Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

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Beginners guide to M&B:Warband nordic army
By TrashMan
A beginners guide to developping a nordic army
Player creation
To be able to lead a nordic army , one must first create a character that prefferably is able to "lead by example" in game . the reasoning is because with nordic armies , you tend to rely on infantry and a supportive group of archers .This means that the player will be one of the frontline troops either on horseback or on foot. To create your character first choose how you want to play throuhgout the story. As a Nordic leader the best possible class would be the one-handed or two-handed warrior on foot as it enables the character to fight easier along side his/her own troops and know the situation. For a one/two handed soldier get your shield and ironflesh ratings up along with strength and charisma right off the start . this will aid your soldier in being a great frontline war machine .
Building the nordic army and steps to success
The Nordic army is a relativly cheap army that boast a strong Defensive/Offensive play style.
here is a list of steps that you want to follow.
1.recruit as many desired Nordic recruits from nordic villages(dont worry about mercenaries for the nordic army)
2.get some task's and fight a few sea raiders/looters
3.get on the good side of the Jarl's of the region
4.eventually attempt a castle/town siege
5.become a vassal of the Nords
6.(remember to constanlyupgrade your troops with a 75%-25% warrior to archer ratio)

1.Keep your archers about 10-20 paces behind infantry and keep archers spread out
2.keep you infantry close together
3.use landscape such as water to slow and funnel enemy troops into a choke pont where your archers have an easy shot and where your infantry can fight on land while enemies are still in water
4.with a highly upgraded army you should be able to take on an enemy army that has significant numbers on you and your men .

finance should always be a concern for you . It can be a stressful time for you if men aren't getting paid.Here are some finnancial tricks that can help in the long run and even at early levels
1.Raid and plunder villanges that are likely not going to be backed my an enemy lord such as isolated villages. Then sell all the valuables to the nearest friendly town some land and start an enterprise in a friendly town.
3.Asess constantly for the best spot to buy/sell materials to start acting like a carvan.
Army Build changes
Instead of only using nordic warriors the player can try and add some swadian troops as archers .Sarranid troops work just as well for such a purpose but the hassle of travelling long distances may be a turn off.

Even using swadian Cavalry can mean a great deal of pressure is taken of your shoulders as they are fast,strong and can ease some pressure off your frontline at the most dire of times .

Contributors to this section : Bragsdalueusarmyretired
Sorry for any wrong spelling of names
End (please read)
While this guide may be used as a guide , i highly suggest readers to devellop their own styles of play. I would also like to say that this is my first guide and i am not the best player and would really enjoy some critisism. i will be updating my guide to include more tips and expansions on certain sections. thanks, please leave a comment for feedback
Calcalitz 10 Aug, 2020 @ 1:24am 
good guide
TrashMan  [author] 24 Feb, 2015 @ 12:44pm 
WOW 300 views in one week! thanks so much guys!
Aleczaender 24 Feb, 2015 @ 12:42pm 
Aleczaender 24 Feb, 2015 @ 12:41pm 
or you cna have 5% Sarranid, rhodokian and Vaegir archers
Aleczaender 24 Feb, 2015 @ 12:40pm 
@Lemon, use the Sarranid Archery too for 15%
papa para 23 Feb, 2015 @ 4:54am 
Erm, Vaegir Marksmen > Rhodok Sharpshooters in ANY field battle, but seiges are a different story. I normally go for 20% Vaegir Marksmen 70% Nord Huscarl 10% Khergit Lancers/ Horse Archers
KNIGHTC 22 Feb, 2015 @ 9:34pm 
also, am i the only one who thinks rhodoks are pretty bad? I feel like a lot of people love them but cav typically rapes them and only their top tiers are good
KNIGHTC 22 Feb, 2015 @ 9:31pm 
My main army is compirsed of swadian knights and some lancers. They rek everything, so no need to get anything else
dice 16 Feb, 2015 @ 3:06pm 
My main guys army has Rhodok archer, Swadian cav and Nord infantry

TrashMan  [author] 8 Feb, 2014 @ 8:05pm 
WOW over 600 views thanks alot guys!