Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

4,097 avaliações
Deathcraft II (Part 4 of 7)
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Game Content: Campaigns
Game Modes: Co-op
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19/jan./2013 às 15:25
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Deathcraft II (Part 4 of 7)

Em 1 coleção de KabeN
Deathcraft II
7 itens
As the last minecart leaves the town, the survivors are forced to find another way to safety. A Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on Minecraft. A short-medium length campaign. Part 4 of 7

IMPORTANT: Disable other addons when playing this campaign. and disable these addons when not playing this campaign. Otherwise you may be recieving crashes, consistency errors, or errors with models outside of the campaign. I cannot stress this enough.
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28/ago./2023 às 6:23
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142 comentário(s)
刚买游戏的萌新 24 de fev. às 6:05 
RADISKULL-EMIL 21/nov./2024 às 11:40 
ModestShoducks 6/out./2023 às 23:52 
ach te stare textury z minecrafta
ModestShoducks 6/out./2023 às 23:52 
nareście polak
电脑玩家布朗尼 23/set./2023 às 18:59 
nardezy 28/jul./2023 às 14:29 
kurwa naprawcie nether bo mnie wypierdala na klatce schodowej
鹰角的锋刃 11/fev./2023 às 20:21 
如何修复“请求的地图不可用”和“强制一致性” - 要修复“请求的地图不可用”,您所要做的就是订阅Deathcraft II集合中的所有内容,该集合位于此订阅按钮下方。要修复“强制一致性”它显示的任何名称,请在尝试进入广告系列之前打开控制台并键入“sv_consistency 0”。这些修复程序在一些讨论中被提到了一点,但我只是想为那些想知道的人清楚地说出来。
XoonDestroyer 27/out./2022 às 11:58 
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Descarga esto y podras jugar la compaña sin ningun problema (error modelo de witch) la solucion la encontre en los comentarios, espero les sirva

Download this and you will be able to play the company without any problem (witch model error) I found the solution in the comments, I hope it works for you
Dr_Mason_Dark 21/jan./2022 às 20:24 
The Un-Gamer 18/jan./2022 às 12:16 
Neat campaign, though sadly it crashed for me on this part, at the staircase in the Nether fortress. I'm puzzled because I disabled all addons that I would have thought could cause problems. Perhaps I'll give it another try and see if it crashes again. Great maps other than that though! :steamthumbsup: