most common pallet to predict is the shack pallet, or one outside of the basement. Here, the killer usually has a limited amount of entrances.

Pallet Plays: Dropping a pallet to stun a killer and save a survivor is much more difficult than flashlighting them after the animation. It happens much more quick, and you usually have a small entrance of time to drop the pallet. If you do it when the killer is in the animation, it will get the stun, but he won't drop the survivor. If you do it right after the end of the animation, it almost never works. Instead, you have to do it just as the killer is about to walk, since that has the highest success rate.
Note that when you drop pallets, you can stun the killer whether he's walking into the pallet or away from the pallet, he just has to be within close enough range.

When a teammate gets hooked: When someone gets hooked and you were too focused on gens, because you fell behind, or already spent some of the game getting chased/hooked - you instantly want to start running to them regardless. Your teammates will most likely stay on gens until they know it's safe, or they start getting chased. The instant that you see the hook, run.
When running, you want to attempt to predict where the killer will roam to after the hook, and attempt to go opposite of him so that you don't collide. Often times, if you see a teammate on a close gen, they will most likely be going to that gen. Or if you knew someone was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up a skill check, then they'll go to check that. Otherwise, avoid the heartbeat and the killer in general, teammate is priority.
You do not want to bring the killer back to the hook, although unless he's in a chase, he'll come back regardless.
REMINDER: When approaching the hook, check for traps, and crouch around to avoid Hag traps.
Do not disarm a trap until after you unhook your teammate, it takes up too much time, just enough for the killer to be on their way back.
Always make sure if it's the Nurse, Shape, or Huntress, that they're not watching from a distance. They all have long-range abilities that could mean death for both of you.
After your teammate is off the hook, instantly go for the heal. Once they're healed, and the killer is in heartbeat range, go the opposite way of where they're coming, you should have some ground on them. If you have time, disarm any traps you know about. Since other teammates won't know, and could get screwed by them later in the game, OR YOU COULD EVEN FORGET ABOUT IT.
Don't be scared to disarm it when the killer is in heartbeat range.

When a previously-hooked teammate is being tunneled/chased: Whether or not you want to, their life comes before yours. By this time, you should have a decent amount of points. While you're playing, you should constantly try to keep track of whether or not you've pipped in the back of your mind. Not the exact amount of points, but just about how much you need in order to pip.
Since you're playing for boldness, altruism, and survival, along with partial objective, you're going for the whole point of the game. So many survivors don't play this way that you'll generally end up on the top of the board and nearly always pip.
Now, when that person is being chased, you'll always want to try to intervene, since this is about mid-end game. You'll want to AT LEAST get the killer's attention, whether that means them chasing you, or hitting you. If you have to, try to run directly behind your teammate so they don't take anymore hits and can make it away.
Even if you're not confident in your killer running skills, the only way to get better is by practicing. You'll have to take aggro in these scenarios unless you know for a fact you can prevent the killer from hooking them.
If the person has only been hooked once and not into struggle phase, you don't have to worry as much. Yet, at the same time, just know that the odds of you getting away are probably higher than theirs were.
Play Style Walkthrough Pt. 3
Here I will be teaching you all about how I attempt to juke killers

Phase 5: The Chase

Reminder that in this phase, it's usually when you've taken aggro, whether someone else was getting chased, or you just unhooked someone. That the way I am speaking is your perks containing Lightweight and Iron Will. Any exhaustion perk replaces Lightweight.

When you first start getting chased, you want to look for the first pallet you can find. LET'S JUST REMEMBER THAT:


This means that you do not want to be dropping pallets left and right, you should be trying to see when the most tactical pallet drop is. Using this pallet means one less to use on the map, as well as a difference between life and death when you're running to the next pallet.
I know, I know, pallet looping got "countered", yet it's still a strat, otherwise, you'd just be running everywhere around the map. You want to use these pallets for as long as possible. Especially the ones where they're almost in a circular form or in rows, and there's two pallets in a small area.

Now here is where it gets interested. It seems like a lot of people don't know how to look behind them, when you're playing you want to watch where the red light is, and you constantly want to be looking behind you. Especially when you have a developed pattern of your chase. (Running the pallets.) When you don't look behind you, then the killer predicts where you'll go and cuts you off. Instead, you want to be able to predict the killer, and avoid where he's going. So when you watch him, try to hold your camera at an angle where you can see his head and the direction he's going. Make sure not to stand on corners because they can lunge around it. Make sure not to stand in the pallets, but instead always opposite of the direction that they're going.
When they switches direction, you switch direction.
Sometimes seeing where the killer is at at all times is difficult, especially if it's the Hag or Freddy, since they're both manlets.

SHORT LIST of different strats for each killer:
  1. Trapper
    1. Avoid tall grass and common window vaults
    2. Continue to play as normal, just make sure to check around pallets for traps
  2. Billy
    1. Avoid long stretches where he can easilly chainsaw you
    2. Always try to run back and forth and look back to see what direction he's chainsawing in so you have time to run opposite
    3. If he revs up his chainsaw at a pallet, don't drop it, rather run to the end of the pallet loop if it's not too far
    4. A V O I D T H E B A S E M E N T, it's too easy for both him and Leatherface to screw you over down there - All they have to do is body block and rev their chainsaws, boom dead.
  3. Nurse
    1. Pallet loops can be disastrous if the Nurse knows how to Blink properly
    2. Running in long straight lines - Try to predict her blinks and run back towards where she blinked instead of continuing forward.
  4. The Shape
  5. Huntress
    1. Try to watch where she is at all times and see the direction of her hatchets - They usually flow them mid level, so you can crouch and it will fly over you. If you're at a pallet loop, behind obstacles, then she tries to shoot down at you when crouched, a lot of the time junk will block it.
  6. Cannibal
    1. Avoid running in straight lines since his last lunge pushes him very far forward
    2. Try going around trees when he's charging a lot

Things to avoid:
  1. L O C K E R S - Do not be a Dwight. The killer can hear you, especially if you're hurt. Plus, they check lockers at random.
  2. Not checking behind you.
  3. Lockers
  4. JUMPING INTO WINDOWS THAT ARE ON THE SIDE, the killer can easily lunge into you. You should always try fast vaulting through windows directly in front of you, never directly to the side, because it slow vaults.
  5. Running into teammates unless it's a necessary strat.
  6. Being a Dwight main
VERY brief summary and my input

I feel like I may have missed some things, and I doubt I'll go back to edit it, but I really hope the guide helped regardless! I worked hard on it, and I think that it has some good tips in it.

Now, what did we learn kids?

Don't run into stupid traps, and crouch around hag traps, especially when you're saving.
Make sure to crouch at the Huntress' hatchets, until they catch onto the strat.
Do not vault into side windows, it slow vaults.
Don't run in a straight line when it's Billy, Nurse, or Cannibal.
Run back at the Nurse's Blinks.
Predict the killer.
Avoid tall grass and common window vaults unless you know for a fact there's no traps.
Don't be greedy.

BE SELFLESS, care about your teammates more than yourself.

Hope everyone has great games, let's get the community back to being friendly and less toxic. I love you all, even the filthy Dwight mains, locker dwellers, and camping killers.

The Gun Wizard 27 Dec, 2017 @ 1:35pm 
@Wrast Dwight Mains are a DbD meme. Since Dwight is all built around teamwork, the joke is Dwight spends all his time being greedy, cowardly and hiding in Lockers all the time like it's the best strat in the world. The meme kinda came about since Dwight is the default character and therefore noobs use him without thinking.
冰冻咸鱼想翻身 24 Dec, 2017 @ 5:34am 
thank you:666:
Wrast ♣ 23 Dec, 2017 @ 8:10am 
Maybe im little bit idiot, but say why being dwight mainer is bad?
CriMGreeN 23 Dec, 2017 @ 4:11am 
damn someone actually wrote all of this
Katarina 21 Dec, 2017 @ 9:07am 
the first time i got locker juked i laughed my ass of at the dumb strat and thought he was memeling me before i then grabbed him out of the locker as he was running out in conclusion dont locker juke
Cat enjoyer 21 Dec, 2017 @ 6:28am 
hey, if you can pul of locker jukes than lockers can be pretty useful m9
TYDor 21 Dec, 2017 @ 5:09am 
I HAVE P3 DWIGHT :theskull:
MagicWhiteRabbit 20 Dec, 2017 @ 9:34am 
Roo 19 Dec, 2017 @ 9:00am 
dwight is just a skin like there are only height defferences in characters as survivors
and then you have claudette.........
Krieger #9413 19 Dec, 2017 @ 8:16am 
The increase in camping killers and decrease in survival...
Well you have pallet looping survivors to thank for that.