27 평점
[Map making] Custom campaign settlement skins
Maruka 님이 작성
This guide describes how to make custom campaign settlement skins.
즐겨찾기 해제
0. Before we begin
This guide explains how you can make custom settlement skins for the campaign. This is not officially supported by CA, so the process is a little bit awkward. It might look complicated at first, but that's mostly because I've tried to be as thorough as possible in the explanation. If you have any questions you can ask them in the Map Makers discord channel, which you can find here[].

You will need Pack File Manager 5.0 for this, you can find it here:

Before we begin, make a folder -somewhere- on your computer called 'campaign', in a folder called 'prefabs'. The location of this folder does not matter, as long as you can find it again.
1. Preperation in Terry
Create a new map in Terry.

If you'd like your settlement to change with each level, you'll need to create five layers and make each version in one layer, as you can see in the layer panel in the pictures in section 2.

Before we continue, make five layers (name them 01-05 or something along those lines), and save your map.

Now go to the raw terry files in
Total War WARHAMMER II\assembly_kit\raw_data\terrain\tiles\battle\_assembly_kit\[yourmap]

and open the .terry file of the map, and look for the ECFileLayer.


<ECFileLayer export="true" bmd_export_type=""/>


<ECFileLayer export="true" bmd_export_type="catchment_01"/>

Do this for all five layers.

Save the file, re-open terry & reopen the map. The layers should now have 'catchment - 01' or equivalent after their name, as you can see in the pictures in section 2.
2. Making the settlement in Terry.
Build your settlement around the origin of the map 0,0,0. Standard CA settlements cover an area of roughly 4x4 units. You can make it larger than that (as we did for the faction capitals), but armies will stand in the settlement skin if you do that.

Each layer will need to contain a copy of the previous levels.

Kislev at level 1:

Kislev at level 5:
3. Exporting the prefab
Save, and then export the map.

The description, author, and max players don't matter. You can close Terry now.

Go to the working data folder and find the exported files, the path is (replace [yourmap] with the key of your map):

Total War WARHAMMER II\assembly_kit\working_data\terrain\tiles\battle\_assembly_kit\[yourmap]

Copy the catchment_01_layer_bmd_data.bin (and 02-05), and paste it into the 'campaign' folder which you made earlier.

Rename catchment_01_layer_bmd_data.bin to [nameofyourprefab].bmd. In the case of Kislev that was gccm_kislev_emp_1.bmd.

That means that we're changing the extension of the file from BIN to BMD. Your computer might ask you if you're sure that you want to change the extension. You are sure, so go ahead and change it.

These are the actual prefabs as they show up ingame.

I'll add more information later if people have questions, for now you can just download GCCM: Unique Faction Capitals and open that in PFM to see what I did to replace the prefabs.
댓글 10
IX 2022년 3월 1일 오전 5시 35분 
was anybody able to create working settlement skins from this? I followed the guide but my skins won't show up in-game. does somebody have a raw file they can share?
Darth Alpharius 2021년 4월 23일 오전 2시 14분 
How do you remove those annoying flags?
Anyndel 2020년 1월 28일 오전 5시 18분 
For anyone coming across this, the origin of the map is the coordinates 0, 0 ,0 and you can go there by placing a prefab anywhere and then setting its location to those coordinates and then going to where the prefab currently is.
Arbaletto 2018년 6월 25일 오전 12시 51분 
I'm stoped in this step for now ;( If you can help me with understand i try to make unique Sartoza! ARRR!
Arbaletto 2018년 6월 25일 오전 12시 44분 
@Maruka please tell me where is origin of the map? and what is area 4x4 units? What units do you meen? i ask it in Discord but no one unswere :((
Maruka  [작성자] 2018년 1월 26일 오후 5시 34분 
There's no guide for converting units, because nobody has been able to do so so far :)

Adding new settlements is also not (yet) possible, and will probably be very complicated.
[PuB] Axlegolas 2018년 1월 26일 오후 5시 13분 
or is it possible to "set new settlements" on the map with coord?
[PuB] Axlegolas 2018년 1월 26일 오후 5시 13분 
Hey Maruka, is there a guide for converting Attila units to Warhammer?
Maruka  [작성자] 2017년 12월 17일 오전 3시 02분 
I just use the prefab for level five and give it the name for level 1 or 2 if I want to check the fifth level prefab :)
RintFosk 2017년 12월 13일 오후 7시 27분 

Do you recommend any debug tool or any other kind of tool to easily manipulate the level of the settlement in the campaign? so it would be easi to check how it is actually like in the campaign map for different level of the settlements